Search result(s) - ákon



Throb, beat, pulsation; to throb, heave, palpitate, pulse, to twist and wriggle as a worm, to throb with pain as a boil, etc. Nagakotíkot ang sulúd sang ákon hubág. The inside of my boil is throbbing with pain.



Hole, cavity, grave, sepulchre; to excavate, dig-, scoop-, out earth, etc. Akó ang makáli, ikáw ang makótkot. I will do the digging and you will take out the earth. Imo kotkotón ang binayó sa lusóng, kay ákon pagatáphan. Scoop out the pounded rice from the mortar, for I am going to sift it. Kotkotá ang balás sa búhò. Take out the sand from the hole. (see káli, búhò, lulúbngan).



(H) To take, take-away,-from,-away from,-off, remove, fetch, seize, abduct, subtract; gain, get. Kuháa iníng mga pínggan sa lamésa. Take these plates off the table. Kuháon mo ang ákon kálò sa kwárto kag dálhon dirí. Fetch my hat from the room and bring it here. Ginkuháan-or-kinuháan akó níya sing tátlo ka písos. He took three pesos from me. Kuhái iníng tabungós sing ápat ka gántang. Take five gantas out of this rice-basket. Anó gid man nga kapuslánan ang saráng náton makúhà sinâ? What advantage can we gain from that? What is the use of it? (see buúl).



To sneak, to take away by stealth, filch, purloin, appropriate secretly. Sín-o ang nagkulámi sang ákon líbro? Who took away my book? Kinulámi níya ang ákon kálò, bastón, etc. He took away my hat, stick, etc. Kulamíha lang iníng páyong. Just take this umbrella. Ginkulamíhan akó níya sang ákon báyò. He took away (appropriated) my jacket. (see kúhà).



(H) See kúdlit. Walâ siá magpadalá sa ákon bisán sing isá ka kúlit. He did not send me as much as one line.



A stroke made with a pencil and the like, a line, a scratch, a score; to line, mark, score, scratch lightly with a pointed tool or instrument. Sín-o ang nagkúris sang papél? Who made these scratches on the paper? Kinurísan sang símsim ang ákon bútkon. My arm got scratched by the bamboo-branches. Ikúris lang ang tigíb sa tápì. Simply mark the board with the chisel. (see kúdlit, kúdlis, kúlit, kúrit).



To get loose, shake, lack firmness, wobble. Nagakútal ang ákon ngípon-or-kutál ang ákon ngípon. My tooth is loose. (see hútal).



(B) A very little, a trifle, an exceedingly small amount. Kutíplong lang nga humáy ang ginhátag níya sa ákon. He gave me only a very small amount of rice. (see púdyot, kusî, tikî).



To take a handful, grasp with the hand; a handful, as much as one can hold within the hand with closed fingers. Kuúma ang ákon bútkon, kay maálay. Grasp and feel my arm, for it is stiff.



Surprise, shock, sudden fright, start; sudden, without warning, unprepared; to startle, surprise, shock. Nagpakuyús siá sa ákon sang íya pagabút sa baláy sa tungâ sang gáb-i. He gave me a surprise when he arrived home at midnight. Kuyús nga kamatáyon. Sudden, unprepared death. (see panguyús).



(B) Mud, slush, mire; to be or become muddy, etc. Naglaó ang idálum sang baláy, kay nasúdlan sang túbig sang pagulán. The ground-floor of the house became muddy, because water came in when it rained. Nalaohán ang ákon sapín. My boots have become muddy. (see lala-ó, lúnang).



To pursue, run after, chase. Ang manók ginaláas sang idô. The dog is running after the chicken. Laása ang báboy. Run after the pig. Palaási ang kánding sang idô. Send the dog after the goats. Ginláas akó níya, ápang walâ siá makaábut sa ákon. He chased me, but could not catch me. (see lagás).



A sip, draught, dose, mouthful of liquids; to sip, take a draught. Maginúm ka lang sing isá ka láb-ok. Just take a sip or draught. Nagláb-ok siá sing bíno kag naglakát. He sipped some wine and went on his way. Palab-oká siá sang ímo tubâ. Give him a mouthful of your toddy. Ipaláb-ok mo sa ákon yanáng ilímnon. Let me taste that beverage. (see tígsim).



(Sp. lavar) To wash clothes; to beat, strike, slash, drub, lash, whack, wallop. Maglabá ka sang naúg. Wash the garment. Lábhi (labahí) sing maáyo ang ákon mga ulús. Wash my clothes well. Ilabá akó ánay sang ákon báyò, kay may kadtoán akó. Kindly wash my jacket for me, for I have to go out. Ari na dirí ang linábhan mo. Your wash or laundry is here. May lalábhan ikáw? Have you any clothes to be washed? Ginlabahán akó níya sang íya bastón sa likód. He struck me on the back with his stick. Labahí ang kabáyo sang látigo. Lash the horse with the whip. (see búnak, búnal, bálbal, bákol, etc.).



To pass by or through, flit past, cross. Naglabád siá sa ákon baláy nga dáw hángin. He passed by my house like the wind. Nalabadán (nalabarán) ang ákon paínoíno sang panghúnàhúnà nga--. The thought crossed my mind that--. Ilabád ang áwto sa plása. Drive the auto through the public square. (see labáy).



To twist, turn, screw, wring, wrench. Karón labágon ko ang líog mo. In a moment I will wring your neck. Ilábag akó sang ákon mga linábhan. Kindly wring the wash for me. Indì ka makalábag sinâ. You cannot twist that. (see lúbag, pugâ, lúbid).



(Sp. navaja) Razor. Patalumá ang ákon labáha. Sharpen my razor. (see nabáha).



More than half, majority, the larger part or share; more, greater, larger (of quantity or numbers); to be, do, etc. more, exceed, surpass, outdo. Ang labán sang ákon humáy ginbalígyà ko na. I have sold more than half of my rice already. Ihátag mo sa íya ang tungâ sang tinápay, índì ka maglabán sa íya-or-índì mo siá paglabanán. Give him half of the bread, don't keep the larger share for yourself. Ginlabán níya ang paghátag sa kay Pédro. He gave Pedro more. Nalabanán akó níya sing duhá ka páhò. He got two mangoes more than I did.



To pass, flit through; go by. Naglabáy sa ákon painóíno nga--. The thought flitted through my mind that--. (see labád, lubás, lígad).



A polite excuse for interrupting a conversation or for introducing a new topic. Labáy man ang ákon, sán-o ka pa dirí? Excuse me for interrupting, when did you arrive here?

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