A kind of grass with sharp-edged leaves. (hálas id.).
Naughty, restless, rude, impolite, full of lively animal spirits, unmanageable; to be naughty, etc. (see darándarán, etc.).
A kind of hardwood tree and its timber, called by many "hárì sang mga káhoy" on account of its great strength and resistance.
(H) Naughty, wayward, frivolous, restless, fidgety, very lively. (see harásharás, diwal-ogán, darándarán, etc.).
Naughty, restless, ill-mannered, mischievous, troublesome, misbehaving, always ready for mischief and never quiet; to be naughty, etc. Nagadarándarán gid iníng mga bátà. These children are very mischievous, naughty, noisy, troublesome or the like. Indì akó nínyo pagdarándaranán. Don't disturb me with your noise or mischief. Darándarán nga bátà. A lively, restless, troublesome child. (see harásharás, dingkalogán, diwal-ógan, karandagán).
Naughty, mischievous, etc. See darándarán, dingkalogán, harásharás, karandagán.
Restless, naughty, etc. (see harásharás, darándarán, diwasíng, diwal-ógan, dingkalogán, etc.).
Restless, lively, naughty; to be or become restless, etc. Garís nga bátà, táo, etc. A naughty boy, a restless man, etc. (see harásharás, darándarán).
To draw or come near, be about to arrive, to persecute, pursue, molest, harass, perplex, annoy, distress, be after; strive, seek to obtain. Ang mga matárung ginahingabút sing masamí sang mga maláut. The just are often persecuted by the wicked. Ginbutangbutángan níla siá sing salâ sa paghingabút sa íya. They slandered him in order to harass him. Indì ka maghingabút sa íya. Don't persecute him. Ang idô nagahingabút sang kánding. The dog is after the goat. (see abút).
Trial, hardship, difficulty; to be a trial, be hard, become difficult; pahiól-to beset, bother, molest, harass, cause trouble, hardship or difficulty. Naghiól na ang íya kahimtángan. His position has become difficult. Nagpahiól siá sa ákon. He caused me trouble. He molested me. Ginpahiolán (Ginpahíl-an) ni Fuláno si tátay sa lakás nga pangáyò. Father was greatly bothered by the insistent request of N.N. Pahiolí (Pahíl-i) siá túbtub nga magákig. Harass him till he gets angry. Mahiól ang íla pangabúhì. Their life is a hard or trying one. (see huól).
Restless, naughty, lively, etc. (See darándarán, harásharás, etc.).
Tranquil, quiet, undisturbed, peaceful, at peace, untroubled, serene, calm, unruffled, halcyon, without trouble or harassment. (see táwhay, malinóng, mahamungayáon).
Angry, irritable, very impatient, irascible, bad-tempered, choleric, touchy, techy; annoying, harassing, provoking. (see úgtas, maúgtas, makaulúgtas).
(H) Molestation, impediment, bother, nuisance; to hinder, impede, harass, disturb, bother, vex, molest, trouble, put to inconvenience, put obstacles in the way. Indì mo pagsabáran ang íya pagsulát. Don't molest him whilst he is writing. Walâ gid man níya pagsabári ang ginhándum ni Fuláno. He did not hinder N.N. from attaining his desire. Sinabáran níya ang ákon paglakát. He impeded my march. He kept me from setting out. (see balábag, pugúng).
A kind of fish; naughty, frivolous, unmanageable, difficult to restrain. (see sutíl, harásharás, darándarán, etc.).
(B) Walking about constantly, never quiet, always on the move, never at rest; a rover, loafer, tramp. (see darándarán, harásharás, diwal-ogán, dingkalógan, lagáwlágaw, tiyógtiyóg, landólándo).
Restless, lively, etc. See harásharás, hulagán, dingkalogán, darándarán.
Restless, lively, etc. See harásharás, hulagán, dingkalogán, darándarán.