Search result(s) - dálhon



(H) For dalahón from dalá-to bring, etc. (see dál-on).



(Sp. alistar) Ready, prepared, fit for, equipped; to prepare, get ready. Alisto na kamí sa paglakát. We are now ready to march. Kon alísto na kamó nga tanán, malakát na kitá. If you are all ready, we will go now. Alistohá ang mga dalál-on (dalálhon). Get ready the things to be taken along or to be brought along. Alistohí kamí sing balónon. Make ready for us some provisions for the journey. Ialísto ko pa ang ákon maléta, kay dálhon ko sa buás. I am going to get my hand-bag ready, for I'll take it along tomorrow. (see hímos, híkot, híwat, áman).



Automobile, auto, motorcar. Also used as a verb. Nagpaáoto kamí. We came or travelled by automobile. Ipaáoto ang masakít nga táo kag dálhon mo sa hospitál. Put the sick man in an automobile and take him to the hospital.



Arm, forearm; to take by the arm. Ginbótkon níya akó kag dálhon sa higád. He took me by the arm and led me into a corner-or-dragged me aside.



(H) From dalá. (see dálhon id.).



(H) Anything carried, brought, taken, conveyed or transported; to carry, transmit, bring-, take-, along, bear, convey, transfer, transport, cart, ship; support; to influence, gain over to one's side, persuade. Anó ang ginadalá mo? What are you carrying,-bringing,-taking along? Diín mo iná (dál-on) dálhon? Where are you taking that to? Dálhi akó sing isá ka báso nga túbig. Bring me a glass of water. Padálhi akó sing isá ka páres nga sapátos. Send me a pair of boots. Ipadalá sa íya iní. Send him this. Pinadalá níya iní sa ákon. He sent me this. Anó ang dalá mo? What is it you are bringing (taking) with you? Daw sa índì mo siá madalá. You will scarcely be able to move, influence or persuade him. Pinadálhan níya akó sing sulát gíkan sa Manílà. He sent me a letter from Manila. Nagabút na dalá sang sakayán ang káhoy nga binakál ko. The wood I bought has now arrived by boat. Dinalá níya ang ákon kálò. He brought my hat. Makadalá ka siní? Can you carry or transport this? Nagabáton na siá sing binúlan nga duhá ka púlò ka mángmang dalá ang pagkáon. He is receiving now twenty pesos a month and his board. (dará id.).



Tough, stiff, rigid; to stiffen, toughen, make rigid or inflexible. But mostly used in the form paganót with the meaning: to be stubborn, tenacious, refractory, unyielding, unbending, hard to manage, difficult to deal with, to make objection to, offer resistance to. Iníng bátà nagapaganót sa íya ilóy, kay índì siá buót magpaúlì. This child objects to go with its mother, for it does not want to go home. Indì ka magpaganót, kon táwgon ka sa pagpakarí dirí. Don't be stubborn when you are called to come here. Dálhon ko gid ikáw dídto, bisán magpaganót ikáw. I will take you there, even though you offer resistance. Ang makáwat nga nadakúp nagpaganót sa polís. The thief that was caught resisted the police. Sang pagkádto námon sa Manílà pinaganotán kamí níya sa dálan, kay índì siá buót magupúd sa ámon. When we went to Manila he became refractory on the road, for he did not wish to go with us. Indì mo pagpaganotán ang ímo ilóy, kon sogóon ka níya nga magpaúlì. Don't be naughty disobeying your mother, if she orders you to go home. (see áwot, húnit).



To bind, tie, fetter, trammel, pinion, handcuff, gyve, shackle, manacle, chain, put in bonds. Gapúsa ang íya mga kamót. Bind his hands. Gingápus níla ang báboy, kay dálhon sa tiénda kag ibalígyà. They have trussed up the pig, for they are going to take it to the market to sell it. Gapúsi akó siníng mga manók nga binakál ko. Tie the legs (of some) of these chickens I bought. Igápus akó siníng mga manók. Please tie the legs of these chickens for me. Gindakúp sang polís ang makáwat kag gindalá níla sa bánwa nga nagápus ang íya mga kamót. The police caught the thief and brought him handcuffed to town. (see higót, gáid, bángot).



(H) Without delay or interposition, at once, forthwith, immediately, instantly, suddenly, straight-away, directly, off hand, on the spur of the moment, out of hand, on the spot, promptly, with dispatch, without an interval of rest. Sang pagabút níya dirí nagsákà siá gilayón sa ámon baláy. When he arrived here he at once came to our home. Sa tápus ang prosesyón gilayón magasúgud ang Mísa Máyor. After the procession High Mass will begin at once. Magdalágan ka dídto, kuháon mo ang ákon koríyo sa madalî, kag gilayón dálhon mo dirí. Run over there, get my mail quickly and immediately bring it here. Magpahúay ka ánay, índì ka maglakát sa gilayón. Take a rest first, don't go on immediately. (see dáyon, lági, lagílági).

háwas, háw-as


To take out or off, deliver from, extract, remove, extricate, set free. Hawasá ang tanán nga mga galamitón sa balatonán kag lampasóhan mo sing maáyo ang salúg. Remove all furniture from the reception room and mop the floor well. Sín-o ang nagháwas sang mga líbro sa látok? Who took the books off the table? Ila siá ginháwas sa kalisúd. They delivered him from difficulties. Hawasí (iháwas) akó sang ákon maléta nga árà sa hulút, kag dálhon mo dirí. Kindly get for me my suitcase there in the room, and bring it here. (see kúhà, luás).



(H) To take, take-away,-from,-away from,-off, remove, fetch, seize, abduct, subtract; gain, get. Kuháa iníng mga pínggan sa lamésa. Take these plates off the table. Kuháon mo ang ákon kálò sa kwárto kag dálhon dirí. Fetch my hat from the room and bring it here. Ginkuháan-or-kinuháan akó níya sing tátlo ka písos. He took three pesos from me. Kuhái iníng tabungós sing ápat ka gántang. Take five gantas out of this rice-basket. Anó gid man nga kapuslánan ang saráng náton makúhà sinâ? What advantage can we gain from that? What is the use of it? (see buúl).



To transfer or remove to another site, set up somewhere else, especially applied to small native houses, first taking off and transporting the roof and then the rest. Ligáwon nínyo ang ákon baláy. Transfer my house to another site. Ligáwi nínyo ang ákon útud sang íya baláy nga árà dirâ sa bánwa kag dálhon nínyo sa umá. Transfer my brother's town house to the farm. (see óhong-to remove a house, posts and roof, in one load, to another place).



Five; to divide by five, make or take five parts. Limahón mo ka báhin iníng túmpok nga humáy kag ipanágtag sa íla. Divide this heap of rice in five parts and distribute it to them. Anó, tátlo lang ang ímo kuháon (báklón, dálhon, etc.)? Limahá lang. Why, are you taking (buying, fetching, etc.) only three? Take (buy, fetch, etc.) five.



The opposite (other) side or bank, what is on the other side of a river, lake, strait, etc.; beyond, on the farther side; to pass from side to side, come or move across the pathway of, cross a river, road, hill, water-channel, etc. Tabók ka lang sa subâ. Taboká lang ang subâ. Just cross the river. Itabók dirí ang ákon maléta. Tabokí ang ákon maléta kag dálhon mo dirí. Cross over (the river, or the like) to fetch my handbag and bring it here. Pataboká (Itabók) ang karabáw. Take the buffalo over to the other side (bank). Sa tabók sang--. Beyond--. May ulúmhan man akó sa tabók sang subâ. I also have a farm on the other side of the river. Sa tabók sang dálan. On the opposite side of the street. (see tubá).