To buy land or fields. Tabáa ang íya dútà. Buy his land. Tinábà níya ang talámnan ni Fuláno. He bought N.N.'s rice-field. Magpatábà ka lang sing isá ka báhin sang ímo ulúmhan. Just sell part of your farm.
Freq. of tábà-to buy land, etc.
To sell land. Ginpatábà níya sa ákon ang íya umá. He sold me his field or farm. Ipatábà lang sa ákon iníng dútà. Just sell me this land. (pa, tábà).
One who has sold his land or part of it. Sín-o ang tinabáan mo? From whom did yo buy the land? Who sold you the land? (see tábà).
Shoring, shoring material, temporary props, supports, lining; to shore up, to line, to prop, support temporarily. Atabáyi ang bubón. Line the water-hole. Iatábay ko iníng pánit sang burí sa áwang námon. I will use this bark of the buri-palm to line our well with. Atabáyon ko ang pánit siníng burí. I will make shoring or lining of the bark of this buri-palm.
A large earthen jar somewhat resembling a tádyaw, but more cylindrical in shape.
Helpful, ready to help or assist. See mabinulígon. (see tábang, mahiugyónon).
To strain, filter or percolate water through ashes, to make lye. Patabák-or-magpatabák ka sing abó. Prepare some lye. Abó nga pinatabák. Ashes from which lye has been extracted. Ashes full of concentrated lye.
Caus. of tában-to snatch, etc. Also: to kidnap; elope.
To ask for assistance or help; to let-, order-, cause to-, assist. Ipatábang mo siá sa kay José. Let José assist him. Nagpatábang siá sa ákon. He asked my help. He asked me to help him. (pa, tábang).
Caus. of tábas-to cut (clothes, etc.). Mapatábas akó sa sástre sing isá ka delárgo. I'll get the tailor to make me a pair of trousers. Ipatábas ko sa sástre iníng heneró. I will let the tailor cut this cloth. Patabási si tótò sing puróy, kay dakû na. Let a pair of short trousers (knickerbockers) be made for the boy, for he is quite big now. Tatáy, patabási akó sing bág-o nga báyò. Please father, have a new jacket (dress) made for me.
Lye, water mixed with ashes for cleaning purposes. (patabák).
Banquet, feasting, feast, repast, regalement, junket, junketing, celebration or party with plenty of food and drink; to partake of-, assist at-, prepare or provide-, a banquet, etc. May tábad silá dídto. They are having (had, will have) a feast there. Nagtábad silá kahápon. They got ready-, They prepared-, They assisted at-, a banquet yesterday. (see panábad, bádù, pamadô, punsyón, pamunsyón, salósálo, sinalósálo).
A bird of prey; a hawk. (see banóg, salagyáwan).
The waste matter, dregs, impurities, remnants of fruit after the juice has been pressed out; the refuse that remains behind in a strainer or the like. Ang mabilín sa ginsálà ginatawág nga tábag. What is retained by a strainer is called "tábag". Ang tábag sang lubí, almidón, hinakí, etc. The remnants (waste) of coconut meat, starch, hair-wash, etc. (see ugásip, urásip, bilín, lábud, lágdò).
A kind of a gourd with a neck like that of a bottle.
(Sp. tabaquera) Tobacco-pouch, tobacco-jar; cigar-case, cigar-tray, dish or plate for serving cigars. (see bulutángan, sang, tabákò).