Search result(s) - higá



Whoa! An expression used in stopping or halting a horse or other animal. (see ga).


Woa!, an exclamation used to halt a horse. (see higá, haráw).



(B) The best, or least objectionable, amongst a number of bad, spoilt or worthless objects.



(H) Side, edge, rim, border, corner, verge, margin, outskirts, place away from the center. Sa higád sang dálan. At the side of the road. Nagapanghigád silá sa dálan. Nagalakát silá sa higád sang dálan. They are walking at the side of the road. Sa bisán diín nga higád--. Anywhere--. In any out-of-the-way place. (see binít, báid, hilít, soók, toók, doók, pamúsud, bígki, bíbì).



Lust, lewdness, unchastity, uncleanness, impurity, immodesty, indecency, impudicity, carnality, salacity, lechery, lasciviency, lasciviousness, obscenity, lubricity; to be or become lewd, lecherous, unchaste, impure, lustful, immodest, indecent, unclean, carnal, salacious, lascivious, obscene. Indì ka magpahigál. Don't be lewd. (see úlag, bígà, bíghal, bígsang).



(B) Social intercourse, companionship, companion, chum, friend, pal; to have social relations, be friends, come together in social life, take a walk, stroll. Higála ko siá. He is my chum. Sa íla nga paghigála-. In their social intercourse-. (see higára, sinalayó, hírup, atíd, ibáíba, ímaw).



(B) See higála-social relations, etc. (see garágára).



(H) Corners, nooks, out-of-the-way places. (higád; see binít, bá-id, duók, suók, hilít).



Occasion, opportunity.



Lewd, unchaste, dissolute, immoral, wanton, libertine, rakish, debauched. (see higál, hiwalán).



Opportune, convenient, advisable, proper. (see kahigayónan, kahigayonán).



To be in heat, under sexual excitement, lustful, to rut, said of female animals and also applied to women of evil repute. Iníng kabáyo nagapahigál. This mare is in heat. (pa, higál).



(H) To make for the edge or side of; to edge away from, go aside or away from. (higád).



To treat with neglect, to disregard, pay no attention to, to ignore, take no heed or account of, to put aside contemptuously. Ginaahíg-ahíg níla ang mga manák. They are neglecting their stepchildren. Ahíg-ahigá lang inâ. Simply ignore it or treat it with contempt or pass it over without notice. (see ihíg-ihíg id.; ihíd, pabayâ, pabíyà, támay).



Mute, dumb; silent, mum, speechless; to be or become dumb. Nagapâ siá sa hinálî. He was suddenly struck dumb. Ang mga apâ nagainapâ. The dumb (deaf and dumb) talk by signs and gestures. Gininapaán akó níya. He talked to me as one deaf and dumb, (by signs and gestures). Nagainapâ gid lang si Fuláno dirâ sa higád. N.N. just keeps silent there in the corner. Naginapâ siá. He talked by signs and gestures. He said nothing. Makahibaló ikáw mag-inapâ? Do you know how to talk like the deaf and dumb? Can you converse by signs and gestures? (see ágbà).



(B) Corner, angle, nook, back-yard, ground at the side and back of a building. Ibutáng mo ang síya sa báid or pabaída (-ira) ang síya. Place the chair in the corner. Sa báid sang subâ. At the bend of the river, in the angle formed by the bend of the river. Ang báid sang baláy. The grounds immediately attached to a house, except those in front of it. (see higád, pamúsud, doók, soók, binít).



To widen by digging, to dig away earth, etc. Bangbangán mo ang lúblub, agúd magsángkad ang dálan. Widen the hollow or narrow passage by digging, in order that the road may become broader. Ginbangbangán níla ang búhò, kay makitíd. They widened the hole in the ground, for it was too narrow. Ibángbang iníng tagád sa pángpang sang subâ. Make use of this iron-pointed dibble to dig away the earth from the river-bank. Ipabángbang iníng búhò. Get this hole widened. Ang mga kaminéro nagabángbang sang bakólod sa higád sang dálan. The road-menders are digging away the side of the hill near the road. (see bákhay, káli).



To neglect, pay no attention to, become estranged from, disregard, abandon, take no account of. Ginabínbin níya ang íya mga manák. She neglects her stepchildren. Indì mo pagbinbinón ang ímo mga pariénte. Don't become estranged from your relatives. (see pálhi, síkway, pahámak, ahígahíg, pabáyà).



(B) Edge, rim, border, margin side, corner, any place away from the centre or middle. Pabinít-to put or place on or go to the edge of, etc. Mapabinít lang kamó. Just place yourselves at the outer edge. Sa binít sang baláy, subâ, dálan, etc. At the side of the house, river, road, etc. Pabinití (pabínti) ang hénero sing tahî. Sew the cloth at the edge or selvedge. Pabínta (pabinitá) ang síya. Put the chair to the side of the room near the wall, away from the centre, etc. according to the context. (see bíbî, bígki, higád, hilít).



Arm, forearm; to take by the arm. Ginbótkon níya akó kag dálhon sa higád. He took me by the arm and led me into a corner-or-dragged me aside.

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