Search result(s) - hapâ



To prostrate oneself, fall or lie down-flat,-prone,-face downward,-on one's stomach; to prostrate, lay low, fell. Nagahapâ siá. He is lying down flat, prone or prostrate. Pahapaá (paháp-a) siá. Lay him down face downward. Hapaí (háp-i) ang bángkò. Lie down prostrate on the bench. Hináp-an níya siá. He prostrated himself (humbled himself) before him. (see yaúb, dágpà, dúsmò, háplak, hágmak, sukámod).



From hapâ-to prostrate oneself.

Dim. and Freq. of hapâ. Also: to be very submissive, humble oneself, solicit help with great deference or the like.



To fall or drop flat on the ground, lie on one's stomach, lie prone. Nagháplak ang tagûtò sa salúg sang pagkahúlug níya halín sa kisamí. The lizard dropped flat on the floor when it fell from the ceiling. Sang nagakatulúg akó nahaplakán akó sing tokô. When I was asleep a gecko dropped flat on me. Ang bátà nagaháplak sa salúg. The baby is lying on its stomach on the floor. Pahaplaká lang ang bátà sa salúg. Just lay the baby flat on the floor. (see hapâ, dúsmò, etc.).



Superficial, on the surface; passing, insincere; to skim, take off the surface. Hapawá ang kán-on sa kólon. Take out of the kettle the top layer of rice. Hapawón mo ang hígkò sa túbig; or: hapawán mo ang túbig sang hígkò. Take the scum off the surface of the water. Ihapáw ang kutsára sa gátas sa pagkúhà sang latáb. Dip the spoon a litte into the milk to take off the cream. Hapáw gid lang ang ímo pagdáro; padútla gid ang arádo. You are ploughing only the surface; press the plough down deep. Hapáw man lang ang íya kaálam. His learning is merely superficial (not deep or thorough). (see salimpapáw, pakuláhaw).



Dim. and Freq. of hapáw.



To bend low, incline, bow down, flatten. Ang humáy ginahápay sang hángin. The rice is being bent by the wind. Hapáya ang tígbaw, agúd maghapús ang áton paglígad. Bend down the tígbaw-reeds, that we may pass easily. Nahapáyan ang ákon talámnan sang humáy sa mamádlus nga hángin. The rice on my field is beaten down on account of the strong wind. Pahapáya ang bohók mo. Flatten down your hair. (see hiláy).



Bent low, inclined, flattened to the ground. (see hápay).



Dim. and Freq. of hápay. Nagahapáy-hápay ang hángin sang maís. The wind-is swaying the corn,-is making the corn bow down.



See katáhap. Also: Danger, things that cause fear or apprehension.



Inclined, tilted, leaning sideways, bent down, stooping. (hápay; see hapáy).



(B) To coax, bamboozle, blarney, humbug, persuade, wheedle, "use soft soap", ingratiate oneself with, treat with sweet and kind words; to stroke very lightly. Ginapóhap-apohápan níya ang mga pumilílì sing matám-is nga mga púlong kag makalulúyag nga mga túg-an. He coaxed the electors by sweet words and attractive promises. Iapóhap-apóhap sa íya iníng búlbul. Stroke him with this feather.



To strike-, beat-, knock-, down or over with a sweeping motion. Habáya lang ang kodál. Just knock the fence down. Ginhabáyan níya kamí sang masiók nga kógon, agúd maghapús ang ámon pagági dirâ. He beat down the dense cogon grass, in order to make it easy for us to pass. Ihábay mo ang ímo bastón sa mga gámhon nga nagabalábag sa dálan. Beat down with your stick the weeds in the middle of the road. Ihábay mo akó ánay sináng mga tígbaw, kay ipaági ko ang ákon kángga. Please beat down that tigbaw reed, because I wish to pass with my cart. (see hápay, hiláy).



Struck or beaten down. (see hábay, hapáy).



To stroke, fondle, let the hand glide softly over (the skin or the like). Hapohápa siá. Stroke him. Hapohápi siá sa bútkon. Stroke him on the arm. Maálam siá maghapóhap sa mga táo. He knows how to please the people. (see apóhap, kálot, dálò).



Out of the perpendicular or vertical line, leaning, inclined, bent, lopsided, slanting; to lean; incline, slant. Tadlungá ang hiláy nga halígi. Straighten the leaning post. Iníng káhoy nagahiláy pa bagátnan. This tree inclines towards the south. Ginhiláy sang hángin ang ámon baláy. The wind caused our house to lean. Ginahiláy sang hángin ang mga kawáyan. The bamboo is being bent by the wind. (see hápay, hapáy, tikô).



To seek, search or look for, try to find, hunt for. Laghapá ang pányò ko nga nadúlà. Go and look for my lost handkerchief. Laghapí akó sing bulúng. Try to find or get some medicine for me. Ilághap akó ánay sang ákon tulún-an. Kindly find the book for me. (see sághap, pangítà).



To chop, lop, cut off a piece of meat, etc. Lihápa ang kárne. Cut the meat. Lihápi akó sing isá ka paláng nga kárne. Cut off a piece of meat for me. Ginlíhap sang manugbúlung ang kalónggo sang ákon kamót. The physician cut off the wart on my hand. (see útud, gulút, láplap, kíhad, etc.).



Freq. of sághap-to seek, look or search for, try to find. Panaghápa nínyo ang mga manók nga nadúlà. Look for the lost chickens. Ginpanághap níla ang síngsing, ápang walâ nílà makítà. They searched for the ring, but could not find it. (see panágap, pangítà).



Above, over, on top of, on the surface of; to be above, be on top of, cover the surface of. Naghiláw ang maís nga tinanók, kay walâ masapawí sang túbì. The boiled corn is raw yet, because the water did not cover (rise above) it. Kon maghúlum ka sang kárne sa lánggaw pasapawán mo, agúd índì maanó bisán pilá ka ádlaw. If you put the meat in vinegar see to it that it be well covered (with vinegar), so that it may retain its freshness for many days. (see sámpaw, hapáw).

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