Search result(s) - baláka



Care, concern, solicitude, great interest; to take care of, be concerned for or about something, to look well after, be solicitous for. Nagakabaláka siá sing maáyo sang tanán nga mga butáng sa sulúd sang baláy. She attends with great care to everything within the house. Indì mo pagkabalák-an ang nahanungúd sa ákon. Don't concern yourself about what belongs to me-or-is my business. Igkabaláka akó ánay siníng mga bátà. Please take care of these children for a while. (see álingá, tátap, ripára, bántay, etc.).



The leaf-like sheath at the bottom of a bamboo branch where it springs from the stem.



(Sp. atender) To attend to, look after, take care of, pay attention to. Atendehí ang ímo mga katungdánan. Attend to your duties. Atendehá ang ímò asiénda. Look after your plantation. Iatendér akó ánay siníng kwárto, kay may kadtoán akó. Please keep an eye on this room for a while, for I have to go out. (see tátap, sapák, alingá, bántay, baláka, ripára, dipára).



The tough, leathery sheath at the bottom of betelnut-branches. (see baláka-a similar sheath at the bottom of bamboo-branches; suák-the sheath surrounding the flowerbud of the coconut palm).



Concern, care, attention, watchful interest, zeal. (baláka).



Care, carefulness, heed, heedfulness, attention, zeal, diligence; to do with care, diligence or circumspection, be careful about, to take pains, perform-, carry out-, attend to-, with care. Kugíhi iní. Do this with care. Ginakugíhan níya ang tanán nga mga butáng sa sulúd sang baláy. She takes great care of everything in the house. She is diligent in all her household duties. (see baláka, ámlig, tátap, písan, úkud, íd-id).



A prefix forming adjectives in three ways, namely:

1) by simple attachment to the root, e.g. mahágpok-crisp; malínaw-calm; matahúm-beautiful. (see hágpok, línaw, tahúm).

2) by adding also the suffix-on, e.g. malalíson-disobedient; malimóton-forgetful; mapigusón-oppressing. (see lális, límot, pígus).

3) by superadding the particle "in" which is placed before the first vowel of the root, e.g. malinapáson-omitting, neglecting the performance of; mabinalák-on-careful, concerned, interested; matinipígon-preserving, saving, guarding. (see lápas, balákà, típig).

N.B. Other formations of adjectives see under mag-, manog-, maki-.



Concerned about, careful, watchful, taking a great interest in, bestowing great attention on, solicitous for. (see baláka).



Management, administration, care, attention, solicitude; to look after, attend to (on, upon), see to, manage, administer, take care of, treat with attention or care, be solicitous for (about, concerning). Tatápa sing maáyo ang mga dumulúaw. Be very attentive to the guests. Treat the visitors well. Attend well upon-, Pay great attention to-, the visitors. Ginatátap níya sing maáyo ang tanán nga mga butáng sa sulúd sang íya baláy. She manages everything well-within her house,-in her own house,-at her home,-within doors. Walâ gid siá pagtátap sinâ. He does not mind that. He is very negligent or careless about it. Indì akó katátap (makatátap) sinâ, kay walâ akó sing tinión. I cannot attend to it, because I have no time. (see dumála, baláka, sagúd, sapák).



To spread the feet and legs wide apart in standing, sitting or lying. Nagabalakáng siá sa ganháan. He is standing at the door with his feet wide apart. Ibalakáng or balakangá ang tiíl mo. Straddle your legs. Aláng-álang man nga balakangán ko ang tanán nga buluhatón. It is impossible for me to do all the work. (Literally: it is impossible for me to stretch my legs astride all the work, to bestride all the work. (see bakâ, bakáng, barakáng).



To spread the legs apart, straddle, stand astride. (see balakáng).



See balakáng.



To bite, snap, nip, gnaw, champ, manch, crunch, craunch, nibble (a bone or the like). Gingus-abán sang idô iníng túl-an. The dog has gnawed this bone. Halá, gus-abá lang sing maáyo ang ímo báyò, kay madámù ang pílak mo nga inugbalakál! You just bite the sleeve of your jacket, as you have so much money to buy (a new) one! (sarcastically said to children biting their sleeves in anger or disappointment). Ipagús-ab lang sa idô iníng mga túl-an. Give these bones to the dog to gnaw. Andamí ang idô, kay daw buót siá maggús-ab sang ímo pusúpusuán. Beware of the dog, for he looks as if he means to nip you in the calf of the leg.



To straddle, to put or spread the legs asunder. (see bikâ, balakáng, barakáng).



Fatherly, paternal. Tinátay nga paghigúgma (gúgma). Fatherly affection. Sa tinátay nga kabaláka. With paternal care. (see tátay, inamáy).