Search result(s) - píta



To open, unfold, spread out. Pitára (pitáda) ang tulún-an. Open the book. (see bítad).



Greetings, salutations, regards; to greet, salute, shake hands with; to treat or receive hospitably. Ginapadalá ko sa ínyo ang ákon abí-ábi. I send you my regards. Sa íla nga tanán ang ákon pagabí-ábi kag pagtáhud. To all of them I tender my greetings and respect. Abí-abíha siá. Salute him. Shake hands with him. Treat him well or hospitably. (see aláw, tátap, támyaw, támiaw).



To take under one's care, to receive hospitably or kindly, to give board and lodging to, to shelter, feed and clothe. Ginákup níya akó sing mahigugmáon. He received me kindly, charitably, hospitably, supplying all my needs. Akúpa sing maáyo iníng makaloló-oy nga táo. Receive this poor fellow in all kindness. Take good care of this wretched man. Ipaákup ko lang iníng makilímos sa mga punoán. I will hand this beggar over to the care of the authorities. (see sagúd, sapópo, tábang).



(H) Anything used for the purpose of opening, a key, etc. Also: The plural form of ábri (Sp. abrir) Diín ang alábri? Where is the key? Ang mga lampitáw nagalábri sang tanán níya nga mga baúl. The detectives opened all his boxes, (see lyábi).



(H) Store, stock, hoard, capital, assets. (see ábwà, halabwáan, hábwà).



(Sp. ambulancia) Ambulance, field hospital; a stretcher or vehicle to convey the wounded or sick to a hospital.



A present or gift of food and drink, hospitable entertainment, a treat; to entertain, regale, treat, give food and drink to, etc. Iamóma ko sa íya iníng mga ságing. I'll give him these bananas as a present. Amomáha siá sing maáyo. Treat him well. Nagamóma silá sa ámon sing dagáyà nga kalan-ónon. They treated us to plenty of delicate viands. Ihátag mo sa íya iníng duhá ka búlig nga ságing nga tigáylo sang kárne nga inamóma níya sa ákon. Give him these two bunches of bananas in return for the meat he gave me. Maálwan siá sing kamót sa pagpangamóma sa mga nagadúaw sa íya. He is open-handed in his treatment of visitors. (see aláw).



Contribution, mite, offering, donation; subscription; to contribute, subscribe, donate, pay a share, donate in common with others, etc. Magámot kamó. Contribute. You should contribute. Amóti nínyo ang simbáhan. Contribute for the church fund. Iámot iníng duhá ka mángmang sa mga nasunúgan sang íla baláy. Contribute these two pesos for the benefit of those whose houses were burned down. Amótan nínyo nga tátlo ang ákon báboy. The three of you should put your money together and buy my pig. May mga paámot sa madámù nga kinahánglan. Contributions are solicited for many needs. Paamóta siá sing madámù kay manggaránon man siá. Get him to contribute a good amount, for he is rich. Madámù ang walâ pa makahátag sang íla ámot. Many have not yet paid their contribution-or-subscription. Paamóti sa mga pumulúyò ang áton hospitál. Get the townspeople to give something in aid of our hospital. (see alamotán, umalamót, báyad, baláyran, tákay).



To call to, call by name, draw one's attention by pronouncing his name in a loud voice. Ampitá siá. Call him. (see tawág, sínggit).



Likeness, similarity, resemblance, similitude; like, similar, resembling; to be like or similar to, to compare with. Walâ sing ánggid sa íla nga duhá. There is no resemblance between the two. Anggid silá nga duhá-or-nagaánggid silá nga duhá. The two of them resemble each other-or-are like each other. Ang kápid nagaánggid gid. The twins are very much like each other-or-very much alike. Iánggid (but better "ipaánggid") iníng estampíta sa isá, kay tan-awón ko kon parého silá. Compare this picture with the one there, for I want to see, whether they are alike or resemble each other. Paanggidí ang patádyong ko, kon maghabúl ka sang ímò. Imitate or copy my skirt, when you weave one for yourself. (see agid-ágid).



Automobile, auto, motorcar. Also used as a verb. Nagpaáoto kamí. We came or travelled by automobile. Ipaáoto ang masakít nga táo kag dálhon mo sa hospitál. Put the sick man in an automobile and take him to the hospital.



(Probably from the Sp. banca). To help or join another in any work or undertaking, to contribute part of the expenses or capital involved in any scheme. Bankiyáhi akó sa paggásto siníng baláy nga ákon ginapatíndog. Help me to defray the expenses for the house I am having built. Ibankíya sa ákon ang ímong báka, agúd nga índì matám-an sang trabáho ang ákon karabáw. Assist me with your ox, lest my buffalo should be overworked. Ginbankíya níya sa ákon ang isá ka gatús ka mángmang sa ákon komérsyo. He helped me in my business with a contribution of one hundred pesos. (see búlig, tábang, ámot, búylog).



Town, city, municipality, state, common-wealth, public weal; citizens, electors, inhabitants; to become a town. Ang bánwa nga nataóhan níya --. The town in which he was born --. His native town --. Ang bánwa amó ang magahukóm sinâ. The citizens will sit in judgment over that. Ang kaayóhan sang bánwa walâ pagakabalák-i sang ibán nga mga polítiko. Some politicians do not bestow any thought on what is for the good of the state or common-wealth. Pangólo-bánwa. Municipal President. Ulo-bánwa. Principal city, capital. Iníng arabál nagbánwa na. This large village has now become a township or municipality. (see púngsud, puód, puók, arabál, báryo, minurô).



(B) Presently, shortly, at once, in a moment, in-, within-, a short time. Karón buháybuháy hapítan ko ikáw. I shall presently call upon you. I shall visit you soon. Karón buháybuháy maabút ang koríyo. The mail will be in shortly, within a short time. (see dugáydugáy).



(H) Hospital, medical bureau, sanitary station, clinic, office-, office-hours-, of a physician. (see bulúng).



Medicine, physic, simple, drug, potion, draught, treatment, nostrum, remedy for a wound or disease; to doctor, heal, physic, cure, apply a remedy, treat a patient, give medicine. May bulúng ikáw sa pilás? Have you a remedy for a wound? Ibulúng mo sa íya iníng ilímnon. Give this draught to him as a remedy. Búlnga siá. Give him medicine. Heal him. Treat him. Mapabulúng siá sa Ilóngílong. He is going to see a doctor-or-to get treatment in Iloilo. Ipabulúng ko siá sa hospitál. I shall send him for treatment to the hospital. Sín-o ang nagabulúng sa íya? Who is treating him? Sa tanán nga mga balatían may bulúng, ápang sa kamatáyón walâ. For all bodily ills there is a remedy, but none for death. (Pamulúng-the Freq. of bulúng).



To be quick, precipitate, impulsive, thoughtless, impetuous, hasty. Indì ka magdalás sa paghámbal. Don't be precipitate of speech. Gindalás gid níya ang pagbúhat sinâ. He did that-on the spur of the moment,-under the first impulse or impression,-in thoughtless haste. (see dalî, tabinás).



To take-refuge,-covert,-sanctuary,-shelter, seek-an asylum,-safety,-protection,-relief, have recourse to, approach-, go to-, for help. Dángpi siá. Go to him for protection. Have recourse to him. Nagdangúp siá sa ákon. He took refuge with me, came to me for help. Dinángpan sang masakít nga táo ang hospitál. The sick man sought relief in the hospital. Ipadangúp mo ang lalúng sa hospitál. Have the injured man seen to at the hospital. (see áyop, pakitábang).



To invite, call to, request one's presence or company; to lead by the hand, guide, help along a road or the like. Dapíta siá. Invite him. Dapíti ang kalasálon sang isá ka bánda nga músika. Engage a band for the marriage-feast. Idápit akó ánay sa íya. Please invite him for me or in my name. Sa tanán nga mga dinápit diótay lámang ang mga nagtalámbong. Of all those that were invited only a few attended. Dinapítan níla ang íla pándut sing madámù nga mga Párì. They invited many priests to assist at their feast. Gindápit níya ang bátà. He led the baby or child by the hand. Dapíta iníng tigúlang nga táo sa íya paglakát sa dálan. Help this old man along the road. Guide-, lead-, support-him on his way along the road. (see ágda, kángay, hágad).



(Sp. donar) To donate, bestow, grant, make a gift of. Gindonár níya sa simbáhan ang isá ka bintánà-or-gindonahán níya ang simbáhan sing isá ka bintánà. He donated to the church one window. Idonár mo lang inâ sa hospitál. Make a gift of it to the hospital. (see dólot, hátag, túgrò).

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