Search result(s) - níya



A gratuitous addition in buying and selling large quantities, a baker's dozen, over and above, thrown in, into the bargain, to the good, for good measure, for luck, extra; to grant such an addition or discount. Obóngan mo akó sing isá sa káda napúlò (sa tagnapúlò) ka bílog nga maís. Grant me into the bargain one maize cob in every ten. Nakabakál akó sa íya sing isá ka gatús ka pásong nga humáy kag ginobóngan níya akó sing tagisá ka gántang. I bought from him one hundred bushels of rice and he allowed me one ganta extra for every bushel. Kamí nagabalígyà sa napát-ud gid nga bilí nga walâ sing ayô kag walâ man sing óbong. We sell only at fixed prices without any haggling and without anything thrown in. (see túbung, áman, támba, támban).



Anger, vexation, wrath, indignation, exasperation; to be or get angry, vexed, exasperated, indignant, aggravated, riled, provoked, put out. Nagaogót siá. He is getting angry. Ginaógtan níya akó. He is angry with me. (see ákig).



Anger, vexation, wrath, indignation, exasperation; to be or get angry, vexed, exasperated, indignant, aggravated, riled, provoked, put out. Nagaogót siá. He is getting angry. Ginaógtan níya akó. He is angry with me. (see ákig).



To return, come back, arrive, reach, come to a place after a more or less prolonged absence, return after a considerable interval. Buás magaógpot siá gíkan sa Manílà. To-morrow he will arrive from Manila. Ginbílin níya kamí sa isá ka baláy kag walâ níya kamí pagogpotá kóndì sang masunúd nga ádlaw. He left us in a house and-did not return (come back) to us till the following (next) day,-returned to us only the following day. (see bálik, abút, sámput).



To return, come back, arrive, reach, come to a place after a more or less prolonged absence, return after a considerable interval. Buás magaógpot siá gíkan sa Manílà. To-morrow he will arrive from Manila. Ginbílin níya kamí sa isá ka baláy kag walâ níya kamí pagogpotá kóndì sang masunúd nga ádlaw. He left us in a house and-did not return (come back) to us till the following (next) day,-returned to us only the following day. (see bálik, abút, sámput).



To strike deep, enter far, eat into, be far below the surface, particularly applied to a wound or boil. Nagók-ok ang íya hubág. Naok-okán siá sang íya hubág. His ulcer has struck deep (is deep). Nagaók-ok ang hubág sa íya batíis. The ulcer is entering (eating its way) deep into his calf. Metaphorically: Matámad siá magpangabúdlay, ang lúyag lang níya amó ang pagók-ok sing tubâ. He is too lazy to work. What he likes is soaking himself with palm-wine.



To strike deep, enter far, eat into, be far below the surface, particularly applied to a wound or boil. Nagók-ok ang íya hubág. Naok-okán siá sang íya hubág. His ulcer has struck deep (is deep). Nagaók-ok ang hubág sa íya batíis. The ulcer is entering (eating its way) deep into his calf. Metaphorically: Matámad siá magpangabúdlay, ang lúyag lang níya amó ang pagók-ok sing tubâ. He is too lazy to work. What he likes is soaking himself with palm-wine.



Gnashing, grinding (of teeth); to gnash or grind the teeth, strike the teeth together in anger or pain. Anó ang ginaókdom mo? Why are you gnashing your teeth? Nagaókdom siá sang íya ngípon (Ginaókdom níya ang íya ngípon) sa kaákig. He is grinding his teeth in anger. Paokdomá lang siá sang íya ngípon. Let him gnash his teeth. (see doóm, domô, bágrot).



Gnashing, grinding (of teeth); to gnash or grind the teeth, strike the teeth together in anger or pain. Anó ang ginaókdom mo? Why are you gnashing your teeth? Nagaókdom siá sang íya ngípon (Ginaókdom níya ang íya ngípon) sa kaákig. He is grinding his teeth in anger. Paokdomá lang siá sang íya ngípon. Let him gnash his teeth. (see doóm, domô, bágrot).



To hide or conceal oneself, sidestep, evade, to lower or hide one's head, to bend down, dodge, to duck or drop the head suddenly, so as to avoid a blow or escape observation. Nagóklò siá sang pagkakítà níya sa ákon. He ducked his head when he saw me. Sang paglámpus sa íya ni Fuláno walâ siá maígò, kay nagóklò siá. When N.N. struck at him he was not hit, for he dodged (the blow). Indì ka lang magóklò sa pihák sang bintánà, kay nakítà ko na ikáw kag índì ka na makapanágò. Don't take cover below the window, for I have seen you and you cannot hide. Okloí siá, agúd índì ka níya makítà. Duck your head, so that he may not see you. (see sálup).



To hide or conceal oneself, sidestep, evade, to lower or hide one's head, to bend down, dodge, to duck or drop the head suddenly, so as to avoid a blow or escape observation. Nagóklò siá sang pagkakítà níya sa ákon. He ducked his head when he saw me. Sang paglámpus sa íya ni Fuláno walâ siá maígò, kay nagóklò siá. When N.N. struck at him he was not hit, for he dodged (the blow). Indì ka lang magóklò sa pihák sang bintánà, kay nakítà ko na ikáw kag índì ka na makapanágò. Don't take cover below the window, for I have seen you and you cannot hide. Okloí siá, agúd índì ka níya makítà. Duck your head, so that he may not see you. (see sálup).



Hurry; in a hurry; to hurry, rush off in a great hurry, hasten away, tear-, dash-, make, off, make-haste,-a dash, go or run away without preparation for a trip or journey. Sang pagkabatî níya nga may súnug nagokógókog siá dídto. When he heard that there was a fire, he hastened there at once. (see dahándáhan).



Hurry; in a hurry; to hurry, rush off in a great hurry, hasten away, tear-, dash-, make, off, make-haste,-a dash, go or run away without preparation for a trip or journey. Sang pagkabatî níya nga may súnug nagokógókog siá dídto. When he heard that there was a fire, he hastened there at once. (see dahándáhan).



To rise to the surface, appear, stand forth, emerge, issue, push up, show, come up, sprout, become visible. Nagólbo na ang túbò sang lubí. The first sprout or shoot has now pushed up from the coconut. Walâ pa magólbo ang túbò sang maís nga ginpánggas ko sang may tátlo na ka ádlaw. The corn I planted three days ago has not yet sprouted. Paolbohá ang pabílo sang kínke. Turn up the lamp-wick. Tan-awá ang haló, nga nagaólbo dirá sa bató. Look at the iguana peeping out from among the stones there. Ginapaólbo níya sing diótay ang íya tiíl sa idálum sang hábul. He lets his foot stick out a little (peep out, show, be seen) from underneath the blanket. (see gitíb, gimáw).



To rise to the surface, appear, stand forth, emerge, issue, push up, show, come up, sprout, become visible. Nagólbo na ang túbò sang lubí. The first sprout or shoot has now pushed up from the coconut. Walâ pa magólbo ang túbò sang maís nga ginpánggas ko sang may tátlo na ka ádlaw. The corn I planted three days ago has not yet sprouted. Paolbohá ang pabílo sang kínke. Turn up the lamp-wick. Tan-awá ang haló, nga nagaólbo dirá sa bató. Look at the iguana peeping out from among the stones there. Ginapaólbo níya sing diótay ang íya tiíl sa idálum sang hábul. He lets his foot stick out a little (peep out, show, be seen) from underneath the blanket. (see gitíb, gimáw).



To treat with care and concern, cherish, handle with consideration or respect, watch over tenderly. Ginolínggan (ginolingigán) níya siá sing maáyo. He treated her with great tenderness. (see hálung, balikíd).



To treat with care and concern, cherish, handle with consideration or respect, watch over tenderly. Ginolínggan (ginolingigán) níya siá sing maáyo. He treated her with great tenderness. (see hálung, balikíd).



(H) Slave; serf, vassal, helot, bondsman, villein, bondslave; to enslave; be a slave. Ginolípon níya si Fuláno. He enslaved N.N. Nagolípon siá. He became a slave. Olípon siá sang maláut nga kaduyugán. He is a slave to evil or base inclinations. Indì maolípon ang panghunâhúnà sang táo. The thoughts of a man cannot be brought into servitude (by another). (ulípon, id.).



(H) Slave; serf, vassal, helot, bondsman, villein, bondslave; to enslave; be a slave. Ginolípon níya si Fuláno. He enslaved N.N. Nagolípon siá. He became a slave. Olípon siá sang maláut nga kaduyugán. He is a slave to evil or base inclinations. Indì maolípon ang panghunâhúnà sang táo. The thoughts of a man cannot be brought into servitude (by another). (ulípon, id.).



Head, head-piece, pate, noddle, brain-box, brain-pan, sconce, upper story, intellect; master, ruler, director, manager. Ginatágò níya ang íya ólo, ápang ang íya íkog nagamurá. He hides his head, but his tail appears. (Literally said of an iguana, but often applied to people who try to hide their doings, but who are found out). Walâ sing útbong kag walâ sing ólo. Neither head nor tail. Maáyo siá sing ólo. He has a good head i.e. he is very intelligent. (see pangólo).

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