To forge, to hammer (metals). Salsalá ang salsálon. Hammer the iron. Salsalí akó sing binángon, wásay, etc. Forge a bolo, a hatchet, etc. for me. Ang manugsálsal nagasálsal sing píko sa íya pamandáyan. The smith is forging a pick-axe in his work-shop. Ginpasalsalán níya ang íya bátà nga babáye sing mga pulséras nga buláwan sa platéro (manugsálsal). He ordered the goldsmith to make golden bracelets for his daughter.
To forge-, hammer-, work-, iron or other metal at a forge; be a smith. Maálam siá magpanálsal. He knows to work metals. (see sálsal, panalsálon).
Made of iron, iron; very strong.
To warm, to heat, make red-hot. Ginbagáng sang manugsálsal ang salsálon. The smith made the iron red-hot. Nabagáng na ang gánga. The roasting-pot is hot. Bagangá ánay ang gánga sa walâ pa ikáw magsánlag sang maís. Heat the roasting-pot first before you roast the corn. Ang gúgma nagabagáng sang íya tagiposóon. Love warms his heart. Ibagáng akó ánay sing isá ka nahót nga salsálon. Kindly make a piece of iron red-hot for me. Bagangí akó sing gánga, kay magasánlag akó sing maís. Heat a roasting-pot for me, for I am going to roast some corn. Ginabagáng siá. He is getting hot, i.e. he has fever, as a forerunner of some serious disease like smallpox, measles, etc.
To turn to refuse or scrap, especially applied to metals. Ang kaláyo nagbátas sang salsálon. The fire burned the iron to scrap. Ang salsálon nabátas or binátas sang kaláyo. The iron was burned to scrap by the fire. Indì mo pagbatáson sa kaláyo iníng sin. Don't allow this zinc to pass through fire and become useless.
Like, as, similar to, as it were, as if, about, resembling, having the semblance of; it seems, appears, may. Iníng káhoy matíg-a nga daw salsálon. This wood is as hard as iron. Daw butíg ang íya nga ginsúgid. What he said seems to be untrue. Daw sa dílì na akó makabatás sinâ. It appears to me that I can stand that no longer. Daw sa magadaúg siá. It looks as if he may win. Kon daw sa walâ gid ikáw sing lúyag sa pagdúaw sa iya, --. If you really shouldn't like to pay him a visit, --. Daw lángit. Like heaven. (see súbung, bílang, ánggid, apít-ápit).
(B) Thin, slender, tenuous; to be or make thin, tenuous, slender, to whittle down, pare down. Naghanús ang kawáyan sa pagágus. The bamboo became slender through trimming. Bal-agí ang salsálon túbtub nga maghanús. File the iron till it becomes thin. Hanusá iníng bastón. Make this stick slender. Pahanusí akó sing liníyas nga kawáyan. Get for me some thin pieces of split bamboo. Ipahanús ko sa ímo iníng paláy, kay gutúk sa búhò. I'll get you to pare down this wooden peg, for it is too thick to fit the hole. (see gamáy).
To clear away rust from iron by heating and hammering, purify metals by fire. Ang manugsálsal nagahínlas sang salsálon. The smith is cleaning the iron (by making it red-hot and then hammering it on the anvil). Hinlasí iníng salsálon nga toktokón. Purify this rusty iron.
A fabulous creature or evil spirit supposed to run very swiftly. Abáw, kadásig sa ínyo daw súbung kamó sang isá ka hubót! How swift you are, almost as swift as a "hubót"! Hubót nga salsálon-railway, train.
Spark, scintilla; to emit or throw off sparks, to spark, sparkle, glitter, scintillate. Ang bató nga matíg-a kon pakibyasán mo sing salsálon magaídlab. A hard stone, if struck a glancing blow with iron, will emit sparks. Paidlabá ang ímo santíkan, agúd makódtan sang kaláyo ang bárok. Strike a spark from your flint, that the tinder may take fire. (see ídlak, ígpat, sídlak, sílak).
Spark, scintilla; to emit or throw off sparks, to spark, sparkle, glitter, scintillate. Ang bató nga matíg-a kon pakibyasán mo sing salsálon magaídlab. A hard stone, if struck a glancing blow with iron, will emit sparks. Paidlabá ang ímo santíkan, agúd makódtan sang kaláyo ang bárok. Strike a spark from your flint, that the tinder may take fire. (see ídlak, ígpat, sídlak, sílak).
Diminution, lessening, deterioration, loss of quality or quantity. Sing masúnsun gingámit mo inâ nga báyò, ápang túbtub karón walâ gid sing ín-in; dáw bág-o gihápon. You have used that dress quite often, but till now it is not the worse for wear, it is still like new. Walâ gid sing ín-in ang kadalísay siníng lánggaw, bisán nasimbúgan na sing túbig. This vinegar has not lost its strength, though it has been mixed with water. Ang humáy dirâ sa tabungós daw walâ sing ín-in, gái nabuhínan ko sing duhá ka gántang. The rice in the tabungós-basket seems to have been left intact, though as a matter of fact I have taken two gantas from it. Also, but seldom, used as a verb: Indì magín-in iníng salsálon, bató nga bantíling, etc. This iron, solid stone, etc., will not wear out, will not rust, crumble, lose strength or the like. (see búhin, íban).
Diminution, lessening, deterioration, loss of quality or quantity. Sing masúnsun gingámit mo inâ nga báyò, ápang túbtub karón walâ gid sing ín-in; dáw bág-o gihápon. You have used that dress quite often, but till now it is not the worse for wear, it is still like new. Walâ gid sing ín-in ang kadalísay siníng lánggaw, bisán nasimbúgan na sing túbig. This vinegar has not lost its strength, though it has been mixed with water. Ang humáy dirâ sa tabungós daw walâ sing ín-in, gái nabuhínan ko sing duhá ka gántang. The rice in the tabungós-basket seems to have been left intact, though as a matter of fact I have taken two gantas from it. Also, but seldom, used as a verb: Indì magín-in iníng salsálon, bató nga bantíling, etc. This iron, solid stone, etc., will not wear out, will not rust, crumble, lose strength or the like. (see búhin, íban).
Heat, sun-heat, heat of the day, warmth, fervour; to become or make hot, fervid. Nagínit ang binángon sa ádlaw. The bolo became hot in the sun. Iníta ang túbig. Heat the water. Iníti ang manók sing túbig sa paghimúlbul. Boil some water to clean the chicken of its feathers. Iínit mo iníng kaláyo sa salsálon. Heat the iron in this fire. Ginakinahánglan sang áton láwas ang ínit sang sílak sang ádlaw. Our body needs the heat of sunlight-or-of the sun's rays. Nagántus siá sing alángay sang ínit kag ulán. He bore equally well sunshine and rain. Nagaínit ang íya láwas sa kaákig. He is waxing hot with anger. Iínit akó ánay siníng tinápay. Please warm this bread for me. (see tagítì, tagíngting, salíit, bóhot, gín-ot).
Heat, sun-heat, heat of the day, warmth, fervour; to become or make hot, fervid. Nagínit ang binángon sa ádlaw. The bolo became hot in the sun. Iníta ang túbig. Heat the water. Iníti ang manók sing túbig sa paghimúlbul. Boil some water to clean the chicken of its feathers. Iínit mo iníng kaláyo sa salsálon. Heat the iron in this fire. Ginakinahánglan sang áton láwas ang ínit sang sílak sang ádlaw. Our body needs the heat of sunlight-or-of the sun's rays. Nagántus siá sing alángay sang ínit kag ulán. He bore equally well sunshine and rain. Nagaínit ang íya láwas sa kaákig. He is waxing hot with anger. Iínit akó ánay siníng tinápay. Please warm this bread for me. (see tagítì, tagíngting, salíit, bóhot, gín-ot).
(B) lapús, (H) To pierce, transpierce, transfix, penetrate, go through, perforate, come out on the other side. Nakalápus na ang barína. The gimlet is through now. Ginlápsan (-lapusán) sang dága ang íya tagiposóon. His heart was pierced by the dagger. Palápsi ang tápì sing lánsang. Drive a nail through the plank. Nalápsan sang bángkaw ang íya tamíng kag ang matalíwis nga salsálon nalubúng sa íya dúghan. The lance went through his shield and the sharp iron-point buried itself in his chest. Indì mo pagpalápson ang lánsang. Don't drive the nail quite through. (see hándus,-to thrust, pierce; dulút-pierce the surface).
To go round, walk about, circle around. Libúta (libúti) ang nakawáan sang bánwa. Walk around the town-square. Ang mga makáwat sing masamí nagalíbut kon gáb-i. Thieves generally walk abroad at night. Maglíbut sa baláy may matahúm nga talútug nga salsálon. There is a beautiful iron railing round the house. (see alíhid, lágaw).
(Sp. picar) To prick, pierce, puncture, tattoo; to notch, indent. Napikahán ang íya bútkon sang manugpiká. His arm was tattooed by the tattooer. Nagpiká ang pánday sa salsálon sang galáb. Ginpikahán sang pánday sa salsálon ang galáb. The smith notched the sickle, cut teeth in the edge of the sickle.
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