Search result(s) - subúng



Thought, thinking, idea, reflection, cogitation, consideration, surmise, guess, opinion; to think, cogitate, reflect, ponder, consider, surmise, opine, guess. Hunàhunáa inâ sing maáyo. Think well over it-or-Consider that well. Naghunâhúnà akó nga--. I thought that--. Ginahunâhunáan na níla karón sing mabinalák-on kon anó ang maáyo nga isagáng sa maláut nga pamatásan sang mga bág-ong túbò. They are now considering with great solicitude what is the best way to check the bad habits of the rising generation. Sa ákon hunâhúnà--. In my opinion--. Walâ akó sing hunâhúnà nga--. I had no idea that--. Kon maghunâhúnà ka sing súbung nagasayúp ikáw. If you think that, you are mistaken. (see dúmdum, painóíno, sálig).



(B) To enter, pass-, ooze-, percolate-, filter-, soak-, through. Ang túbig nagahunúb sa bangâ. The water is filtering through the jar. Ang mga bág-o nga kólon sing masamí ginahunubán sang túbig. New clay-pots are frequently porous (not water-tight). Pahunubí ang salaán sang túbig. Pass the water through the filter. Sa súbung siní nga ulán índì magbahâ ang subâ, kay ang tanán nga ulán mahunúb gid sa dútà nga kigás. With such a rain-fall there will be no flood in the river, for the dry ground will absorb (soak up) all the rain-water.



(H) Other, another, the others, some, someone else, the rest. Dílì akó súbung sang ibán. I am not like the rest-or-I am different from others. Dílì akó mangákò siníng trabáho; mangítà ka sing ibán. I am not going to undertake this work; try to find somebody else. Dílì ákon iníng kálò, kóndì íya sang ibán. This hat does not belong to me, but to someone else. Ang ibán nagapaísug, ang ibán nagapatálaw sa íya. Some are encouraging, others are discouraging him. Ang ibán nagapakamaáyo siní, ang ibán nagapakaláin. Some approve of this, others are against it. (see laín, túhay).



(H) Other, another, the others, some, someone else, the rest. Dílì akó súbung sang ibán. I am not like the rest-or-I am different from others. Dílì akó mangákò siníng trabáho; mangítà ka sing ibán. I am not going to undertake this work; try to find somebody else. Dílì ákon iníng kálò, kóndì íya sang ibán. This hat does not belong to me, but to someone else. Ang ibán nagapaísug, ang ibán nagapatálaw sa íya. Some are encouraging, others are discouraging him. Ang ibán nagapakamaáyo siní, ang ibán nagapakaláin. Some approve of this, others are against it. (see laín, túhay).



To consider, hold or take for, look upon as--. Kabígon mo lang nga duhá iníng ápat ka páhò, kay magamáy. Just count these four mangoes as if they were only two, for they are so small. Sa madámù nga mga salákyan ginakábig ang duhá ka bátà nga isá lang ka pasahéro. On many vehicles two children are reckoned as only one passenger. Ang napúlò ka sógò sang Diós ginakábig (nakábig) nga duhá nga amó iní: "Higugmaón mo ang Diós labí sa ngatanán kag ang ímo isigkatáo súbung sa ímo nga kaugalíngon". The ten commandments of God are contained in (or are equal to) these two: "Love God above all things, and thy neighbour as thyself". (see bílang).



(H) Now, at present, at the present-time,-day,-moment,-juncture,-occasion, presently, immediately, shortly, forthwith, anon, nowadays; before long, soon; adj.: present, current. Lakát kitá karón. Let us go now. Mapailóngílong akó karón. I am going to Iloilo soon. Sa súbung siní walâ akó sing tinión, ápang karón ugáling tatápon ko ang ímo kinahánglan. Just at present I have no time, but before long I will attend to your need. Sa karón nga mga tinúig--. At the present time, in the times we are living in--. Ang karón nga túig. The present or current year.



(H) An equal, one in the same predicament as another; sameness, equality, like, as, similar to. (súbung).



To look about curiously or searchingly, let one's eyes wander as when visiting a new place or the like. Anó ang ginalísi mo? What are you looking at so curiously? Why are you so curiously looking about? Indì ka maglísi. Do not let your eyes wander so curiously. Don't gaze about you so inquisitively. Sang pagabút sádto nga bukídnon sa Manílà naglísi siá nga daw lipóng sa katingála bangúd sang madámù nga mga baláy nga dalágkù. When that mountaineer arrived in Manila he stared about him as if beside himself with astonishment on account of the many large buildings. Hinúgay sang lísi nga súbung sang isá ka dalákpon. Don't look so excitedly about you as if you were (a criminal) to be arrested.



Dim. and Freq. of lísi. Indì ka maglisílísi súbung sang isá ka haló. Don't look about like an iguana.



To turn upside down, overthrow; to wriggle, writhe, tumble. Nagalúmpat kag nagalúkwat siá súbung sang isá ka pakâ. He jumps and tumbles like a frog. (see balískad, balínsay, lúkso).



A diminutive particle: Like, as, like to, about, somewhat similar to, resembling, nearly, almost, as (large, small, thick, thin, good, bad, etc.) as-. Malakárbaw, malakarabáw-somewhat like a buffalo; malabitík-like a flea; as small as a flea; malapásì-as, like, about as large as, unhulled grains of rice; malabínlud-very small, as small as fine particles or fragments of hulled rice; malabaláy-like a house, almost as big as a house; malapálad-as large as the palm of a hand, very little; malakalibútan-as large as the world, nearly (almost) everywhere. Ginhatágan níla akó sing tinápay nga malatingá (Gintáw-an nánda akó ti tinápay nga malatingá). They gave me just a very little (a bite of) bread. Ang lúpà (dútà) námon malapálad. Our farm-land is as large as the palm of the hand i.e. it is very small. Ang íya dungúg malakalibútan (daw kalibútan kadakû). His reputation (fame) is spread all over the world. (see daw, súbung, oloánggid).



A conjunctive particle used in various ways:

a.) to connect adjectives and nouns, nouns and nouns, etc., e.g. mabúg-at nga lúlan. A heavy load. Sa manábaw nga subâ. In the shallow river. Baláy nga bató. A stone building. Isá ka kúlon nga kán-on. A kettle full of rice. Mga ságing nga tinanók. Boiled bananas. Ang mga nagahuníhúni nga sirúmsirúm. The chirping crickets. Isá ka lubí nga binukâ. A split coconut.

b.) to connect ideas or sentences, equivalent to: that, in order that, if. Nakadumdúm akó nga--. I thought that--. Ang labíng maáyo nga magkádto ka dídto sa súbung siní. It would be best, if you went there at once. Indì mo pagkalímtan nga buás masúgud kitá magarádo. Don't forget that tomorrow we begin ploughing.

c.) as relative pronoun. Ang táo nga naglubás kaína amó ang ákon tíyò. The man who passed a while ago is my uncle. Amó iní ang bátà nga mahúmok gid sing úlo. This is the boy who has a very bright under-standing. Diín na ang tigíb nga gingámit ko kahápon? Where is the chisel I used yesterday?

d.) as an introduction to an exclamation. Nga pagkalisúd sang pangabúhì karón! Oh, how difficult living conditions are! Nga pagkabungúl siníng bátà! Oh, the stubbornness (obstinacy) of this boy! How stubborn this boy is!



To drink without a drinking vessel in the manner of animals, lap, suck up. Indì ka magób-ob súbung sang mga háyup. Don't drink like an animal. Ginób-ob lang níya ang túbig sa bobón. He just lapped with his tongue the water direct in the water-hole. Ob-obá lang ang túbig, kay walâ kitá sing kalándus. Just put your mouth to the water and drink, as we have no dipper. (see láklak).



To drink without a drinking vessel in the manner of animals, lap, suck up. Indì ka magób-ob súbung sang mga háyup. Don't drink like an animal. Ginób-ob lang níya ang túbig sa bobón. He just lapped with his tongue the water direct in the water-hole. Ob-obá lang ang túbig, kay walâ kitá sing kalándus. Just put your mouth to the water and drink, as we have no dipper. (see láklak).



(H) But, now, after a moment's time or reflection, anon, before long, in a minute, afterwards, not just now, but--, not in this way, but--. Karón ogáling magadúaw akó sa ínyo. After a short time I will visit you, but not just now. Silhigán mo ánay ang salúg kag ogáling lampasóhan mo. First sweep the floor and then scrub it. Sán-o nímo tahión ang ákon báyò?-Buás ogáling, kay masákò pa akó súbung siní. When will you make my dress?-To-morrow, for at present I am very busy. (see gáring, ugáling).



(H) But, now, after a moment's time or reflection, anon, before long, in a minute, afterwards, not just now, but--, not in this way, but--. Karón ogáling magadúaw akó sa ínyo. After a short time I will visit you, but not just now. Silhigán mo ánay ang salúg kag ogáling lampasóhan mo. First sweep the floor and then scrub it. Sán-o nímo tahión ang ákon báyò?-Buás ogáling, kay masákò pa akó súbung siní. When will you make my dress?-To-morrow, for at present I am very busy. (see gáring, ugáling).



Yet, still, besides, more, furthermore, also. Walâ pa (índì pa) siá magabút. He has not (will not) arrived (arrive) yet. Sa súbung siní índì pa akó makahalín. I cannot leave just at present. Sa ákon bántà magaulán pa karón sa hápon. In my opinion it will still be raining (it will rain again) this afternoon. May isá pa ka katarúngan--. There is still another (one more) reason or argument. Isá pa. One thing more. Maáyo pa (labíng maáyo pa) kon--. It were better (It would be better still), if--. Kag índì pa kay amó inâ lámang, kóndì--. And not only this, but--. This does not tell the whole story, but--. Matáas pa ang búkid nga Napulák. The Napulák mountain is higher (still). Malayô pa. It is far yet. (see angód, gihápon).



To tell stories, spread untrue tales or reports. Sín-o ang nagpadánò sang amó nga mga butáng? Who spread such tales? Indì mo pag-ipadánò ang súbung sinâ nga mga pábula. Don't repeat such tales or fables. Also: to backbite, detract, calumniate, slander.



To run away, run off, escape, flee, retreat, take to flight, make off, turn tail, take to one's heels, beat a retreat, abscond, bolt, decamp, skedaddle, show a light pair of heels. Nagpalágyo siá. He ran away. He fled. Nakapalágyo siá sa bilanggóan. He succeeded in escaping from prison. Ginpalagyohán níya ang íya mapíntas nga agálon. He ran away from his cruel master. Indì kamó magpalágyo súbung sang mga matálaw, kóndì mangatúbang kamó sing matútum sa mga kaáway. Don't retreat (run away) like cowards, but bravely face the enemy. (see lágyo, tál-as).



Selling, sale, selling price. Sa súbung karón nga pamaligyáon--. At present selling-or-at the current price--. (see balígyà, pamalígyà).

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