Search result(s) - bálo



To wind up, coil. Alása ang písì. Wind up the rope. Iálas akó ánay sang kalát. Please, coil up the rope for me. Kon índì ka makahibaló magálas sang káble ipaálas mo lang inâ sa kay Pédro. If you don't know how to wind up the cable, get Peter to do it.



(Sp. alistar) Ready, prepared, fit for, equipped; to prepare, get ready. Alisto na kamí sa paglakát. We are now ready to march. Kon alísto na kamó nga tanán, malakát na kitá. If you are all ready, we will go now. Alistohá ang mga dalál-on (dalálhon). Get ready the things to be taken along or to be brought along. Alistohí kamí sing balónon. Make ready for us some provisions for the journey. Ialísto ko pa ang ákon maléta, kay dálhon ko sa buás. I am going to get my hand-bag ready, for I'll take it along tomorrow. (see hímos, híkot, híwat, áman).



To know, understand. (see inalóng-ong, hibaló, sáyod, áto).



To sing, chant, troll, choir. Maáyo siá magámba. She is a good singer. Makahibaló ka magámba siníng bág-o nga kalantáhon? Do you know how to sing this new song? Ginambahán níya kitá sang íya matám-is nga pagpaníngug. She sang to us in her sweet voice. Kon ímo ambahón iníng kalantáhon ákon pagaúpdan sa piáno ang ímo ambahánon. If you sing this song I will accompany you on the piano. Iámba akó siní. Sing this for me, please. (see kánta).



(H) What; of what kind, condition or quality; What? Of what kind? What is the definition, explanation or meaning of-? Anáno ang pagkaláwat? What is Communion? What does Communion mean? Makahibaló ikáw kon anáno ang pagkaláwat? Do you know what Communion is? Can you give a definition or explanation of the meaning of Communion? (see náno, anó; "anó" and "anáno" are often used promiscuously, though they are not quite identical in meaning; "anó" refers simply to the thing itself or asks its name, whilst "anáno" inquires into the real aim, purpose, explanation or definition of a thing together with its qualities, use, utility, etc. Anó, iní? What is this? What is the name of this? What do you call this? Anáno, iní? What kind of thing is this? What are the qualities, use, purpose, utility, etc. of this?



Botched, bungled, clumsy, not well-done,-performed,-wrought,-cooked; etc.; to do-carelessly,-lazily,-clumsily, to bungle, botch. (see agól-agól, balotanóg, bástos, barághal, barúbal, manól).



Mute, dumb; silent, mum, speechless; to be or become dumb. Nagapâ siá sa hinálî. He was suddenly struck dumb. Ang mga apâ nagainapâ. The dumb (deaf and dumb) talk by signs and gestures. Gininapaán akó níya. He talked to me as one deaf and dumb, (by signs and gestures). Nagainapâ gid lang si Fuláno dirâ sa higád. N.N. just keeps silent there in the corner. Naginapâ siá. He talked by signs and gestures. He said nothing. Makahibaló ikáw mag-inapâ? Do you know how to talk like the deaf and dumb? Can you converse by signs and gestures? (see ágbà).



To see the point, to understand, to grasp. Indì siá kaáto sinâ. He cannot see the point. He does not understand it. Makaáto ikáw sa pagpangítà sang áto sang bunáng? Can you find the key of the yarn? (see hibaló, sáyod, balintúnod, etc.).



Rotten, putrid; old, useless; dull, stupid; to be or become rotten, etc. (see gabúk, garók, dunút, bagót, balót, gubát, pákok, kagúng, kalóng).



(B) Rotten, foul, spoilt; old, useless, worn out. (see balót, barót).



To stew, to cook in a bamboo-joint, especially poultry, with various ingredients. Bakolá ang manók. Stew the chicken in a bamboo-joint. Bakolí akó sing manók. Stew a chicken or me. Ibakól akó ánay siníng manók. Please, stew this chicken for me. Kinawátan siá níla sang íya bálon nga binakól. They stole his stewed chicken, which he had brought with him as provision on his trip.



(H) A receptacle for powdered mangrove-bark (tungúg) called balók, which see. Also: Toddy or palm-wine fresh from the palm and still unmixed with balók. Diín ang balálkan? Where is the receptacle containing the tungúg (mangrove-bark)? Iníng tubâ balálkan pa. This palm-wine is to be mixed still with balók. (see balalokán).



(H) See balálkan, balokán).



Provisions for a trip, etc. (see bálon).

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