To shine, glisten, be lustrous. Nagalánay ang bohók mo sa támà nga lána. Your hair is shining with an excess of coconut-oil. (see sílì).
etc. from bálus-to answer, return.
Buying, commerce, business; to buy, etc. (see bakál).
Reciprocity, mutuality; to reciprocate, do mutually. (see bálus).
Alternation, performance by turns, succession by turns; to alternate, interchange, do one after another or turn and turn about. (see bulús, bulúsbúlus).
Literally: To push each other, from tulúd. To argue, altercate, quarrel about which of the disputants should perform a task that is equally disagreeable to all of them. (see padaítol).
From tulúd-to push, etc.
Blame, reprimand; to scold, chide, blame, reprimand, reproach, give one a talking to. Basóla siá. Reproach him. Reprimand him. Binásol níya akó. He chid me, blamed me. Ipabásol ko sa ímo iníng bátà nga sutíl. I hand this naughty boy over to you for a talking to. Nagabasoláy or nagabasolánay silá. They are reproaching each other. (see bádlong, sawáy).
Selling, dealing, commerce. Ang binaklanáy (pag binaklanáy) kag binaligyáay (pagbinaligyáay). Buying and selling. (see balígyà).
To take another's place, to succeed, substitute, take one's turn. Magbulús ka sa íya sa pagarádo. Now, take his place in ploughing. Sín-o ang nagbulús sa íya? Who succeeded him? Sa pituádlaw nga mabulús. Next week. Búsli (bulusí) siá sa pagdalá sang bakág. Take his place in carrying the basket. Nagbuslánay silá magbítbit sang maléta. They carried the handbag by turns. (see tál-us, salíli).
(B) To advance upon, draw near, close in upon, approach, march upon, come to close quarters, attack, assault, assail. Doksolí siá. Pitch into him. Attack him. Ang mga soldádo nga nagakontrahánay nagadoksolánay na. The opposing soldiers are now coming to close quarters, are now advancing against each other. Kon may kinahánglan ka sa íya dumúksol ka, índì ka magkahádluk. If you want him, approach him, don't be afraid. (see palapít, túlus, sál-ot, soróso, saróso).
That on which something falls, or the like, hence: term, definite space of time, fixed period, date, instalment, etc. Binaligyáay (Binaklanáy) sa (sing) hulugán. Selling (Buying) by instalment (on an instalment plan). (see húlug).
Rice mixed with gatâ (the juice of coconut meat) and stewed in coconut-leaves in the form of rolls; to make a dish of íbus. Ibúsa iníng kalanáy. Make "ibus" of this kalanáy-rice. Iíbus akó ánay siníng pilít. Kindly prepare a dish of "ibus" for me from this pilít-rice. (see ilibusón).
Rice mixed with gatâ (the juice of coconut meat) and stewed in coconut-leaves in the form of rolls; to make a dish of íbus. Ibúsa iníng kalanáy. Make "ibus" of this kalanáy-rice. Iíbus akó ánay siníng pilít. Kindly prepare a dish of "ibus" for me from this pilít-rice. (see ilibusón).
To argue, dispute or quarrel about something that one of the disputants has to perform and none of them likes to, to push to and fro. Nagapadaítol silá kon sín-o sa íla ang magtíg-ang, ang mangáhoy, etc.-or-ginapadaitólan níla ang pagtíg-ang, pangáhoy, etc. They are disputing or quarrelling as to which of them should boil rice, collect firewood, etc. (see sabtánay; tudlánay (sabát, tulúd), paítol).
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