(H) I don't know, I am not aware of it, I know nothing about it. Diín si Fuláno?-Ambót. Where is N. N.?-I don't know. Ambót kon sa diín siá nagkádto. I don't know where he went to. Nagambót siá sa ákon. He answered me with: "I don't know". Indì ka magambót-or-magpangambót kon pangkotón ikáw. When you are asked don't say: "I don't know". (see ambáy, ilám).
Things to be had or bought in the way of food, drink, clothes, etc. Walâ sing dilamúon dirí. There is nothing to be had here "for love or money".
(H) To grope, etc. See híkam.
Grass, weeds, herbage, shrub; to weed, pull out. Hilamoná iníng mga tanúm, kay walâ sing pulús. Pull up these plants, for they are of no use.
Overgrown with grass, grass-land; fit for growing grass.
Grassy, full of grass.
(H) Basin, wash-basin, an open vessel in which to wash the face, hands, etc. (see hilám-os, palanggána, labadór, hulunáwan).
(H) To wash one's head and face. (Freq. of lám-os).
To weed, weed out, pull up weeds, clear of weeds. (hilamón).
From tagiláum.
To separate, cull, pick, weed out. Ag-agá ang mga bató sa balás. Pick out the stones from among the sand. Ag-agi ang saburán sang hilamón. Weed out the grass from the plot of rice-seedlings. Iág-ag akó ánay sang mga óhot sa humáy. Please gather the empty ears from among the rice-grains. Inag-agán mo na sang mga lánsang ang sinapíyo? Have you picked out the nails from among the shavings?
Favour, sympathy, support, help, partnership; supporter, sympathizer, helper; to take sides with, to help or support. Walâ siá sing ámpin. He has no-one to support him, or he has no-one to back him up. Kon walâ ka sing ámpin índì ka makadaúg. If you have no help you cannot win. Iníng pányo ilámpin ko sa bátà nga bílang iámpin sa hángin. I'll wrap the child up in this cloth as a protection against the wind. Ampiní siá. Support him. Back him up. Itípyok ko ang tanán ko nga mga ginsakúpan nga ipaámpin ko sa ímo. I will hand over all my followers to your support. Sín-o ang nagámpin sa íya? Who gave him a backing? (see ápin).
To get used to take proper food, to get a liking for, or to relish, proper food, applied especially to a baby or to a young animal just weaned. Sang úna iníng tínday nagdolodámgot (nagdolodánggot) lang sang hilamón, ápang karón nagánggot na sa halálbon. Formerly this calf used only to nibble at the grass, but now it is beginning to graze. Bisán lutasón na iníng bátà, kay maánggot na sa pagkáon sing kán-on. There is no harm now in weaning this baby, because it already likes to eat rice.
Filaments, down, hair-like threads; awn, beard, especially the hair-like filaments growing out of the top of the maize-cob, pubes.
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