Search result(s) - kalóg



Ditch, channel, trench, gutter.



To glide or slide down a rope or pole, using chiefly the hands in doing so. Nagalóg-og lang siá. He just slid down. Alog-ogí ang kalát. Glide down the rope. Metaphorically: to go away or leave secretly, go down by stealth or unnoticed. Sa tápus ang panihápon nagalóg-og lang siá. After supper he just slipped away, left without the knowledge of those in the house. (see kalóg-og id.).



To lift up and fling down, to take or raise up and throw to the ground, to take hold of and hurl to the floor. Ibanál mo siá sa kalóg. Take hold of him and fling him into the ditch. Sa dakû nga kaákig ginbanál níya si Fuláno sa salúg. In great exasperation he seized N.N. and threw him to the floor. Iníng búhò amó ang ginbanalán (binanalán) níya sa kay Fuláno. This is the hole into which he flung N.N. (see pilák, habóy, tulúd, tíklod).



To shove, push, thrust, throw. Idán-ok siá sa kalóg. Push him into the ditch. (see balún-ok, tulúd, tíklod, dís-og).



(Sp. embornal) Scupper-hole; ditch, canal, gutter, culvert, drain, outlet for water; to make a ditch, drain, etc. Embornalí ang baláy mo. Make a ditch around your house. Iníng duhá ka baríl nga seménto iembornál ko sa ákon pamulákan. With these two barrels of cement I am going to make a water-drain in my garden. (see kalóg, iligán, ililigán).



(Sp. embornal) Scupper-hole; ditch, canal, gutter, culvert, drain, outlet for water; to make a ditch, drain, etc. Embornalí ang baláy mo. Make a ditch around your house. Iníng duhá ka baríl nga seménto iembornál ko sa ákon pamulákan. With these two barrels of cement I am going to make a water-drain in my garden. (see kalóg, iligán, ililigán).



To clean or scrape with an edged tool (as a chisel, shovel or the like). Hodhodá (-rá) ang bulíng sa síya. Scrape the dirt off the chair. Ihódhod ang tigíb sa lamésa. Scrape the table with the chisel. Hodhodí ang lamésa nga natolóan sang espérma sang kandílà. Scrape the table on which candle-grease has dropped. Ginhodhodán níla sang pála ang binít sang kalóg túbtub nga nagsaláma. They scraped the edge of the ditch with a shovel till it became even.



To burrow in the ground, crawl, creep along the ground, squat, crouch. Nagahúkdò siá sa kalóg. He is squatting in the ditch. Naghúkdò siá dirâ nga nalípdan sang kawáyan. He sat, watched or crouched there under cover of the bamboo.



To flow, run, stream. Ang túbig nagaílig. The water is flowing. Pailíga ang túbig dirâ sa kalóg. Make the water flow there through the ditch. Pailígi sang túbig ang talámnan ko. Let the water flow over my fields.



To flow, run, stream. Ang túbig nagaílig. The water is flowing. Pailíga ang túbig dirâ sa kalóg. Make the water flow there through the ditch. Pailígi sang túbig ang talámnan ko. Let the water flow over my fields.



(B) To slide, glide, slither, slip down. Nagkalóg-og siá sa bintánà. He slipped down from the window. (see alóg-og).



(Sp. canal) Channel, ditch, trench, conduit. Also: Verb. Kanalí ang higád sang dálan. Make a ditch at the side of the road. (see kalóg, ililigán).



To demolish, exterminate, destroy, annihilate. Laglagá silá nga tanán. Exterminate them all. Iláglag iníng agás sa mga ánay. Use this kerosene to destroy the termites. Amó iní ang kalóg nga linaglagán níla sang mga lúkso. This is the ditch in which they destroyed the young locusts. Ginláglag sang mga buyóng ang búg-os nga minurô páti ang íya sinâ nga mga pumulúyò. The brigands destroyed the whole village with its inhabitants. (see búngkag, gubâ, pápas).



A step, pace, stride; to step, pace, stride. Maglakáng ka sing makalimá. Take five steps. Lakangí ang kinitáan sang tápì. Walk along the board-seam. Lakangá lang ang kalóg. Just step over the ditch. Lakangí lang ang kalóg. Walk along the ditch. (see tikáng).



A line, rule, mark, measure, limit, limitation, restriction, boundary line; course, way, road, scope (assigned); to line, mark, rule, prescribe, limit, delimit, restrict, circumscribe. Latíri (latídi) ang bulugsókan sang baláy. Mark out with lines the ground on which the house is to be built. Ilátid ánay iníng písì sa walâ pa ikáw magkáli, agúd magtádlong ang kalóg. Mark a line with this string before you start digging, in order that the ditch may be straight. Ginlatíran (-ídan) sang Mahál nga Diós ang mga alágyan sang kabitoónan. God has marked out the path of the stars. (see lántay).



To step into something thoughtlessly or carelessly, walk in mud, slush, mire, etc., to stumble. Nagalúdag siá sa kalóg. He is walking in the ditch. Naludágan níya ang lúnang. He stepped into (walked in) the mire. Indì nínyo pagludágan ang kalóg. Don't walk in the (muddy) ditch. (see tásak, tádag, túdag, ládag, lútak).



To jump, bound, leap, spring across, pounce upon, clear at a bound. Lúkbo (lumúkbo, maglúkbo) ka pa idálum. Leap down. Lukbohá ang kalóg, kodál, etc. Jump (spring) over the ditch, leap or clear the fence, etc. Lukbohí siá dirâ. Pounce upon him there. (see túmbo, lúkso, lúmpat, ámbak, úmbak).



To throw-, strike-, knock-, down, to floor, lay level with the floor. Pinabúyò níya siá sa kalóg. He threw him into the ditch. (see banál, túmba, pilák, lámba, tíklod, tulúd).



(Sp. pala) Shovel, spade; to shovel. Paláha ang dútà. Shovel the earth. Paláhi ang kalóg. Dig the ditch with a spade.



Dam, dyke, weir, lock, weel; to dam, make a dam or dyke, build a barrier or weir in a river, etc. Ginapúndan níla ang kanál, ang kalóg, ang túbig, etc. They are building a dam across the channel, across the ditch, against the flow of water, etc. Ipúnud ang mga bató, káhoy, kawáyan, etc. Use stones, wood, bamboo, etc. to build the dam with.

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