Search result(s) - súgpon



To splice, add to in length, prolong, join, continue. Sugponá ang duhá ka písì. Join the two strings together. Sugponí ang kalát, kay malíp-ot. Join another piece to the rope, for it is too short. Isúgpon iníng lúbid. Add this string or cord. Indì ka magsúgpon sa mga dinúpak nga halambalánon. Don't join in-, take part in-, indecent conversations.



Continuation, addition. Sang pagkabatî níya siní nawád-an siá sing inogsúgpon. When he heard this, he did not know how to continue the conversation-or-he lost the thread of his ideas. (súgpon).



Continuation, addition. Sang pagkabatî níya siní nawád-an siá sing inogsúgpon. When he heard this, he did not know how to continue the conversation-or-he lost the thread of his ideas. (súgpon).



Continuation, prolongation, lengthening, production, protraction, extension, accession, addition; continued (of serials). (see súgpon).



To bind-, tie-, knot-, connect-, string-, together, to fasten in a knot, attach to each other by a knot (threads, yarn, hemp-fibres, etc.). Sipónga ang lánot nga talagakón. Bind together the hemp-fibre that is to be got ready for reeling (spooling, winding on a reel). (see higót, balíghot, tábid, súgpon, balô).



To bind hemp-fibre together and roll it up neatly in a basket previous to putting it on a reel and forming it into hanks, etc. Sug-utá ang lánot. Get the hemp-fibre ready for reeling. (see tágak, súgpon).



To splice, scarf, join pieces of timber by overlapping them so that the pieces joined are very strongly held together; a piece of timber joined to another, an addition, prolongation. Sumpaká iníng duhá ka halígi. Splice these two posts. Sumpakí ang halígi, kay malíp-ot. Splice another piece to the post, for it is too short. Isúmpak iníng káhoy sa halígi. Scarf (Splice) this piece of wood to the post. (see súgpon).



To add to the length of, to lengthen, prolong, continue, tie or fasten to by knotting, etc.; to step in, put in a word, take part in a conversation, join in. Tugdaí ang kalát. Add another piece to the rope. Lengthen the rope. Itúgdà iníng isá ka písì sa kalát. Add this cord (string) to the rope. Tumúgdà na man si Fuláno sa pagsilíng: "--. N.N. now stepped forward saying: "--. (see súgpon, salígbat).



To add to, prolong, etc. See súgpon.



The point, end, key (of a thread, string, etc.); to connect, bind together (broken threads, etc.); to add to, prolong. (see súgpon).



(Sp. apéndice) Appendix, supplement. (see dúgang, kasúgpon).



To snatch-, draw-, pull-, jerk-, out rather quickly, take hold of with a jerk or with a swift pulling motion. Habnusá iníng pilá ka sókdap nga gabúk sang amákan kag ilísan mo sing mga bág-o. Pull out these few rotten slips from the bamboo mat and replace them with new ones. Habnusí ang díngding sing isá ka tádtad. Pull off a tád-tad-strip from the partition-wall. Ihábnus akó ánay siníng liníyas nga kawáyan sa kodál. Please pull this piece of split bamboo out of the fence. Ihábnus akó sing pilá ka nahót nga lánot nga talagakón, kay ákon sugponón kag tagákon. Please jerk a few hemp-fibres (off the line) and give them to me, because I am going to connect them and arrange them neatly. (see húnus, gúnut, bíngkas, tábnus).



(B) Bad, wicked, evil, no good, ugly, nasty, foul, not nice; to be or become bad, ugly, etc. Kaayóáyo siníng bátà sang úna, ápang karón, kay nagdakû (naghánggud), nagkadû (nagláw-ay)! How beautiful this child was formerly! But now, it has grown up plain! Indì ka magbúhat sin_à, kay kadû (maláw-ay, maláin). Don't do that, for it is wicked or bad. Indì ka magsúgpon sa mga sugilánon nga kadû (maláw-ay). Don't take part in foul talk. Waláy sapayán nga ginadáyaw siá sang ibán, akó sing ákon ginakaduán (ginalaínan, ginalaw-ayán) sa íya. Notwithstanding that others praise him, I for my part consider him a bad (ugly) man. Indì mo pagkaduón (paglaw-ayón) ang pagsulát. Don't write badly, i.e. illegibly, indistinctly, obscenely. (see láin, láw-ay, hígkò, maláin, maláw-ay, mahígkò, kadô).



(H) To be, make or become long, to lengthen. Sugponí ang kalát, agúd maglábà. Tie another piece to the rope to lengthen it (lit. that it may become long). Labáa ang kalát. Lengthen the rope. Labáa ang pagútud sang biníklan. Cut off a long piece of the split bamboo. Nalabáan akó siníng delárgo. These trousers are too long for me. (see lábug).