To husk, shell, shuck (corn, beans, etc.). Padpará ang maís, kadiós, etc. Shell the corn, the cadios-peas, etc. (see kokót).
To spread and dry corn or other cereals on a platform above the hearth or over a fire. Pagahá ang maís. Dry the corn over the fire. Pagahí akó siníng maís, agúd magugá. Spread this corn (on a "pagahán") over a fire for me that it may become quite dry. (see pagahán-the flooring or platform used for artificially drying corn, etc.).
To make count out, let count, enumerate, number, check, reckon, calculate, tell off, compute. Magpaísip ka sa íya sing isá ka gatús ka bílog nga maís. Let him count one hundred maize-cobs. Paisípa siá liwán. Let him count once more or over again. Paisípi siá sing kalím-an ka páhò. Let fifty mangoes be counted out to him. Ipaísip sa ilá ang kawáyan sa walâ pa ang paggúyud. Let them count the bamboos before hauling them. (pa, ísip).
To slip out, glide or slide off, free oneself from a grip, etc.; to escape, disentangle oneself. Nakapalús ang ísdà sa ákon kamót. The fish slipped out of my hand. Napalusán ang íya kamót sang isulúlat. The pen slipped from his hand. Palusí ang maís sang íya pánit. Husk the corn. Daw sa índì na siá makapalús sa mapíot níya nga kahimtángan. He will scarcely be able to get out of (escape from) his difficult (tight) position. (see pádlus).
Freq. of pánggas-to set seeds by making a small hole in the soil with a dibble, putting in the seeds and covering them with earth. Sa tápus ang áni pamanggasán mo ang talámnan sing maís. After the rice-harvest you will plant corn in the field. Nagapamánggas silá. They are setting seeds (by hand). (see sábud-to sow, strew, scatter, broadcast).
Freq. of pápà. To hammer, strike or beat as with a hammer. Pamapáa ang maís túbtub nga magkabókbok sing maáyo. Beat the corn till it is quite reduced to powder.
To plant, sow, especially to plant seeds by hand in holes made by a stick, etc. Ipánggas ang maís. Plant the corn. Panggasí sing maís ang talámnan nga naányan na. Plant corn in the field from which the rice has been harvested. Ang mga ginikánan dápat magpánggas sang bínhì sang maáyo nga pamatásan sa lanúbò nga tagiposóon sang íla mga bátà. Parents should sow the seed of good conduct (manners) in the young hearts of their children. Walâ kamí sing humáy nga pinánggas, kóndì tinánum lang. We have no rice grown directly from the seeds, but only rice from transplanted seedlings. Ang pamánggas ángay sa mga bánglid, ápang ang panánum sa saláma nga wayáng. Seed-planting is suitable on slopes, but seedling-planting on level plains.
Very busy, much occupied, giving much work; to be (keep) very busy, have much to do, etc. Pásang gid karón ang pagpamánggas sing maís. At this time the planting of corn is in full swing. Nagapásang gid ang áni sa súbung siní. Just now the rice harvest is-in full swing,-at its height. This is the busiest time of the rice harvest. (see sákò, himásang).
To prolong, protract, take a long time, lengthen out, extend the duration of. Indì kamó magpaútus sang ínyo nga sugilánon. Don't talk too long. Don't engage in a long conversation. Abáw, nagpaútus ang párì sang íya sermón. Goodness me! The priest preached a long sermon. Pautúsi gid ang maís, agúd makaisá na lang náton ibulád. Let the corn ripen well, so that we may have to dry it in the sun only once. (pa, útus).
To count up to seven and begin again at one. Pitópitohá ang pagísip sang maís. Count out the maize-cobs in sevens. Also: A seven months old fetus.
See pulóng id. Purungá (pulongá) ang maís. Make the maize up in bunches or clusters.
To crunch, emit a sound as of hard bread being chewed with some force; to be crisp. Ang matíg-a nga tinápay kon kán-on, magaragomô súbung sang sinánlag nga maís. Hard bread, when chewed, crunches like roast corn. (see mahágpok).
To leave a trail or trace on the ground, as of spilt liquids, grains, or the like. Nagaráwit ang maís sa dálan. The corn is making a trail on the ground.
To gather, collect, bring together, corner, take or buy all that is for sale. Buút siá magságib sang tanán nga mga talóng, maís, ítlog, manók, etc. He wants to get hold of all the eggplants, corn, eggs, chickens, etc. Sagíba lang ang tanán. Just take everything, gather or buy up everything. Sa pagtábon sang íya nga kinahánglan íya ginságib ang tanán níya nga kinitáan. To cover his needs he got together all he had earned, and spent it. (see típon, káka, hág-on, píndak).
(B) To finish, use or eat up all. Nasáid mo galî ang kán-on? (Naúrut mo galî ang kán-on?). Have you really finished all the rice? Nasáid ron (Naúrut na) ang káhoy, kwárta, maís, etc. The wood, money, corn, etc. is finished or all used up. Saídon (Urúton) mo lang ang kárne sa (panyága) ígmà, hay ang ihápon báklan ko ti bág-o (kay ang panihápon pagabáklan ko sing bág-o). Use up all the meat there is for dinner, as I shall buy a fresh supply for supper. Indì nánda masáid kang káon ang ísdà. (Indì níla maúrut sang káon (sa pagkáon) iníng ísdà). They cannot eat up this fish. (see úbus, tápus, úrut).
To steam, stew, to cook in a piece of bamboo perforated at the lower end to let the steam through from the kettle or pot underneath. Sinákol nga kamóte, maís, etc. Sweet potatoes, corn, etc., prepared in the way described.