Search result(s) - anák



Dim. and Freq. of malí. Also: to insinuate, hint at, use indirect language, enlighten another's mind by allusions, speak in parables, often practised by one who wishes to obtain a favour from another or to come to an agreement, to throw out a "polite hint" in a round-about way. Ginmalímalíhan níya kamí nga ang íya nónoy buút mangasáwa sa ámon índay. He politely insinuated that his son wants to marry our daughter. Malímalíha ang paghámbal mo sa íla. Talk to them with polite insinuations or allusions. Nagamalímáli silá nga buút magsímpon sa ámon sang íla anák. They are insinuating their desire or wish of having their boy stay with us. Masúnsun ang hámbal sang Aton Ginúo malímáli. Our Lord often spoke in parables.



(B) A contr. of mamun-á-from munâ-to tarry, loiter, remain a long time, protract one's stay; to be at ease, be calm or tranquil. Indì ka mámnà dídto. Don't stay there a long time, don't loiter there. Indì gid mámnà ang íya hunâhúnà túbtub nga masayóran níya kon nakadángat na sa Manílà ang íya anák nga bág-o pa lang magsakáy. She cannot rest at ease till she knows whether her son, who a short while ago embarked for Manila, has safely arrived there. (see munâ, dúgay, lúsgò).



To exert oneself, do something with force or violence. Nagmúg-ot siá sa paghákwat siníng bató. He put forth all his strength in lifting this stone. It was all he could do to lift this stone. Nagamúg-ot siá sa kaákig. He is violently angry. Ginmug-otán níya ang aparadór sa paggíhit. He made a great effort to shift the cupboard. Indì mo pagmug-otán ang ímo anák sang ákig. Don't be furiously angry with your son. (see paningúhà, panikasúg, himúd-os).



To hand over or divide provisionally amongst the heirs, etc. See adááda. Paadáhi sing dútà ang ímo mga anák. Distribute provisionally some land to your children.



To shed, cause to flow (tears, etc.). Nagpaágay siá sing mapaít nga mga lúhà. She shed bitter tears. Indì mo pagpaagáyon ang íya mga lúhà. Don't make her cry. Ginpaagáyan níya sing madámù nga mga lúhà ang íya anák nga napatáy. She shed many tears over her dead child. (pa, ágay).



Caus. of anák. To beget, procreate, make pregnant; to get another to be godfather or godmother at a christening, ask another to be godparent; to act as a midwife, assist at childbirth. Paángka (paánka, paanaká) si Fuláno sang imó bátà. Ipaanák mo ang ímo bátà sa kay Fuláno. Get N.N. to be godfather to your child. Si Fulána amó ang nagpaanák sa íya. N.N. assisted her at childbirth. (see panganák, pakúgus, pakapút, pamábdus).



To attribute to, inculpate, impute, lay the guilt, etc. upon someone else, accuse, denounce, make responsible; blame. Indì ka magpabángdan sa ákon sang ímo sayúp. Don't blame me for your mistake. Ginpabángdan níla sa manugbúlung ang kamatáyon sang íla anák, kay, konó, gindapátan níya sing maláin nga bulúng. They attributed the death of their child to the doctor, for, they said, he applied a harmful prescription. (see bangúd, pabangúd).



To gratify another's wish, indulge another, let another have his will, wink at, accommodate oneself to, spoil (a child). Nagságsag ang íla anák, kay sang diótay pa siá íla ginpadagayán sang tanán níya nga luyáglúyag. Their son turned out bad, because when he was young they granted him everything he wished for,-they let him have everything he wanted. (see pasugút, pagústo, patúyang, pagusá, pasamíyang, pakaiyáníyan).



To increase, augment, add to. Padugánga lang siá sing písos. Just make him pay one peso more. Nagapadúgang siá sang íya útang. He is increasing his debt. Ginpadúgang pa gid ang íya nga kalisúd sang kamatáyon sang íya hinigúgma nga anák. His troubles were added to by the death of his beloved child. (pa, dúgang).



A prefix meaning:

a.) To pretend, feign, make a show or false appearance of, assume the airs of what the root implies, e.g. Indì ka magpakamanunúon, kon dílì ka manunúon nga matúod. Don't pretend to be a teacher, unless you really are a teacher. Nagpakapárì siá, ápang nasápwan sa madalî nga dílì siá párì galî. He pretended to be a priest, but it was soon found out that he was not a priest at all.

b.) To imagine, consider, think, hold something to be what the stem of the word indicates, e.g. Ginpakamaáyo níla ang amó nga pagbulút-an. They considered that to be a good law, they approved that law. Ang tanán nga nagapakasáyod (nagapakasayód) sinâ--. All those that think that they know the facts in that case--.

c.) To do or experience "really" what the root implies, e.g. Ang mga nagpakabatî sa íya--. Those that (actually) heard him--. Ang mga nagpakatiláw sang amó nga pagkáon nagasilíng nga--. Those that have (actually) tasted that food say that--. Ang mga nagpakatámbong, nagpakadáyaw, etc. Those that were present, applauded, etc. Ang Anák sang Diós nagpakatáo. The Son of God became (really, truly, verily) man.

N.B. It should be borne in mind that there are terms, as e.g. pakalisúd, etc., in which the "ka-" belongs to the stem and their meaning is consequently determined by the prefix pa-, not by paka-.



Caus. of kapút. Also: to ask another to be godparent (of one's child). Sín-o ang pagapakápton mo sa ímo anák? Whom will you engage as godfather (godmother) to your son (daughter)? (see paanák, pakúgus).



To let or make-enlist,-enroll, have one's name inscribed on a list. Mapalísta kamí sa manuglísta. We are going to be enlisted by the registrar. Palistahá siá sang íya nga ngálan. Have him enlist. Let him enter his name on the list. Let him have his name put down in the list. Let him have his name listed. Ipalísta sa piskál ang ímo anák. Let the fiscal register the name of your child. (see lísta, pasulát).



Delivery, birth; to give birth to; to beget, procreate, bring forth, have-offspring,-a child,-issue; to be godfather or godmother to a child at baptism or confirmation. (see anák).



To be godfather or godmother. Ang pinanángkon ni Fuláno. N.N.'s godchild. (see anák, ángkon). Also: Freq. of ángkon-to acquire, etc.



Caus. of sákup. To be or become subject to, enlist, enroll, submit to, enter a society or corporation, etc.; to admit or receive as a member or subject, let join or order to join. Nagpasákup-or-napasákup siá sa mga konstabuláryo. He joined the constabulary, became a member of the constabulary. Ipasákup mo ang ímo anák sa isá ka maáyo nga talapuánan. Let your son join a good society or company.



Caus. of súyon-to be easy, etc. Also: to take things easy, let things take their course without opposition, wink at, tolerate, allow to pass or go on. Indì mo pagpasuyónan inâ. Don't allow that to pass or go on (without notice or opposition). Ginapasuyónan gid lang sang ginikánan ang maláin nga batásan sang íla nga anák. The parents wink at (connive, do not interfere with) the bad habits of their son.



To work very hard, work oneself to death. Nagapatáypátay siá sang pangabúdlay nga isagúd níya sa íya mga anák. He works very hard for the support of his children. (see putóy-pútoy) Also: very much, excessive. Nagkádlaw siá sing patáypátay. He laughed very much. He was tickled to death.



Together with, equally, at the same time, both, including both, as well as, and. Ang nagakaígò nga pangabúdlay maáyo sa láwas páti kalág. Suitable labour is good for both body and soul. Ang bánwa páti ang íya sinâ nga pumulúyò. The town and its inhabitants, the town as well as its inhabitants. Ikáw páti ang ímo anák. You together with your son. (see kag).



Contr. of konpírma. Anák níya siá sa pírma. He is his godson (goddaughter) by confirmation.



(B) To complain, be discontented, worried, dissatisfied, apprehensive. Nagarogórógo siá kay walâ pa gihápon magpaúlì ang íya anák. She is worried, because her son has not returned home yet. (see lángkag, orooráwa, móno, morômorô).

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