Search result(s) - tikáng



A pace, step, stride; to pace, step, stride, walk. Itikáng ang tiíl mo. Walk a few steps. Patikangá ang karabáw. Make the buffalo walk. Let the buffalo take a few steps. Magtikáng ka sing mahinalúngon kay madánlug ang dálan. Walk with care, for the road is slippery. (see túmban, patóng, lakát, tápak, lápak, pánaw).



A step, pace, stride; to step, pace, stride. Maglakáng ka sing makalimá. Take five steps. Lakangí ang kinitáan sang tápì. Walk along the board-seam. Lakangá lang ang kalóg. Just step over the ditch. Lakangí lang ang kalóg. Walk along the ditch. (see tikáng).



To be slow, walk or trudge along slowly, be slow in movement. Nalúyò (nagkalúyò) ang karabáw. The buffalo fell into a slow step. Naluyóan akó sa íya. He seems to me to be very slow. He is too slow for me. Amó ang nagpalúyò sa íya mga tikáng. That made him slow down his pace. (see búndul, hínay, pákok, kúlì).



(H) That on which one is stepping or walking or making one's living, hence: commerce, business, trade, traffic, commercial pursuit, mercantile undertaking, occupation, living, position. (see tikáng, palangitán-an, pangítà).



Freq. of tikáng-to step, take steps, stride, walk, pace; one's way or manner of walking or stepping.



(Sp. paso) Step, stride, pace; gait, walk, pace of a horse acquired by training; to step briskly. (see tikáng).



Caus. of tikáng. To let, etc. make steps. Patikangá ang bátà, agúd mahánas maglakát (sa paglakát). Let the baby take a few steps, that it may get accustomed to walking (that it may learn to walk).



To tread or trample on, take a firm stand on, step on. (see tápak, lápak, tikáng, síkad).



The letter "T" in Visayan is pronounced as in English. After the prefix pan-"T" beginning a word is dropped, e.g. panábang (pan-, tábang); panikáng (pan-, tikáng); panókap (pan-, tókap); panubús (pan-, tubús). After the prefixes hi-and ha-"T" beginning a word is frequently changed into "n", e.g. hinabón (hi-, tábon); hanungúd, hanabô (ha-, tungúd, tabô) etc. etc.

tákang, takáng


(B) A step, pace, stride; to pace, stride, step, make steps. (see tikáng, lakáng).



Handling, management, treatment, dealing, interference, contrivance, machination; to deal with, be engaged in business, trade, have commercial transactions. Anó ang pagpatíkang nímo (Anó nga patíkang ang ímo) nga walâ lang madúgay nagdakû ang ímo kwárta? How did you contrive to make so much money in so short a time? Sagád siá magpatíkang. He is an expert business man. Maáyo gid ang íya patíkang sinâ. He handled that case (matter) very well. (see pumalatíkang, palatikángan, pahitôhítò, padihútan, pangítà).



(H) Dealer, merchant, business-man. (see patíkang).



Notwithstanding, in spite of, still, but yet, contrary to what one would expect, in defiance of all one would be led to believe. Nagpaninguhâ siá gid sa pagmánggad, agád namúsmus siá. He made great efforts to get rich, and yet he became very poor. Agád ginamligán ko ang ákon pagtikáng sa madánlug nga dálan, tapát gánì nakadúpyas akó. Although I carefully picked my steps on the slippery road, yet I slipped. Agád ginahingabút ang Sánta Iglesia sang íya mga kaáway, tapát gánì nagadúgang ang mga tumulóo. In spite of the fact that Holy Church is being persecuted by her enemies, her faithful adherents increase. Agád nahúlug akó. In spite of all I fell down. Agád napatáy siá! Yet he died! Who would have thought that he would die! (see tapát, hinonó-o).



(Sp. arriesgado-risky, daring) An adept at making money, accepting profitable contracts, taking part in enterprises that yield a margin of profit; pushing, enterprising, acute, keen, astute, shrewd, clever, go-ahead, go-getter. Arisgádo siá nga táo. He is a clever dealer, a successful, enterprising man. (see pumalatíkang, mabákas).



(Sp. arriesgar) In the Visayan language this term has almost completely lost its original meaning "to risk, dare, venture" and now commonly signifies: to gain, make a profit, derive a pecuniary advantage from various enterprises, to make a bargain, buy, purchase. Nakaarísgal akó sa ákon punút sing isá ka gatús ka mángmang. I had a clear profit of one hundred pesos from my fish-trap. Mangarísgal akó. I am looking out for money, for something to yield me a profit. Arisgalí akó sing kálò. Get me a hat. Buy me a hat (at a bargain). (see patikáng, pangítà).



(B) To step out, walk briskly, walk with quick steps. Nagadagón-dágon siá sa íya paglakát. He is walking with rapid strides. Dagóndagóna ang ímo pagtikáng. Hasten your steps. Quicken your pace. (see dalîdálì).



To be quick, make haste, put one's best foot forward; to quicken, hasten. Dahándahána ang ímo paglakát. Walk faster. Anó gid ang ginadahándahánan mo sa paglakát? Why are you walking so fast? Gindahándahánan níya ang íya pagtikáng. He quickened his pace, hastened his steps. (see dagóndágon, dalîdálì, hakónhákon, dahángdáhang).



To be quick, do something with speed or promptness, hasten, etc. Dasíga ang paglakát mo. Walk quickly. Quicken your pace. Gindásig níya ang íya trabáho. He performed his work with despatch. Nagadásig na siá sang íya pagtikáng. He is now stepping out briskly, walking fast. (see dásay).



(H) To manage, lead, conduct, direct, govern, supervise, be in charge of, regulate, administer, overlook, superintend, have control of. Ikáw ang magadumála, kamí ang magatrabáho. You will give directions, and we will do the work. Dumaláhi silá sing maáyo. Govern or direct them well. Idumála akó ánay siníng mga mamumugón, kay akó sing ákon may kadtoán pa. Please supervise these workmen for me, because I have to go elsewhere. Ipadumála ko sa ímo ang ákon mga sinákup. I will hand over to your management my dependents. Mapúto gid lang silá sa íla palatikángan, kay walâ níla pagadumaláhi sing maáyo. They will surely go bankrupt in their business, because they do not-conduct-,-manage-, it well. Ang mga manugdumála kag ang mga ginadumaláhan. Rulers and ruled.



(Sp. empleo) Employment, office, occupation, engagement, business. (see palamúgnan, palatikángan, palangakóan, kahimtángan, alagarán).

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