(Sp. tabaquero) Cigar maker, tobacco manufacturer, tobacconist, a dealer in tobacco and cigars.
(Sp. tabaco) Tobacco; cigar.
(B) To help, assist, aid, succour, lend a helping hand. Abáng-abángi siá. Help him. Render him assistance. Lend him your aid. (see tábang, tabángtábang).
(Sp. habano) A cigar, especially one made by machinery, and sold by tobacconists (in contradistinction to the piokós-a home-made cigar, rolled by hand for private use). Bákli akó sing duhá ka abáno nga taglimá ka sentimós. Buy me two cigars of five centavos each. Indì akó makaúyon sang abáno kay matáb-ang; ginapasolabí ko gid ang piokós, kay labíng maísug. I do not like cigars sold by tobacconists, for they are too mild; I much prefer home-made cigars, because they are very strong, (see tabákò, tabakô, piokós).
Dim. and Freq. of ábat. Also: to follow up, follow from place to place. Ginabátábat sang mga polís ang makáwat túbtub nga íla madakúp (nadakúp). The police followed the thief from place to place till they caught him. Abát-abáton nínyo ang duhá ka pamatán-on nga nagtabanáy túbtub nga ínyo makítà kag ibálik nínyo dirí silá nga duhá. Follow the two young people that have eloped till you find them and bring the two of them back here. (see sunúdsúnud).
To follow closely without going beyond, be barely sufficient; just enough without anything to spare, living from hand to mouth. Ginaabátabát gid lang ang ámon pagkáon. We just manage to live from hand to mouth. The food we can procure is hardly enough to keep us alive. Ang ámon kinitáan abátabát gid lang sa ámon pangabúhì. Our earnings are barely enough for our living.
To support, help along invalids or sick persons, etc.; to help, assist, succour in straits or difficulties. Agáka siá. Help him along. Ipaágak siá sa ímo sologoón. Let your servant lend him support. Order your servant to help him along. Ginaágak silá sang íla mga ábyan. They are being helped along in life by their friends. Agákon ko siá sa pagtabók sa subâ. I will lead him by the hand whilst crossing the river. (see agubáy, tóytoy, búlig, tábang).
To take under one's care, to receive hospitably or kindly, to give board and lodging to, to shelter, feed and clothe. Ginákup níya akó sing mahigugmáon. He received me kindly, charitably, hospitably, supplying all my needs. Akúpa sing maáyo iníng makaloló-oy nga táo. Receive this poor fellow in all kindness. Take good care of this wretched man. Ipaákup ko lang iníng makilímos sa mga punoán. I will hand this beggar over to the care of the authorities. (see sagúd, sapópo, tábang).
(H) Not burning well, that does not soon catch fire, difficult to light, said of green wood, wet leaves, tobacco, cigars, etc. Also used as a verb: to be or become difficult to light, etc. Alhom kaáyo iníng abáno. This cigars burns very badly. Naalhomán siá sang ákon abáno. He could not light the cigar I gave him, or he had difficulty in lighting my cigar. Dî mo pagpaalhomón ang tabákò. Be careful with the tobacco, lest it should get wet, burn badly or be difficult to light, (see arúm).
(Sp. alibio) Belief, ease, mitigation, alleviation; consolation, comfort. (see bulúng, tábang, paaliwánsan, utwásan).
To postpone, procrastinate, tarry, put off, delay; tarrying, delaying, etc. The verb is frequently used with pa-. Dílì kamó magpaalogán-gan or maginalogán-gan sa pagsílhig sang hulút. Don't put off sweeping the room. Ginalogán-gan níya ang pagkádto dídto kag tungúd sinâ walâ siá makaábut sang tábad. He put off going there and as a consequence came too late for the dinner or banquet. Indì siá magpaalogán-gan sa pagsakáy pa Manílà or índì níya pagialogán-gan ang pagsakáy pa Manílà. He will not postpone his trip to Manila. Alogán-gan siá sing pamatásan. He is inclined to procrastinate, put things off. (see palántang, agáp-to anticipate).
Dim. of ánad. Ginaanád-ánad níya ang íya ginháwa sa pagtabakô. He is gradually contracting a habit of smoking.
First, before something else; Wait a little! Have a little patience. Kindly-. Be good enough to-. Please. Makádto pa akó ánay dídto. First I'll go there. Hulát ánay. Wait a little. Anay! Have a little patience! Wait a little! Bulígi akó ánay. Kindly help me. Anay pa. Forbear still a little. Tabángi akó ánay, kon mga saráng. Be good enough to help me, if possible.
-ánay, A suffix denoting reciprocity. Nagahigugmaánay silá. They love each other. Nagsondánay silá. They followed one another. At times "ánay" is shortened to "-ay". Nakasugataáy silá. They met each other. Nakakitaáy silá. They saw each other.
Under-developed, stunted, injured in growth; to be or become stunted, etc.; not well made or done. Arikotóy nga táo. A man of very low stature, below the normal size. Arikotóy nga trabáho. Clumsy work, a bungling performance. Nagarikotóy ang talóng, kamátis, kamóti, tabákò, etc., kay lakás ang ínit kag kúlang ang ulán. The egg-plants, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, tobacco-plants, etc., were injured in growth by too great heat and lack of rain. (see arí-arí, agíl-agíl).
(Sp. arrimar, arrrimo) To rely upon, shelter oneself behind, ask for help or recommendation, be backed up by. Arimóhon mo si Fuláno, kon malúyag ikáw nga íya ikáw tabángan. Ask N.N's assistance, if you wish to be helped-, backed up-, by him. Iarímo mo akó sa íya. Please, ask him to back me up. Walâ kamí sing arimóhan. We have nobody to help us. The Freq. pangarímo is more used in the active tense. Mangarímo ka sa íya. Get his recommendation. Shelter yourself behind him. (see dangúp, ayóp).
Of use, worth something, etc. See yáwat. (see yádì, pangunyádì, panginyáwat).
-ay, (Short for -anay) A very frequently used suffix denoting reciprocity or an action by many, e.g. pilasáy, pinilasáy (pílas-to wound); bukaráy, binukaráy (búkad-to open, disclose); hikayáy, hinikayáy (híkay-to disparage, criticize); hikawáy, hinikawáy, (híkaw-to envy, spite); agawáy, inagawáy (ágaw-to snatch, take); sulátay, sinulátay (sulát-to write); minulayáy (múlay-to carp, cavil, run down); tabanáy, tinabanáy (tában-to run away with), etc. etc.
(Sp. ayuda, ayudar) Help, aid, succour, assistance; enema, clyster; to help, assist; to administer an enema. Ayudahí siá. Help him. Ginaayudahán níya ang tagumatáyon. She is assisting the dying person (by saying the prayers for the dying, etc.). Notice the accent in the following: Ayudáhi siá. Administer him an enema. (see búlig, tábang, agubáy, kalíya, labatíba).
To practise, inure, train, accustom to, make used to. Nabádang na siá sa pagtabakô, pag-inúm sing bíno, paghámbal sing ininglés, etc. He is now accustomed to smoke, to drink wine, to speak English, etc. Nabadángan ko na iníng lugár, iníng mga buluhatón, etc. I am now used to this place, to this kind of work, etc. Ipabádang mo siá sa pagsáut sa kay Fulána. Let her learn to dance under N.N.'s instruction. Nagsutíl ang bátà, kay walâ sing nabadángan ang pagkastígo sang íya ilóy. The child turned out badly, because her mother had no method in punishing her. (see ánad, hánas).