Search result(s) - búhì



To live, dwell, abide, stay, lodge, reside, have one's home or residence, to live with. Sa diín ka nagapuyô? Where do you live? Ginpúy-an (Ginpuyoán) níya iníng baláy sa sulúd sang duhá ka túig. He lived two years in this house. He lived in this house for two years. Anó ang pagtawág sang dálan nga ímo nga ginapúy-an? What is the name of the street where you live (you live in)? Papúy-a siá sa ímo baláy. Let him lodge in your house. Give him lodgings in your home. Let him stay at your house. Ginpuyô níya siá. He lived with her. Indì mo pagpúy-on yanáng babáe. Don't live with that woman. Don't keep that woman (as your concubine). (see estár, lúntad, buhî, amoyóng, ulî, paúlî).



(Sp. sustento) Support, maintainance, upkeep, keep, livelihood; to support, keep, pay for the upkeep or maintainance of, defray the expenses for. Sustentohá ang panimaláy. Support the family. Ginasusténto níya ang ákon mga líbro. He pays for my books. Sín-o ang magasusténto sa ímo dídto? Who will provide for you there? (see sagúd, tátap, atipán, búhì).



(B) To stay, remain permanently (or for a long time), to settle, be settled, be stationed, reside, live, dwell, have one's abode. Nagatinganód ron lang tána kanámon, hay mál-am ron. (Nagalúntad na lang siá sa ámon, kay tigúlang na). He is now staying with us, for he is old. Sa diín dapít kang mga pinunâ nga lúpà nínyo ang ginatinganodán nínyo? (Sa diín dapít sang ínyo mga pinunâ nga dútà ang ínyo nga ginaluntarán)? On which of your farm-lands-do you live?-have you got your living quarters? (see puyô, lúntad, amuyóng, buhî).



To believe, credit, give credit or credence to, accept as true, assent to. Tinmotóo akó. I believe. "Ang Tinmotóo akó". "The Creed". Indì ka magtóo sinâ. Don't believe that (it). Toóhan mo gid ang tanán nga ginapapagtóo sang Sánta Iglésya. Believe everything what the Church commands to be believed. Buút níla ipatóo (ipapagtóo) sa áton--. They want us to believe--. Ang pagtóo. Faith. Sa buhî nga pagtóo. With a strong (living) faith. (see páti).

úlì, ulî


(B) To live, stay, reside, have one's home, go home. Diín ikáw nagaulî? (Diín (Sa diín) ka nagapaúlì)? Where do you live? Diín ang ginaulían (ginaulián) mo? (Diín (Sa diín) ang ímo ginapaulían (ginaestarán)? Where is your home. (see paúlì, puyô, estár, buhî, lúntad, amoyóng).

úlì, ulî


(B) To live, stay, reside, have one's home, go home. Diín ikáw nagaulî? (Diín (Sa diín) ka nagapaúlì)? Where do you live? Diín ang ginaulían (ginaulián) mo? (Diín (Sa diín) ang ímo ginapaulían (ginaestarán)? Where is your home. (see paúlì, puyô, estár, buhî, lúntad, amoyóng).



Pasture, open field where domestic animals may graze and roam about free. (see burúy-an).



Diminution, reduction, deduction, subtraction, lessening; to lessen, diminish, reduce, deduct, subtract, take off. Nagaamát-amát sang búhin ang humáy. The rice is slowly getting less. Nakabúhin siá sang arína. He took off some flour. Ginbuhínan níya ang swéldo sang íya mutsátso, kay matámad, konó. He lowered, docked, the wage of his servant, for he is lazy, he says. Buhíni ang bilí siní, kay támà kamahál. Lower, cut, the price of this, for it is too dear. Ibúhin mo akó sing isá ka pásong nga humáy sa íya párte nga limá ka pásong, kay may útang siá sa ákon. Please, deduct one bushel of rice from his share of five bushels, for he is in debt to me. Iníng tambóbo nga may humáy walâ pa sing búhin. This rice-granary has not yet been touched (no rice has been taken from it). Nabayáran ko siá sa waláy búhin. I paid him in full (without haggling on my part or remission on his). (see pakulús, paisót, padítay, patikî, kúpus, íban).



Tax, duty, tribute, toll, license; impost; to pay a tax, etc. Nakabuhís ikáw sang sédula, contribusyón teritoryál, etc.? Have you paid your cedula-tax, land-tax, etc.? Húo, bág-o pa lang akó magbuhís sinâ. Yes, I paid it only a short while ago. Ginbuhisán níla ang idô. They paid their dog-license. Iníng kwárta ibuhís ko sa ákon gantángan. I'll use this money to pay the tax on my ganta-measure. Ginbuhís ko na ang ápat ka mángmang sa ákon sédula, kay nagparekárgo silá sa ákon (or naparekargohán akó níla) tungúd sang ákon pagkamoróso. I have paid the four pesos for my cedula, for they charged me double on account of my being behindhand,-in arrear,-my not providing myself with a cedula in due time.

Livelihood, means of life, life, living, necessaries of life. (see kabúhì, pangabuhián).



Life, period from birth to death. (see kabúhì).



Tax-gatherer, toll-taker, collector of customs. (buhís).



Livelihood, living, means of-sustenance,-subsistence,-support. (see kabuhián).



An exclamation of sorrow, anguish or the like. A-a, kon amó inâ ang pangabúhî, maáyo na lang nga mamatáy akó! Ah, if life is such, it would be better for me to die! A-a, ano na man iní! Maanó na lang akó! Alas, what does this mean! What shall I do now!



To finish, take away or off (a loom or the like). Abána ang ákon háblon sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. Get my cloth off the loom as soon as possible. Ginában sang subâ ang ámon dútà. The river has washed away our land. Abánon mo na ang íya nga balayoón, kay nagtú-gon siá nga, kon maában na, ipadalá sa íya sa waláy lídan. Finish the cloth for making dresses, for she ordered it to be sent to her at once, when it was ready. Abáni akó sing duhá ka patádyong. Get me off the loom two native skirts, i. e. cloth sufficient for two such skirts called patádyong. Dílì makaában ang subâ siníng umá, kay may pángpang nga dínglì. The river cannot carry (wash) away this farm-land, for its bank is of hard sandstone. Naában na ang tátlo ka búlan sa napúlò nga inogbulúthù níya sa koléhyo. Three months have gone by already of the ten he has to study at college. Ginában níya ang dakû níya nga mánggad sa mga kalingáwlingáwan kag waláy pulús nga mga kahinguyángan. He spent his great wealth on diversions and useless extravagance. (see hingápus, hingapús, kúhà, búhin, áb-ab, etc.).



To follow closely without going beyond, be barely sufficient; just enough without anything to spare, living from hand to mouth. Ginaabátabát gid lang ang ámon pagkáon. We just manage to live from hand to mouth. The food we can procure is hardly enough to keep us alive. Ang ámon kinitáan abátabát gid lang sa ámon pangabúhì. Our earnings are barely enough for our living.



(Sp. abundar, abundante) Abundant, plentiful, amply sufficient, more than enough, enough and to spare, abounding; to abound, be abundant, etc. Abúnda na or nagaabúnda na ang humáy. There is plenty of rice now. Naabundahán na kitá sang áton pangabúhì. We have now plenty to live upon. Maíwat karón ang ísdà, ápang magaabúnda man liwán kunína. Fish is now scarce, but it will be plentiful again. (see bugánà, dagáyà, dagásà, óya, úya).



Passage, trace, incident, event; to go by, pass by, pass through. Ang mga ági kag bilín sang salâ. The traces and remains of sin. Ang mga ági sang íya kabúhì. The incidents of his life. Kon magági ka dirí, hapíti kamí. If you pass this way, visit us. Indì ka makaági dirâ, kay nakodalán ang umá. You cannot pass through there, for the field is fenced in. Ang dalán nga íla ginágyan (ginagíhan)-. The road over which they passed-. Iági akó siníng tulún-an sa kay Fuláno. Kindly hand this book over to N.N. in passing. Buás ágyon ko ikáw. Tomorrow I'll call for you in passing (and take you along). Buás ágyan ko ikáw. Tomorrow I'll visit you on my way. Paágyon mo kamí sa ímo umá. Let us pass through your field. Dílì mo pagpaágyan sa íla ang áton umá. Don't allow them to pass through our field. Walâ pa akó kaági (makaági) dídto. I have never been there yet, I have had no occasion to pass that way, I have not seen or passed that place at all.



Hardship, trial, difficulty; hard, trying, difficult; to be or become hard, etc. Alapígot karón ang pangabúhì Life at present is trying, (see lapígot id. and the more usual form).



(H) (Sp. alcabala) Commerce-excise, excise-duty; to subject to payment of duty, exact or collect excise-duty. Sókta ang alkabála. Collect the excise-duty. Ginaalkabaláhan ang mga balalígyà. Merchandise is subject to excise-duty. (see arkabála, buhís).

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