Search result(s) - ulán



(H) Rain, shower of rain, downpour; to rain. May ulán. There is (was) rain. Nagaulán. It is raining. Nagulán kahápon sing madámol. Yesterday it rained heavily. Naulanán kamí sa dálan. We had rain on the road. Dalágan kamó, kay kon dílì maulanán kamó. Run or-the rain will overtake you,-you will be caught in the rain. Ang Diós nagapasubáng sang íya ádlaw sa mga maáyo kag sa mga maláut kag nagapaulán sa mga matárung kag sa mga dîmatárung. God "maketh his sun to rise upon the good and bad, and raineth upon the just and the unjust". Maulían gid man iníng mga tanúm sa madalî kon maulanán lang. These plants will recover (pick up) soon-after a shower of rain,-if they have (receive) some rain. Daw sa maulán (magaulán). It looks as if it were coming on to rain. (urán id.; see talíthi, apókapók, tampú-támpu, dúngdung, búnok, etc.).



(H) Rain, shower of rain, downpour; to rain. May ulán. There is (was) rain. Nagaulán. It is raining. Nagulán kahápon sing madámol. Yesterday it rained heavily. Naulanán kamí sa dálan. We had rain on the road. Dalágan kamó, kay kon dílì maulanán kamó. Run or-the rain will overtake you,-you will be caught in the rain. Ang Diós nagapasubáng sang íya ádlaw sa mga maáyo kag sa mga maláut kag nagapaulán sa mga matárung kag sa mga dîmatárung. God "maketh his sun to rise upon the good and bad, and raineth upon the just and the unjust". Maulían gid man iníng mga tanúm sa madalî kon maulanán lang. These plants will recover (pick up) soon-after a shower of rain,-if they have (receive) some rain. Daw sa maulán (magaulán). It looks as if it were coming on to rain. (urán id.; see talíthi, apókapók, tampú-támpu, dúngdung, búnok, etc.).



To follow in quick succession. Nagaábak gid lang ang ulán. The rain pours down at short intervals, one shower or squall following another in quick succession, (see abákabák which is more in use).



Neither "fish, flesh nor fowl"; untimely, inconvenient, immature, not quite qualified or capable; to lack maturity, timeliness, qualities or conditions required. Ang mga páhò aláng-álang pa. The mangoes are not quite ripe yet. Aláng-álang pa ang tiémpo. The time is not convenient yet, the weather is still unreliable,-not quite suitable. Iníng batà aláng-álang pa sa pagbúthò. This child is too young to go to school. Also used as a verb. Dílì mo pagaláng-alángon ang pagabút mo dirí. Don't arrive here too late. Ginaláng-alángan akó sa pagdúaw sa ínyo, kay--. I was prevented from paying you a visit, because--. Kalití ang pagpaúlì, agúd dílì ka maaláng-alángan sang ulán. Make use of the first opportunity to go home, lest you should be detained by the rain.



Open or exposed to the rain; to enter, come through, said of rain being driven in by the wind through an open door or window or the like. Nagaámbi ang ulán. The rain is coming in. Ang ámon kalán-an ginaambihán sang ulán. The rain is coming into our dining room. Ang ákon kwárto ámbi sa ulán. My room is exposed to the rain. Kon mamádlus ang hángin maambihán ka dirí sang ulán. If the wind is strong the rain will drive in here where you are. (see ábong-open to the wind).



Under-developed, stunted, injured in growth; to be or become stunted, etc.; not well made or done. Arikotóy nga táo. A man of very low stature, below the normal size. Arikotóy nga trabáho. Clumsy work, a bungling performance. Nagarikotóy ang talóng, kamátis, kamóti, tabákò, etc., kay lakás ang ínit kag kúlang ang ulán. The egg-plants, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, tobacco-plants, etc., were injured in growth by too great heat and lack of rain. (see arí-arí, agíl-agíl).



A shower of rain; to fall in showers, to rain heavily. Kon kís-a sa hinálì lang nagabagókbok ang ulán. Now and then there is a sudden heavy shower of rain. (see búnok, bókbok, pókpok).



(H) Pretext, explanation, excuse, pretence, false plea, subterfuge, often just a story got up for the occasion; to find an excuse, to explain away, to have a pretext or story ready, to tell lies in order to get out of a scrape and the like. Indì ka magbalíbad sang ímo salâ. Don't try to excuse your fault. Anó ang balíbad mo? What excuse or pretext have you got? Indì mo akó pagbalibáran. Don't try to find excuses with me. Don't tell me stories. Don't try to explain. Nagabút siá sa baláy sa pagpakigkítà sa ímo; búsà walâ na ikáw sing ikabalíbad sa íya. He came to the house to see you; consequently you cannot excuse yourself any longer. Pabalibára akó. Excuse me. Ibalíbad mo akó. Kindly excuse me, find an excuse for me. Ginbalíbad níya ang ulán. He put it down to the rain. (see butíg, malí, pasúni).

Contortion, twisting of the limbs; to writhe, to twist the limbs, as when suffering from cramp, cold, great fear and the like. Nagabalikótot siá. He is contorting his limbs. Ginabalikótot níla ang íla mga láwas sa dakû nga katúgnaw. They are writhing on account of the great cold. Pasilónga ang báka, dì mo siá pagpabalikototón sa ulán. Put the cow under shelter, don't let her shiver with cold out in the rain.



On account of, by reason of, due to, because. Bangúd sinâ --. Therefore --. Bangúd sang íya katámad sa pagpangabúdlay napúto siá. On account of his being too lazy to work he became a bankrupt. Walâ akó makakarí sang simána nga tinalíkdan, bangúd nga nahilántan akó. I was unable to come here last week, because I had a cold or influenza. Bangúd sang madámol nga ulán índì kamí makapaúlì karón. Due to the heavy rain we cannot go home now. (see tungúd, kay).



Moisture, humidity, dankness, damp, dampness, wet, wetness; moist, damp, wet, soaked, dank, humid; to make or become wet, to drench, etc. Nabasâ ang ákon tiíl. My foot got wet. Ginbasâ níya ang ákon pányo. He made my handkerchief wet. Bás-a ang lampáso. Soak the mop in water. Bás-i ang ití sang manók sa salúg. Clean up with water the chicken-dung on the floor. Pahíran mo lang ang lamésa sing trápo nga mamalá, dílì mo pagbás-on. Just wipe the table with a dry cloth, don't use water. Binás-an níya ang íya kamút sing agás, agúd makúhà ang dágtà sang pínta. He wetted his hand with petroleum, in order to get out the paint-stains. Likawí ang ulán, agúd dílì ka mabasâ kag mapásmo. Avoid the rain, lest you should get wet and catch a cold. Ang hubág níya nga maáyo na gid nagbasâ na man. His ulcer that was quite healed before is now suppurating (wet) again. Nagbasâ na man ang mga matá sang ilóy sang pagkabatî níya nga may nagsámbit sang ngálan sang íya anák nga bág-o lang napatáy. The mother's eyes became wet (filled with tears), when she heard someone mentioning the name of her child that had recently died. Kánding nga binasâ (nabasâ) sang ulán. A goat that has been drenched by rain. (see malá-to be dry, etc.).



Perhaps, perchance, maybe, mayhap, peradventure. Básì pa lang. May it be so. Let us hope so. Básì nga índì kitá makatabók, kay madámol ang ulán kaína. Maybe we cannot cross, for there was heavy rain a while ago. (see áyhan, dámlag).



To crush, powder, grind, mash, pulverize, comminute, break, bruise, pound, reduce to fine particles. Bokboká ang bugás. Powder the hulled rice. Bokbokí akó sing diótay nga maís nga kinokót. Grind some corn for me. Binókbok nga balátong. Mashed beans. Ibókbok mo akó ánay siníng dalógdog nga ipamányos ko. Kindly crush this dalógdog-fruit for me, as I wish to rub myself with it. Figuratively: Natungâtúngà námon ang dálan nga mapailóngílong kag bokbokán kamí sang ulán. We had covered about half the distance on the road leading to Iloilo, when we were overtaken by a pelting shower of rain. (see sâsâ, tâtâ, mômô, lumâ, pusâ).



Heavy, pouring, drenching rain; to rain heavily. Nagabúnok ang ulán. The rain is falling heavily. It is pouring. (see bagókbok, bókbok).

(H) Mizzle, drizzle, light rain; mizzly, drizzly; to drizzle, fall in small drops. Nagadabódábo or may dabódábo. It drizzles. There is a light rain. Ulán nga dabódabó. Drizzly rain, mizzle. (see talíthi, taríthi, apókapók).



Stunted, not growing to maturity, not ripening; to become stunted, etc. Ang humáy nga gintánum námon sang Húlyo nagdabóng, kay walâ sing ulán. The rice we planted in July was short in the straw, because there was no rain. (see arí-arí, agíl-agíl).



To find time, do at once or promptly, perform without delay. Indì akó makadalikát sa pagdúaw sa ínyo. I have no time to pay you a visit at once. Dalikatá ang maís dídto, kay malapít ang ulán. Be quick with the corn there, for the rain is near. Dalikatí akó sa pagbakál sing tátlo ka abáno. Buy me quickly three cigars. (see dalî).



To slip, slide, skate, skid. Nakadalín-as akó. I slipped. Padalin-asá siá. Make him slip. Ang kadánlug sang dálan nagpadalín-as sa ákon. The greasiness of the road caused me to slip. Pinadalín-as ang áwto sang ulán. The rain caused the automobile to skid. (see dúpyas).



Depth, profundity, deepness: to deepen, make-, become-, deep. Nagdálum ang lúblub tungúd sang madámol nga ulán. The defile deepened on account of the heavy rain. Ginpadálum níla ang búhò. They dug the hole deep. Padálma (Padalúma) ang búhò sang lusóng. Deepen the cavity of the rice-pounding mortar. Ginpadálman (Pinadálman, Pinadalúman) níya ang amó nga butáng sang íya painóíno. He thought profoundly over it. He pondered long and deeply over that matter. Nagapadálum siá sang íya nga painóíno. He is thinking deeply, profoundly. (see nábaw-to be shallow, etc.).



Slipperiness, greasiness; to be or become slippery, greasy. Nagdánlug ang dálan tungúd sang ulán. The road has become slippery on account of the rain. Padanlugá ang lapgósan, agúd mabúdlay ang pagsákà. Make the pole greasy, so that it may be hard to climb. Nadanlugán akó siníng dálan. This road is too slippery for me.

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