Search result(s) - náwì



A rod, twig, slip, strip, piece, as of rattan, split bamboo, etc. (see nahót, bilogón, tagsáon, bílog).



(Sp. bastón) Stick, cane, rod; walking-stick; to cane, beat with a stick, give the stick. Bastoná siá. Give him the stick. Give him a caning. (see sóngkod, bilogón, náwì, tagsáon).



A kind of thick rattan stick, rod, cane. Kon magbúhat ka sinâ liwán, sàsaón gid nákon ang isá ka nangá sa ímo talúdtud (likód). If you do that again, I shall give you a good caning. (see bilogón, tagsáon, náwì).



Rod, cane, stick. (see bilogón, bulunál, náwì).



A rod, cane, stick, cudgel, rattan whip. (see bilogón, náwì, bulunál).



To behave oneself, deport oneself. Nagaginawî siá sing maáyo-or-maáyo ang íya nga pagginawî. He is behaving himself well, (his behaviour, customs, manners, demeanour, habits are good. (see gáwì).



(H) To fit or agree well. Nagahilitóon gid ang íla pagginawî. Their dispositions agree well together. Maghilitóon kamó sang ínyo nga batásan. Try to make your manners agreeable to each other. Maghilitoonáy kamó. Pull well together. Make an effort to be agreeable to one another. (see tóon, hilitóhog, hiliúsa, hisáhò, hiliúgyon, etc.).



Perfect, complete, faultless, exact, precise; to perfect, bring to perfection, etc. Naghímpit ang íya pagginawî sa koléhyo. His manners have become perfect at college. Himpitón mo ang ímo pagsulát. Make your writing perfect-or-Try to write a very good hand. Ihimpit mo akó sang ákon sulát sa Sényor Obíspo. Please see that my letter to the Bishop is perfect. Nagapahímpit siá karón sang íya nga pagtoón. He is now adding the finishing stroke to his studies. Nahimpitán akó siní. This seems perfect to me. (see lántip, búg-os, sampáton).



(H) To wash the hands. Nakahináw ka sang ímo kamót? Have you washed your hands? Maghináw ka ánay sang ímo kamót kon magkáon ka. Wash your hands before you eat. Hinawí ang íya kamót. Wash his hands. Pahinawá siá sang íya kamót. Let him wash his hands. Ihináw iníng túbig sa ímo kamót. Wash your hands in this water. (see hunáw, libánaw, ribánaw, panghináw).



To wash one's hands. Naghunáw ka na sang ímo kamót? Have you washed your hands? Hunawí ang bátà. Wash the child's hands. Ihunáw lang iníng túbig sa ímo kamót. Wash your hands in this water. Ihunáw akó siníng bátà. Please wash this child's hands. Ang mga nagakaláon sa tábad ginahunawán níla ánay ang íla kamót. Those who partake of a banquet wash their hands first. (see hináw, panghilám-os-to wash one's face; panghúgas-to wash one's feet).



To nibble, gnaw, bite off a piece, snap, etc. Ikba (ikibá) ang ságing. Nibble the banana. Ikbi ang ságing. Take a bite out of the banana. Ang tinápay iníkban sang ilagâ. The bread had been nibbled (gnawed) by rats. Ang idô nagaikíb sang túl-an. The dog is gnawing the bone. (see íngkib, íngkit, kíbkib, etc.).



To nibble, gnaw, bite off a piece, snap, etc. Ikba (ikibá) ang ságing. Nibble the banana. Ikbi ang ságing. Take a bite out of the banana. Ang tinápay iníkban sang ilagâ. The bread had been nibbled (gnawed) by rats. Ang idô nagaikíb sang túl-an. The dog is gnawing the bone. (see íngkib, íngkit, kíbkib, etc.).



Pellucid, translucent, shining or showing through, limpid, clear, bright, diaphanous; to be pellucid, etc. Ináwináw ang íya mga matá. His eyes are lustrous, bright, clear. Nagaináwináw ang íya dugô sa písngi. Her blood shows through the cheeks. Her cheeks are rosy. She has rosy cheeks. Maayóayó na si Fuláno, kay ináwináw na liwán ang íya tubúg. N.N. is a little better now, for his windpipe is visible again.



Pellucid, translucent, shining or showing through, limpid, clear, bright, diaphanous; to be pellucid, etc. Ináwináw ang íya mga matá. His eyes are lustrous, bright, clear. Nagaináwináw ang íya dugô sa písngi. Her blood shows through the cheeks. Her cheeks are rosy. She has rosy cheeks. Maayóayó na si Fuláno, kay ináwináw na liwán ang íya tubúg. N.N. is a little better now, for his windpipe is visible again.



Habits, custom, manner of acting or behaving, behaviour, moral character. (see gáwì, ginawî, batásan, kabatasánan, kabuyó, kinaanáran, kostúmbre).



To look for, go in quest of, search for, try to find or get. Langhasá ang ákon igsulúlat nga nadúlà. Look for my lost pen. Langhasí akó sing ságing. Get me some bananas. Ilánghas akó sang ákon pányo nga nawígit (nagkawígit) sa dálan. Kindly go in search of my handkerchief that has been dropped on the road. (see lághap, sághap, pangítà).



Modesty, bashfulness, unobtrusiveness; to be or become modest, perform in a modest way, etc. Naglígdong siá sa koléhyo. She became modest or bashful at college. Ginaligdongán akó sa íya. She appears to me to be of a retired disposition, to be modest or unobtrusive. Ginalígdong níya ang íya hámbal, batásan, pagginawî, etc. He is modest in his speech, manners, bearing, etc. (see úgdang).



Pure, undefiled, unalloyed, unmixed, unsullied, mere, uncontaminated, virgin, unadulterated; very, very much, truly, really, thoroughly, excellently. Ang íla pagginawî lúnsay kaáyo. Their manners (habits, behaviour) are (is)-very good indeed,-excellent,-admirable. (see lúnlun, lubús, lúgus, túnay, hímpit, pulús, pasáy, támà, lakás, túman, dúro).



Smarting, sore, raw, tender, painful, racking, excruciating, agonizing, severe, shooting, burning, gnawing, sharp, stabbing, said of pain. (see hápdì).



Troublous, boiling, throbbing, pricking, stinging, stabbing, gnawing, hard to bear or suffer. Mangítngit nga pangabúhì. A troublous or hard life. Mangítngit nga konsiénsya. A conscience that pricks. (see ngítngit, malisúd, mangótngot).

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