Search result(s) - hunâ



A landslide, avalanche; to fall, slide, break down (of a hill-side, etc.). Naghunâ ang bánglid, búkid, etc. There was a landslide on the slope, in the mountain, etc. Nahún-an ang baláy sang dútà. The house was covered with earth, was crushed by the avalanche. (see tíbhag, típhag, tímpa).



To deliberate, think things over, consider. Ginabasó-báso ko kon anó ang himóon ko. I am considering what to do. Basó-basóha ánay ang ímo bubuháton. Deliberate first on your undertaking. (see hunâ-húnà, painóíno).



Landslide, a portion of land that falls down from the side of a hill, of a steep river-bank etc. usually due to the undermining effect of water; diminution, lessening, decrease; to cave in, fall down, crumble. (see típhag, hunâ, kadalháyan).



Thought, desire, longing, expectation, looking forward to, wish; to think much about, desire, long for, want to, look forward to, cherish, be desirous of. Dakû ang íya hándum nga magtuón siá kag magálam. He has a great desire to study and become learned. May hándum ikáw nga magkúhà sing título? Have you in mind to get a title? Húo, dúgay na nga ginhándum ko inâ. Yes, I have cherished that thought for a long time. Ginahándum níya ang pagkádto sa Maníla. He wants to go to Manila. Handumá ang kalolô sang ímo nánay. Cherish the memory of your mother's kindness. (see dúmdum, painóíno, hunâ-húnà, himúlat, tigáy-tígay).



Thought, thinking, idea, reflection, cogitation, consideration, surmise, guess, opinion; to think, cogitate, reflect, ponder, consider, surmise, opine, guess. Hunàhunáa inâ sing maáyo. Think well over it-or-Consider that well. Naghunâhúnà akó nga--. I thought that--. Ginahunâhunáan na níla karón sing mabinalák-on kon anó ang maáyo nga isagáng sa maláut nga pamatásan sang mga bág-ong túbò. They are now considering with great solicitude what is the best way to check the bad habits of the rising generation. Sa ákon hunâhúnà--. In my opinion--. Walâ akó sing hunâhúnà nga--. I had no idea that--. Kon maghunâhúnà ka sing súbung nagasayúp ikáw. If you think that, you are mistaken. (see dúmdum, painóíno, sálig).



(B) Loose, shaky, not firmly set, wobbly; to loosen, shake to and fro, waggle. Hunâhunáa ang ngípon mo túbtub nga magábut. Waggle your tooth to and fro till it can be extracted. (see hungâhúngà).



Freq. of hunâhúnà-thought; to think, reflect, consider, deliberate, etc. Ang panghunâhúnà nga binanwahánon. Civic spirit, public opinion, political thinking (speculation).



A landslide, land-slip; to crack or break off and fall down, to crumble away, to undermine and wash away, be undermined and washed away. Nahúlug siá sa pángpang, kay natíbhag (nagkatíbhag) ang íya tinindogán. He fell down the river-bank, for the ground he stood on gave way under his feet. Tibhagá na lang iníng litík nga dútà. Break down this ground that is cracked (and ready to fall). Ang íya talámnan gináb-ab sang subâ, kag natibhagán sing kapín sa duhá ka dupá nga kalaparón. His field was undermined by the river and a part of more than four yards in width was washed away. (see tímpa, típhag, hunâ, dálhay).



Land-slide, land-slip, falling-in, falling-down; to cave in (of a hole or mine); to fall-, slide-, glide-, burst-, dash-, crash-, down (of a hill-side, of earth and stones from a river-bank, etc.); to cause to fall down, undermine and wash away, break down. Natímpa (Nagkatímpa) ang pángpang. The river-bank caved in (broke down). Ang bahâ nagtímpa sang pángpang. The flood undermined and broke down the river-bank. Natimpahán akó sang ákon umá dalá ang napúlò ka púnò nga lubí. There occurred a landslide on my farm that carried away also ten coconut palms. Walâ mo pagpúndi ang subâ, kóndì nagasáli sang tímpa ang ímo dútà kon may bahâ. You have not embanked (did not embank) the river and consequently (unless you build a dam or dike) part of your land is-being washed away,-crumbling away, with every flood. (see tíbhag, hunâ, hubág, dálhay).



Landslide; avalanche, etc. See tíbhag, tímpa, hunâ, dálhay).



Mostly used with pa- in the meaning of giving some respite, leaving alone or in peace, and the like. Indì akó pagpahunádon ni Akáy. My little daughter never gives me any rest, is always keeping me busy. Walâ akó níya pagpahunáda, kon walâ ko siá pagbákli sing bág-o nga báyò. He would not leave me in peace till I bought him a new jacket.



To feel relieved, improve, get better, be more at ease. Nagahunágay na ang ginháwa ko, kay nakainúm akó sing bulúng. I feel relieved now, for I have taken some medicine. Nagahunágay na ang ginabátyag ko. I have not so much pain now-or-I am feeling better. (see hagánhágan).



To open a way through a crowd, make way, make room; to force one's way, push aside. Hunahóna ang mga táo. Order the people to make way. (see hígin).



Closely woven or wrought, not transparent; to weave close, make compact. Hunapíta gid ang paghabúl. Weave very close. Hunápit nga hénero. Closely woven cloth. Ihunápit akó sang ákon háblon, bakág, amákan, etc. Please weave my cloth, basket, bamboo mat, etc. close. (see húpit).



The ebb, ebb-tide, low-water, slack-water; to ebb. May hunás na, or: nagahunás ang dágat. The tide is out. The sea is at low ebb. Mapahunás kitá ánay sang dágat kag makádto sa baybáyon sa paglagáwlágaw. Let us wait for low tide and then go to the beach for a walk. Ginahunasán karón ang baybáyon. The beach is free of tide-water at present. (see táub-high tide).



Foreshore, the part of the beach covered with water at high tide and dry at low tide. (see hunás).



To wash one's hands. Naghunáw ka na sang ímo kamót? Have you washed your hands? Hunawí ang bátà. Wash the child's hands. Ihunáw lang iníng túbig sa ímo kamót. Wash your hands in this water. Ihunáw akó siníng bátà. Please wash this child's hands. Ang mga nagakaláon sa tábad ginahunawán níla ánay ang íla kamót. Those who partake of a banquet wash their hands first. (see hináw, panghilám-os-to wash one's face; panghúgas-to wash one's feet).



Wash-basin (for the hands). (see hulunáwan, palanggána).



To recover, recuperate, convalesce, regain strength, improve in health, get better. Nagahunáyhunáy ang íya ginháwa. He is recovering. Nagapahunáyhunáy siá sang íya ginháwa. He is trying to get back his health and strength.



Neatness, closeness of weaving, etc.; tidiness. (hunápit; see kahúpit, kahípid).

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