To overcome, beat, conquer, etc. See daúg, bagít. Indì akó kadamá sa íya sa súngka. I cannot beat him at the game of "súngka". (súngka-a game played with stones).
(Sp. dama) Lady, gentlewoman, dame; game of draughts or checkers; to play draughts,-checkers. Mahámpang kitá sang dáma. Let us play draughts. Damáhi siá. Play a game of draughts with him. Idáma ta lang iníng mga dakáldákal. Let us use these pebbles as draughtsmen.
A kind of small fish.
(Sp. damajuana) Demi john, carboy, large wicker-bottle containing about twenty quarts.
Slovenly, dirty, untidy, slatternly, sluttish, bedraggled, draggletail; to become slovenly, etc. Sádto sang dalága pa siá mahípid siá kaáyo, ápang karón, kay kasáda na, nagdamák. Formerly, when she was single, she used to be very tidily dressed, but now that she is married, she has become a slattern. (see sáprat).
To talk in one's sleep. Ginadamán (Nagadamán) siá. He talks in his sleep. Ginadamán siá sang íya nga sugilánon kaína. He is repeating in his sleep his conversation of a short while ago. (see súmat).
(H) A spider.
(B) Dim. of damáng. Also: Anything resembling a spider.
(Sp. damasco) Damask, figured silk stuff; a kind of very thin and transparent cloth; fine thread or yarn.
(H) Delicate, to be handled or looked after with care; anything to be treated or guarded with caution and circumspection. (ámlig; see alandáman).
To harm, damage, injure, spite, do mischief to. Indì ka magamolít sa ákon-or-índì mo akó pagamolitán. Don't do me any harm. Don't harm me. Ginamolitán níla ang íya mga tanúm. They did damage to his plants out of spite. Sarìsárì ang mga pahítò nga íla gingámit sa pagamolít sang íya pangabúhì. They used various means to make his life miserable. Madámù nga mga pagbutángbútang ang íla ginamolít sa íya. They resorted to many calumnies in order to harm him. Inamolitán níla ang íya kalubihán. They spitefully damaged his coconut-plantation. (see dáut, tístis, panístis).
Caution, wariness, carefulness, prudence, circumspection; to be cautious, to beware, to be careful, wary, circumspect. Andamá ang pagkapút sang báso, agúd índì makapalús sa kamót mo. Grasp the glass carefully, lest it should slip out of your hand. Andamí iníng báso. Handle this glass with care. Paandamí sa íla iníng karabáw, kay palasúngay. Let them beware of this buffalo, for it tosses. Iándam akó ánay siníng báso. Kindly take care of this glass for me. Inandamán níla gid ang síngsing, agúd índì madúlà. They were very careful with the ring, lest it should be lost. Ipaándam ko sa ímo iníng taknáan. I entrust this watch to your care. Andam ka! Beware! Be on your guard! Look out! (see anám-anám, tagám).
A small measure or quantity (of silk, damask thread, etc.). Isá ka básing nga sóklà. A skein of silk. A little silk thread.
Rough, uncouth, unpolite, impolite, uncivil, unmannered, coarse, uncultured; mean, low, immodest, indecent, foul, obscene. Binástos nga hámbal, pangulús, pangabúdlay, etc. Unpolite talk, a very ordinary or inferior way of dressing, rough work, etc. Ang binástos níya nga batásan. His rude manners. Binástos gid ang íya nga ginngásal. He used very foul language. (see bástos, manól, barúbal, damák, sáprat, mahígkò, maláway).
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