Search result(s) - ámò



Monkey, ape. Ang ákon ámo may duhá ka amô nga amó ang ginbalígyà sa íya ni Fuláno. My master has two monkeys that were sold to him by N.N.



To tighten or straighten by pushing and pulling, (as a loom (terál), so that the cloth to be woven may be even and smooth). Amoá ang terál. Tighten the loom.



(Sp. amo) Employer, master, lord, boss; proprietor, owner. (see alagarán, palamúgnan, ginúo, tagíya).



(H) The same, that. Ang-amó ang-. He-, who-Amó iní. This is the same i.e. this is it. Amó gid iní. This is the very same. This is it exactly. Ang matinumánon nga táo amó ang pagabalúsan. The obedient man is the one who will be rewarded. The obedient man will be rewarded. Iníng idô amó ang naglagás sa íya. This is the dog that pursued him. This dog pursued him. Kon amó inâ-. If that is so, if that is or be the case-. Walâ man akó magapáti sinâ, ápang amó gid ang íya nga ginsilíng. I do not believe it, but that is what he really said, (see imáw).



To be the same, continue in the same state. The phrase "índì magkalaámo" means; It will not be the same, implying a great change (mostly for the worse).



(B) To be-, get-, procure-, share in-, the same kind of a thing. Amóon ko iníng mga ságing, kay úyon ko. I will get the same bananas, for I like them. I will get a share of these bananas, for I like them. Amói akó siníng mga sáhà. Let me have some of these banana suckers. Ipaámò ko sa ímo ang isá ka pásong siníng bínhì. I'll let you have a bushel of this seed-grain. Paamói or paamóa akó sináng mga páhò. Get me some of those mangoes (through somebody else).



(H) Contribution, subscription; anything for which contributions or alms are required or solicited. (see ámot, báyad, baláyran, tákay, limós, lilimósan, lilímsan).



(H) Dim. of amó. To be about the same, to resemble, be something like. Ang tunúg siníng linggánay nagakaamóámo sa tunúg sang linggánay sa ámon bánwa. The sound of this bell is nearly the same as that of the bell in our town. Amóámo silá nga duhá sing kataasón. They are both of about the same height. (see agíd-ágid, anggíd-ánggid).



Dim. of amô. Also: A game at cards. Nagaamôámò silá-or-nagahámpang silá sang amôámò. They are playing the game called amôámò.



Very touchy, extremely sensitive, thin-skinned, crying upon the least occasion, etc. Amog nga bátà. A very touchy child. Also: to be or become touchy, etc. Sán-o pa ikáw magámog? When did you become so touchy? Since when are you so sensitive? Naamogán kamí sa íya. We consider him, very touchy. Indì ka maginámog. Don't be over-sensitive. Indì ka magpatámà sang ímo pagkaámog. Don't go too far in your sensitiveness. (see bingít, pawíkan).



(B) To keep vigil, watch, keep or remain awake, to watch over or by. Nagamoláw silá sa masakít or ginamolawán níla ang masakít. They watched by the sick person during the night. Iamoláw akó ánay siníng masakít nga bátà. Please watch over this sick child for me. Ipaamoláw ko ikáw sa íya. I'll let you watch by him during the night (see puláw, alígmat).



To harm, damage, injure, spite, do mischief to. Indì ka magamolít sa ákon-or-índì mo akó pagamolitán. Don't do me any harm. Don't harm me. Ginamolitán níla ang íya mga tanúm. They did damage to his plants out of spite. Sarìsárì ang mga pahítò nga íla gingámit sa pagamolít sang íya pangabúhì. They used various means to make his life miserable. Madámù nga mga pagbutángbútang ang íla ginamolít sa íya. They resorted to many calumnies in order to harm him. Inamolitán níla ang íya kalubihán. They spitefully damaged his coconut-plantation. (see dáut, tístis, panístis).



A rapacious bird very dangerous to chickens, etc., in appearance like an owl, but having small eyes. (see murúgmon).



A present or gift of food and drink, hospitable entertainment, a treat; to entertain, regale, treat, give food and drink to, etc. Iamóma ko sa íya iníng mga ságing. I'll give him these bananas as a present. Amomáha siá sing maáyo. Treat him well. Nagamóma silá sa ámon sing dagáyà nga kalan-ónon. They treated us to plenty of delicate viands. Ihátag mo sa íya iníng duhá ka búlig nga ságing nga tigáylo sang kárne nga inamóma níya sa ákon. Give him these two bunches of bananas in return for the meat he gave me. Maálwan siá sing kamót sa pagpangamóma sa mga nagadúaw sa íya. He is open-handed in his treatment of visitors. (see aláw).



An edible mushroom. See amamákol id.



A bird of prey like the amolúgmon with the only difference that the latter is spotted white and black, whilst the amomónggo is spotted white and red.



A sort of leprous cancer, starting at the fingers or toes and slowly eating away whole members of the body.



Pertaining to amomótol, one affected with amomótol.



(H) Our, ours, excluding the person spoken to; of, by or through us; sa ámon-us, to, from, at, on, upon, etc. us. (see námon, ákon).



(Sp. amor) Love; amóres-love-affairs, gallantry, love-stories. (see gúgma, paghigúgma, kahagúgma).

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