Search result(s) - lígos



(H) To wash, lave, bath, give a bath to, bathe. Ligósa ang bátà, báboy, etc. Give the baby, the pig, etc. a bath. Ilígos akó ánay siníng idô. Kindly give this dog a bath. Ligósi akó sing manók. Wash a chicken for me. Linigósan níla ang batíà sang idô. They gave the dog a bath in the wash-tub. (see dígos, palígos, lígò).



To bind, tie, lash, fasten, fetter. (see búgkos, lígos, higót, bígkis, bángot, ángot, angót, góos, balíghot, balô).



(B) To bathe, lave, give a bath to; to take a bath. (see lígos, dígos, palígos, kókoy).



To bathe, wash, lave, give a bath to, wash by pouring water over the body. Digósa ang bátà, báboy, etc. Give the baby, the pig, etc. a bath. Digósi iníng pasungán sang idô. Wash the dog in this trough. Idígos akó ánay sang ákon báboy. Please wash the pig for me. (see lígos, rígos, lígò).



Bathed, laved, washed; smothered; to bathe, etc. Sang pagabút níya sa baláy nadímus siá sa halúk sang íya mga ábyan. When he arrived at the house, his friends smothered him with kisses. (see dígos, lígos).



To bathe, lave, wash, etc. See lígos, dígos.

palígos, paligós


(H) Caus. of lígos. Also: to take a bath, bathe, wash oneself. Magapalígos (Mapalígos) akó ánay. I am going to take a bath. Nagpalígos silá sa subâ. They bathed in the river. Papaligósa lang siá. Let him have a bath. Napaligósan ko kaína ang bág-o nga bubón. I took a bath in the new water-hole a short while ago.



(H) A bath-tub, bathroom, bathing place. (see palígos).



To wash, rinse, pour water over something or somebody, and the like. Ahógi akó sing túbig. Pour water over me. Iáhog ang túbig sa úlo ko. Pour the water over my head. Ahóga ang ákon likód sang túbig. Pour water over my back. May inugáhog ikáw? Have you a scoop or vessel for pouring out liquids? Sang íla pagpalígos sa subâ nagahogáy or nagahogánay silá. When they took a bath in the river they poured water over each other. (see bóbò).



The smell of perspiration; to smell of perspiration. Ginaangholán akó sang ímo mga médyas. I notice the smell of your socks. Nagaánghol ikáw, kay walâ ka pagpalígos. You smell of perspiration, because you never take a bath.



Premature, untimely; to do something prematurely, before the proper time, too soon. Ginapás níla ang paglígos sang bátà. They gave the baby a bath too soon. Dílì nínyo pagapasón ang pagtubâ sang ságing. Don't cut down the banana prematurely i.e. before its fruit is ripe. (see ahát).



(H) That is to be wetted or soaked in water. Balás on sa palígos. Bathing-dress, costume for a bath or swim. (see basâ).



(Sp. baño) Bath, bathing; bathing-tub; bathing-place. (see paligosán).



(H) Soiled, dirty, grimy, smudged, begrimed, stained, dirtied, messed, sullied. Bulingón ikáw; palígos ka. You are dirty; take a bath. Bulingón ang kamót mo, segúro nangóot ka sa kólon. Your hand is dirty; surely you have been groping in the kettle. Bulingón nga panápton. Soiled linen, clothes to be washed, the wash, clothes for the wash. (buringón id.).



To rinse, lave, finish washing or bathing by the use of clean, fresh water. Bunlawí na lang ang bátà, kay nagakúrug na sa katúgnaw. Finish off bathing the child by pouring fresh, clean water over it, for it is trembling with cold. Nakapalígos na akó kag mamúnlaw na lang akó. I have taken a bath and now I am going to rinse myself with clean water. Ibúnlaw iníng túbig nga matínlò sa mga panápton nga linábhan. Use this clean water for rinsing the wash.



To melt, be digested, dissolved. Nagahinunáw pa ang ákon kináon; índì pa akó magpalígos. The meal I have taken is not digested yet; I will not go bathing so soon.



To bathe; to take a bath. (see dígos, palígos).



(B) To swallow, gobble, devour. Indì ka magpalígos dirâ, kay básì lámyon ka sang buáya, bagís, etc. Don't bathe there, for a crocodile, shark, etc. may devour you. (see lámon, tulún, síbà, halúnhun, lumóy).



To forbid, interdict, disapprove, object to, refuse sanction, put under taboo (often used in connection with superstitious observances). Lihií siá sa pagpalígos sa amó nga panahón. Prohibit him from taking a bath at such a time. Ginalihî ang pagpanáug sa baláy kon ang isá ka tagútò nagahuní sa hágdan. It is not advisable (by a superstitious observance) to leave the house if a lizard croaks on the staircase. Ilihî ang pagkáon sa bátà nga nagalíngkod sa tapalán. (A superstition). Object to the child taking food sitting on the cutting block. Ginalihî ang pagkáon sing kárne sa mga ádlaw nga Biérnes sa Kwarésma. It is forbidden to eat meat on the Fridays of Lent. (see dílì, dumílì).



Lake, pond, sheet of quiet water, loch, lough, mere, tarn; to be or become quiet, peaceful, unruffled, still, smooth, calm. Naglínaw na ang dágat, ang íya kaákig, etc. The sea is now smooth, his anger has cooled or quieted down, etc. Nalináwan (-áwhan) kamí sang dágat sang ámon pagpakádto sa Manílà. We had a calm sea when we went to Manila. Indì ka magpalígos dirâ sa sulúg, kóndì dirí lang sa línaw. Don't bathe there in the current, but here in this quiet pool.

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