Circumvention, subterfuge, trick, cheating; to catch by crossing one's way, intercept, cut off, waylay, thwart, trick, cheat. Litaá siá. Intercept him. Nadakúp ang makáwat sang paglitâ sa íya sang polís. The thief was caught when the policeman crossed his way. Ginlitâ níla ang buyóng sa búkid. They intercepted the robber in the mountain. Kon magági ka dirâ sa laktúran saráng ka makalitâ sa binilánggò nga nalágyo. If you take the short-cut there you may be able to intercept the run-away prisoner. (see lipót, bángan, bánggà, balábag).
Interception, circumvention, stoppage; to pursue and catch by a strategem, intercept, circumvent, take a short-cut or the like. Lipotá ang makáwat. Intercept the thief. Linipót níya akó sa dálan. He intercepted me on the road. Ilipót akó ánay sang ákon kabáyo nga nagadalágan dirâ. Kindly run around and catch my horse that is running away there. Kon sóndon nínyo iníng laktúran, básì nga malipót pa nínyo ang buyóng. If you follow this short-cut, you may be able to intercept and catch the brigand. (see bángan, bánggà, dakúp, lagás, siód, litâ).
Dim. and Freq. of litâ-to intercept, etc.
To wander about, go from place to place, rove, roam, ramble. (see lagáw-lágaw, landólándo, etc.).
(H) Hone, whetstone; stimulant, incitement, instigation, (balít).
News, information, notice, communication; to notify, inform, report, communicate. Anó ang mga balítà nga bág-o? What is the latest news? May balítà balá? Is there any news? Nabalitáan kamí sang kamatáyon ni Fuláno. We were informed of N.N.'s death. Ginbalitáan kamí níla sang maáyo nga pagabút níla dídto. They notified us of their safe arrival there. Ibalítà mo sa íla ang kamatáyon ni Fuláno or ibalítà mo sa íla nga napatáy si Fuláno. Inform them of the death of N.N. or that N.N. is dead. Ginpabalitáan sang Diós ang mga manugbántay sang mga háyop sing isá ka ánhel. God sent a message to the shepherds through an Angel. Pinabalitáan níya kamí sa isá ka hatud-dulús sang maáyo níya nga kapaláran. He sent us word by telegram of his good luck. (see pahibaló, pasáyod, pamáan).
A vine, whose fruit is used as a remedy against intestinal worms.
Hone, strop, razor-strop. See balalítan id.
An action-song, singing and dancing combined, a song accompanied by expressive gesticulations; to sing an action-song, etc. Nagakánta silá sing balítaw. The are singing an action-song. Nagasáut silá sing balítaw. They are dancing to a song.
An exclamation of surprise or wonder. Balítaw, pagkatahúm, pagkatáas kag pagkadakû siníng baláy! Look, how beautiful, how high and how large this house is!
(H) A person or thing that is to be or should be hung up or hanged.
Poisonous, venomous, baneful. Mán-og nga dalítan. A poisonous snake.
Ruin, perdition, destruction, harm, injury, damage. (see amolít).
News, reports, information, announcements, etc. (see balítà).
(H) Promptness, despatch, expedition, first opportunity; anything that does not suffer delay or should be done quickly. (see kalít).
Young men, bachelors, youth. (olitáo).
Compulsion; to be compelled or forced. Nagkapilitán siá sa-. He was compelled (forced) to--. (see pílit).
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