(Sp. albino) An albino, an abnormally white person usually with pink eyes and very light hair. This absence of pigment is also found among animals, birds and fishes, (see bukáy).
Black, blackish, brown, dun, swarthy, swart, swarth, dark, especially applied to fowls, but also to the coloured races of men. Ang mga bukáy kag alimbúyug. The whites and blacks, the white and dark-coloured races. (see ilómilóm, kayumánggì).
To rub two stones together, to crush or pulverize, between two stones or against a stone. Ginabag-orán ang bató nga bukáy sing binókbok nga bukáy túbtub nga magpíno kag ihínis sa ngípon. The crushed white stone is rubbed between two white stones till it becomes fine powder, and can be used to clean the teeth with. Ang tayóbong ginabág-od sa bató kon unawón. The tayobong-root is rubbed against a stone to rid the pulp of juice. Ibág-od mo ang tayóbong sa bató. Rub the tayobong-roots against a stone.
To squeeze or compress so as to crush or break. Nagómok ang ítlog. The egg was crushed. Gomóki akó siníng bató. Crush this stone for me. Igómok mo akó ánay siníng bató nga bukáy, kay ákon pagabókbokón kag ihínis sa ngípon ko. Please crush this white stone for me, for I am going to powder it and clean my teeth with it. Indì mo paggomókon ang olokabá sang alimángo. Don't break the sea-crab's shell. (see dúgmok, lumâ, pusâ, rúbsak, rúpsak).
Form, shape, colour of one's skin; to skin, peel, flay. Bukáy (kayumánggì) siá sing pamánit. He is white (brown). He is white-skinned (brown-skinned).
Uneducated, illiterate, ill-bred, low, mean, base, rude, unlettered, unschooled, uncultured, a term of contempt applied chiefly to white men. Ang ibán nga mga bukáy nga nagabút dirí sa áton mga panggópánggo gid lámang. Some of the whites that have come here to us are really very low-class people. A, panggópánggo lang siá. Ah, he is only an ill-bred white, a low-cast white man.
White, light, fair; to whiten, lighten, become or make white, to be or become light, to blanch, bleach. Nagputî ang íya bohók sa katigulangón. His hair became white through old age. Naputián akó siníng duág. This colour is too light (white) for me, appears to me too light. Pintahí ang padér sing ápog, agúd magputî. Limewash the wall that it may become white. (see bukáy, lágtì, ubánon).
Coconut candy, cake of unrefined sugar mixed with shreds of coconut meat. (see bándi).
To rummage, ransack, disarrange things in search. (see abúkay).
A kind of candy (sweet) made of unrefined sugar and shreds of coconut meat or peanuts. Also called "bukáyo", especially if peanuts are not used, but only sugar and coconut meat.
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