Search result(s) - bilín



(H) The rest, remainder, remains, remnant, what is left over or behind; to be left over etc. Pilá ang ginbáyad mo siníng bilín nga hénero? How much did you pay for this remnant of cloth? Ang ági kag bilín sang mga salâ. The traces and remains of sin. Pilá ka pásong ang nagakabilín pa dídto? How many bushels are left there still? Amó na lang iní ang nabilín? Is this all that is left? (see salín, turá).



Order, command, commission, injunction; to order, enjoin, command, give an order to, direct, dispose, rule; pabílin-to remain; stay, be left behind. Anó ang bílin mo? What is (was) your order? May igabílin ikáw sa Ilóng-ílong? Have you an order for Iloilo? Bínli (for biníli) ang ímo útud nga padálhan níya akó sing isá ka páres nga maáyo nga sapátos. Order your brother to send me a pair of good boots. Magpabílin ka sa baláy. Stay (remain) at home. Mapabílin ikáw sa baláy? Are you remaining at home? Shall you stop at home? Ginpabílin siá sa baláy ni nánay. Mother left him at home or told him to stop at home. Ipabílin siá sa baláy. See to it that he stops at home. (see túgon, sógò, sálà, bilín).



Passage, trace, incident, event; to go by, pass by, pass through. Ang mga ági kag bilín sang salâ. The traces and remains of sin. Ang mga ági sang íya kabúhì. The incidents of his life. Kon magági ka dirí, hapíti kamí. If you pass this way, visit us. Indì ka makaági dirâ, kay nakodalán ang umá. You cannot pass through there, for the field is fenced in. Ang dalán nga íla ginágyan (ginagíhan)-. The road over which they passed-. Iági akó siníng tulún-an sa kay Fuláno. Kindly hand this book over to N.N. in passing. Buás ágyon ko ikáw. Tomorrow I'll call for you in passing (and take you along). Buás ágyan ko ikáw. Tomorrow I'll visit you on my way. Paágyon mo kamí sa ímo umá. Let us pass through your field. Dílì mo pagpaágyan sa íla ang áton umá. Don't allow them to pass through our field. Walâ pa akó kaági (makaági) dídto. I have never been there yet, I have had no occasion to pass that way, I have not seen or passed that place at all.

From bílin-to enjoin, etc.



(B) Anything set apart or kept for another; to set apart, put aside, reserve, keep for. Bulahiná iníng isá ka pínggan nga kán-on sa kay tátay. Keep this plate of rice for father. Bulahiní si nánay sing mamón. Set some cake apart for mother. Ibulahín akó ánay sing duhá ka bílog nga páhò, kay malúyag akó magkáon sinâ sa buás sa ága sa ákon pamáhaw. Please keep two mangoes for me, because I wish to eat them tomorrow morning at my breakfast. (see tigána, bílin, turá, salín).



Order (s), comand (s), injunction (s), errand (s). (see tógon, túgon, bílin, kasogoán).



(B) To forget, be oblivious or forgetful of. Nagkalígà akó sang bílin mo-or-naligáan ko ang bílin mo. I forgot your order or injunction. Indì mo pagligáan ang tulún-an. Don't forget the book. (see lipát, límot).



To leave; remain; be left over. Walâ sing namútik sang íya kwárta. There was nothing left of his money. All his money had gone. (see turá, bilín, salín).



Freq. of bílin-to enjoin, order, etc.



Advice, injunction, admonition, entreaty, the last-wish,-order,-request,-petition,-word (words) of a person about to die; to leave an order or injunction, to advise, urge, admonish, entreat. Nagpanagubílin siá sa ákon sa pagbántay sing maáyo sang íya baláy, kay siá íya makádto sa Ilóngílong. He left orders to me to guard his house well, for he himself is going to Iloilo. Ginpanagubilínan (Ginpanagubínlan) níya kamí sa pagbuligáy kag pagtabangáy. He admonished us (He entreated us on his deathbed) to help and succour each other. (see bílin).



To ordain, order, nominate, appoint, command. (see bílin, tógon, sógò).



(Sp. rezago) Remainder, residue, balance. (see bilín, salín).



(B) To leave behind, leave. Isálà (Ibílin) ang tsa sa lamésa. Leave the tea on the table. Gindará ko ang bátà ko, hay warâ akó ti saláan sa baláy. (Gindalá ko ang ákon bátà, kay walâ akó sing bilínan sa baláy). I brought my child along, because I have nobody left at home (to take care of it). (see bílin).



(B) Remainder, that is left, that is over; to remain over, be left. Pilá ang sánglad (nasánglad) sang daúg mo? How much of your winnings is left? (see bilín).



(Sp. ceniza) Ash. Miércoles de Senísa. Ash-Wednesday. Also: remnants, remains, residue, especially said of fruit left after what is good has been taken. (see abó, bilín, diringóyngoy).



Order, command, commandment, law, behest, call, beck, charge, injunction, precept; to order, command, direct, bid, instruct, tell, enjoin. Pilá ang mga sógò sang Diós? How many commandments of God are there? Anó (Náno) ang íya (nga) sógò? Anó ang íya nga sinógò? What was his command? What was it he commanded? What were his orders? Sín-o ang íya (nga) sinógò? Whom did he give his order to? Who is his messenger? Whom did he command? Ari akó kon may igasógò (ikáw)? I am at your service (a polite form of speech at being introduced to strangers, etc.). Ginsógò níya akó sa Ilóngílong. He ordered me to go to Iloilo. Sogóa siá nga mangáhoy. Tell him to gather firewood. Pasogóan mo si Fuláno nga magkádto sa Manílà. Send an order to N.N. that he should go to Manila. Isógò mo sa íya iní. Give him this order. Order him to do this. (see bílin, tógon, panagubílin, ley, pagbulút-an, kasogoán, panugôsugô).



The waste matter, dregs, impurities, remnants of fruit after the juice has been pressed out; the refuse that remains behind in a strainer or the like. Ang mabilín sa ginsálà ginatawág nga tábag. What is retained by a strainer is called "tábag". Ang tábag sang lubí, almidón, hinakí, etc. The remnants (waste) of coconut meat, starch, hair-wash, etc. (see ugásip, urásip, bilín, lábud, lágdò).



(Sp. testamento) Last will, testament. (see Ang, katapúsan, nga, bílin, tógon, sógò, buút, testár).



Order, command, precept, injunction, commission; ordered, commanded, enjoined, that which has been ordered, etc. (see túlin, bílin, sógò).



(H) An order, injunction, commission; to order, commit to, entrust to, consign to, or put in charge of. Itúgon mo sa íya ang ímo kinahánglan. Togóni siá sang ímo kinahánglan. Consign your order to him. Give him your order. (see bílin, túlin, sógò).

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