Search result(s) - kalán



Tripod, especially a small iron one for use in the kitchen.



On the windward side, not under the lee, open or exposed to the wind; to be or become exposed to the wind, etc. Ang ákon hulút ábong sa amíhan. My room is open to the north wind. Ginaabóngan sang habágat ang ámon kalán-an. Our refectory or dining-room is exposed to the south wind. Sádto ánay nalípdan sang kawáyan ang ákon kwárto, ápang karón, kay natapás na ang kawáyan, nagábong sa hángin. Formerly my room was sheltered behind bamboos, but now that the bamboos are cut down, it has become exposed to the wind, (see ámbi-open to the rain; abansáda).



Open or exposed to the rain; to enter, come through, said of rain being driven in by the wind through an open door or window or the like. Nagaámbi ang ulán. The rain is coming in. Ang ámon kalán-an ginaambihán sang ulán. The rain is coming into our dining room. Ang ákon kwárto ámbi sa ulán. My room is exposed to the rain. Kon mamádlus ang hángin maambihán ka dirí sang ulán. If the wind is strong the rain will drive in here where you are. (see ábong-open to the wind).



A present or gift of food and drink, hospitable entertainment, a treat; to entertain, regale, treat, give food and drink to, etc. Iamóma ko sa íya iníng mga ságing. I'll give him these bananas as a present. Amomáha siá sing maáyo. Treat him well. Nagamóma silá sa ámon sing dagáyà nga kalan-ónon. They treated us to plenty of delicate viands. Ihátag mo sa íya iníng duhá ka búlig nga ságing nga tigáylo sang kárne nga inamóma níya sa ákon. Give him these two bunches of bananas in return for the meat he gave me. Maálwan siá sing kamót sa pagpangamóma sa mga nagadúaw sa íya. He is open-handed in his treatment of visitors. (see aláw).



(Sp. vianda) Viands, victuals; comestibles, food, provisions, (see bálon, pagkáon, kalán-on, súd-an, dáplì, daráplì).

bíhang, biháng


To discover, to open-, tear-, rend-, clothing so as to expose the skin. Amligí ang pamúngkò mo, kay básì mabihangán ikáw. Be careful in sitting down, lest you expose yourself. Figuratively: Katákatáhon mo sing maáyo ang mga kalán-on kag ilímnon nga natigána sa mga bisíta, kay básì makulángan kag bihangán kitá. Portion out well the food and drinks prepared for the visitors, for otherwise we may run short and be put to shame. (see búklang, gísì, búhang).



(B) Meat, fish, poultry, etc. as side-dishes to rice; to have or eat such side-dishes. Anó ang gindáplì nínyo sa panyága? What side-dish have you got or prepared for dinner? Idáplì mo iníng ísdà sa panihápon. Prepare this fish as a side-dish for supper. Daplií ang kán-on kay malás-ay, kon walâ sing daráplì. Provide a side-dish for the rice, for without a side-dish it is unpalatable. Padaplií akó sing kárne. Get me some meat as a side-dish to rice. Nagdáplì siá sing manók sang pagpanyáya níya kaína. He had or ate a chicken when he took his dinner a short while ago. (N.B. Bread, biscuits, pies, tarts, etc. are called kalan-ónon; vegetables in general are called útan in H and láswa in B; see daráplì, súd-an, ikáon).



To nibble, gnaw, bite off piece by piece. Iní nga bátà sa gihápon may ginaháng-it nga kalan-ónon. This child has always something to nibble at (cakes, pastry, biscuits, etc.). (see kítkit, páng-os).



Shadow, shade; growing or situated in the shade; to overshadow, give shade, throw a shadow upon. Magpúngkò kitá sa hulúng sang páhò. Let us sit down in the shade of the mango-tree. Hulúng nga tanúm. A plant overshadowed by other plants or growing in the shade. Ginahulungán ang ámon kalán-an sang madábung nga mga sangá sang páhò. Our dining room is shaded by the leafy branches of the mango-tree. Ang mga tanúm índì magdakû sing maáyo kon hulungán sang mga káhoy. Plants do not grow well when they are overshadowed by trees. (see hándong, lándong, háron).



Side-dish, meat, fish, eggs, shrimps, crabs, etc., but not vegetables nor rice. (see káon, súd-an, daráplì, kalán-on, tinúla).



Side-dish, meat, fish, eggs, shrimps, crabs, etc., but not vegetables nor rice. (see káon, súd-an, daráplì, kalán-on, tinúla).



(B) To like to have, to like, desire, wish for, long for, covet, want, hanker after. Nagaíma siá siníng mga sapátos, bísti, dólse, etc. She would like to have these boots, clothes, sweets, etc. Ginimáhan níya ang ákon páhò. He longed for my mango. Kon magkáon ka sing mga manámit nga kalan-ónon, ang mga bátà magaíma. When you eat nice side-dishes, the children want to join in. (see lúyag, íbug, ílà, hingamó, híngyo, hándum).



(B) To like to have, to like, desire, wish for, long for, covet, want, hanker after. Nagaíma siá siníng mga sapátos, bísti, dólse, etc. She would like to have these boots, clothes, sweets, etc. Ginimáhan níya ang ákon páhò. He longed for my mango. Kon magkáon ka sing mga manámit nga kalan-ónon, ang mga bátà magaíma. When you eat nice side-dishes, the children want to join in. (see lúyag, íbug, ílà, hingamó, híngyo, hándum).



Roughness, harshness, dryness (of skin, etc.); condition of being difficult to swallow. Kagúphal siníng kalán-on! How dry this food is and how difficult to swallow! Kagúphal sang íya pánit! Oh, the roughness of his skin! (see gúphal).



(H) Dining table, dining room, refectory, restaurant, eating place. (see káon).



(H) Food, especially rice. (see káon).



(H) Sweets, sweetmeat, pastry, cakes, biscuits, bread, etc. (Almost any side-dish may be called "kalan-ónon", except rice, meat, fish and vegetables). (see káon).



To eat, take food, feed, fare, devour, despatch, mess. Kán-a iní. Eat this. Kán-i iní sing diótay. Eat a little of this. Pakán-a siá sing maáyo. Feed him well-or-Give him good food. Pakán-a siá sa pínggan. Let him eat off the plate. Pakán-i sa íya iníng mga páhò. Let him eat some of these mangoes. Indì ka magkáon siníng búnga, kay línghod pa. Don't eat this fruit, for it is not ripe yet. Anó ang kináon mo? What kind of food did you take? Ipakáon ko sa íya iníng kabúgaw kon makaúyon siá. I will let him eat this pomelo if he likes it. Walâ akó makatupús sang ginpakáon níya sa ákon. I could not stand the food he gave me. Iníng kalán-an ginakán-an sing duhá ka púlò ka táo sa tágsa ka ádlaw. Twenty men take their meals-, mess-, are fed-, in this dining room every day.



(H) See makataláka. Kataláka iníng kalán-on. This food is loathsome, sickening, nauseous. (see taká, kataká).



(Sp. comedor) Dining room, refectory, dining hall, mess-room. (see kalán-an).

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