(H) Side, edge, rim, border, corner, verge, margin, outskirts, place away from the center. Sa higád sang dálan. At the side of the road. Nagapanghigád silá sa dálan. Nagalakát silá sa higád sang dálan. They are walking at the side of the road. Sa bisán diín nga higád--. Anywhere--. In any out-of-the-way place. (see binít, báid, hilít, soók, toók, doók, pamúsud, bígki, bíbì).
Mute, dumb; silent, mum, speechless; to be or become dumb. Nagapâ siá sa hinálî. He was suddenly struck dumb. Ang mga apâ nagainapâ. The dumb (deaf and dumb) talk by signs and gestures. Gininapaán akó níya. He talked to me as one deaf and dumb, (by signs and gestures). Nagainapâ gid lang si Fuláno dirâ sa higád. N.N. just keeps silent there in the corner. Naginapâ siá. He talked by signs and gestures. He said nothing. Makahibaló ikáw mag-inapâ? Do you know how to talk like the deaf and dumb? Can you converse by signs and gestures? (see ágbà).
(B) Corner, angle, nook, back-yard, ground at the side and back of a building. Ibutáng mo ang síya sa báid or pabaída (-ira) ang síya. Place the chair in the corner. Sa báid sang subâ. At the bend of the river, in the angle formed by the bend of the river. Ang báid sang baláy. The grounds immediately attached to a house, except those in front of it. (see higád, pamúsud, doók, soók, binít).
To widen by digging, to dig away earth, etc. Bangbangán mo ang lúblub, agúd magsángkad ang dálan. Widen the hollow or narrow passage by digging, in order that the road may become broader. Ginbangbangán níla ang búhò, kay makitíd. They widened the hole in the ground, for it was too narrow. Ibángbang iníng tagád sa pángpang sang subâ. Make use of this iron-pointed dibble to dig away the earth from the river-bank. Ipabángbang iníng búhò. Get this hole widened. Ang mga kaminéro nagabángbang sang bakólod sa higád sang dálan. The road-menders are digging away the side of the hill near the road. (see bákhay, káli).
(B) Edge, rim, border, margin side, corner, any place away from the centre or middle. Pabinít-to put or place on or go to the edge of, etc. Mapabinít lang kamó. Just place yourselves at the outer edge. Sa binít sang baláy, subâ, dálan, etc. At the side of the house, river, road, etc. Pabinití (pabínti) ang hénero sing tahî. Sew the cloth at the edge or selvedge. Pabínta (pabinitá) ang síya. Put the chair to the side of the room near the wall, away from the centre, etc. according to the context. (see bíbî, bígki, higád, hilít).
Arm, forearm; to take by the arm. Ginbótkon níya akó kag dálhon sa higád. He took me by the arm and led me into a corner-or-dragged me aside.
To impel, push, poke, shove, thrust, crowd, wedge, squeeze. Gindás-og akó níya sa díngding. He squeezed me against the wall. Idás-og lang sa higád ang mga panápton nga mahígkò. Shove the soiled clothes into the corner. Dasogí lang ang kátre sang mga ulúnan. Just poke the pillows into the bed. (see dís-og).
A small heap of stone put in a river in order to catch shrimps, lobsters, crabs and the like; to form a heap, lie about in a heap or in disorder. Magdúm-ok ka sa subâ, kay áton pagabungkagón sa búlan sa Enéro, kon may sulúd na. Build some stone traps in the river, for we will take them down in January, and see if they have anything in. Gindúm-ok níla ang mahígkò nga mga panápton sa higád. They piled up the soiled clothes in the corner. Nagadúm-ok gid lang dirí ang íya kasangkápan. His tools are here lying about in heaps-or-in utter disorder. Dum-okí ang kátre sang mga ulúnan. Put the pillows in a heap on the bed. Iníng subâ madámù sing dúm-ok. This river has many stone traps in it. (see hál-id).
(H) A silhouette, phantom, a dim, shadowy, obscure outline or figure, an indistinct form seen in the dark; dim, undefined, ill-defined, blurred; to glimpse, show in vague outline. Sang paglakát námon sang las dóse ang gáb-i sa Ilóngílong may nakítà kamí nga isá ka táo nga nagagálhom sa higád sang dálan. When we were walking at twelve o'clock at night to Iloilo, we caught a glimpse of a man at the side of the road. (see dágway, báyhon).
To throw down in a heap or in disorder. Indì mo pagiháb-on sa salúg ang ímo mga naúg. Don't throw your clothes on the floor. Hab-oní lang ang salúg sang ímo lalábhan. Just throw your dirty linen on the floor. Ginháb-on níya ang íya mga panápton sa higád. He threw his clothes in a heap in the corner. (see hál-id, dúm-ok).
To be silent, sit still, make no stir, keep very quiet. Indì ka magpakuribúng, kóndì maghúlag ka na. Don't sit still, but be stirring. Don't stick there mooning, but-stir yourself,-be on the move,-get a move on. Nagapakuribúng gid lang siá sa higád sang íya baláy. He just stays slumped (remains quiet) in a corner of his house. (see pahimúyong, patáwhay, húkò).
(H) To let or order to go, etc. Palákta siá sa umá. Order him to go to the field. Ginpalakát níya ang íya sologoón sa Manílà. He ordered his servant to go to Manila. Paláktan mo lang sa íla ang ímo talámnan. Let them walk over your field, (pa, lakát). Also: in wickerweaving: The leaving out of several cross-layers near the top or end, in order to secure an even rim. May palakát sa pagrára, agúd maglíg-on kag magsaláma ang higád (binít). "Leaving-out" is practised in the making of wicker-work, in order that the rim may be firm and even.
(H) To make for the edge or side of; to edge away from, go aside or away from. (higád).
Corner, out-of-the-way place, etc. See doók, higád, hilít, toók.
To cast overboard, sink, immerse, throw or put into water or soil below the surface. Ang mapatáy sa sakayán, ginatágbong níla sa dágat. The man that died on board was buried by them at sea, was cast overboard. Itágbong iníng mga sáhà sa higád (binít) sang sápà. Put these banana-shoots into the earth near the brooklet. Nagatágbong na ang íya ginháwa. His life is ebbing away. He is sinking fast.