Search result(s) - ínkà



See tríngka.



To obtain, reach, enjoy the possession of, gain, get, acquire, reap. Ang mga matárung magaágum or magahiágum kunína sang himáyà sa lángit. The just will finally enjoy the glory of heaven. Pagaagúman ko gid ang búnga sang ákon ginkabudlayán. I shall surely reap the fruit of my labours. Ipaágum mo sa íya ang ígò nga bálus. Grant him a fitting reward. Paagúma siá sang ímo kamót. Let him feel your hand i.e. strike, box, slap, hit him. Inagúman na níya ang íya nga ginhándum sang madámù nga mga túig. He has now reached the goal desired for many years. (see dángat, ángkon).



Bad, foul, rotten, said of eggs, especially of those having a dead chicken inside; to spoil, become rotten or foul, to go bad (of eggs). Figuratively: unsuccessful, to no purpose; to be or become a failure. Nagbáog ang ítlog. The egg is bad. Mga ítlog nga báog. Rotten eggs. Báog nga táo. An unsuccessful man, one who is unlucky or meets with failure. Nagbáog ang íla nga katuyoán. Their plan or intention was not carried out, came to naught, was shelved, etc. Nabaógan gid silá sang íla nga ginkasugtánan. Their agreement was of short duration,-did not last long,-was soon forgotten.



Strength, firmness, stability, stoutness; to be or become strong, firm, stout, sturdy. Nagbákud na ang ámon baláy, kay ginkaáyo sang pánday. Our house is now strong, because the carpenter has repaired it. Bakúron (-údon) mo ang pagpatíndog sang baláy. Build the house strong. Ipabákud sa pánday ang ímo baláy, agúd índì mapúkan sang bágyo. Get a carpenter to strengthen your house, or it will be blown down by a hurricane. (see líg-on, pág-on).



To bespeak, speak to, warn, forewarn, inform beforehand of a secret plan, a hidden scheme and the like. Ginbalasánan níya silá nga--. He told them beforehand that--. Balasáni siá sinâ. Warn him of that. Give him a hint of that or inform him of it beforehand. Binalasánan níla ang pagháwid kag pagbukás sang íya nga mga sulát. They agreed or conspired to retain and open his correspondence. Ibalásan mo akó sa íya siníng áton ginkasugtánan. Kindly inform him of this our agreement. Ipahibaló mo sa íya iní, agúd mabalasánan siá sang tanán nga takús níya buháton. Report this to him, that he may know what he should do or that he may be aware of everything and can make his arrangements accordingly.



To tear, rend clothing, etc. Nabíkrat ang ákon báyò. My jacket was torn. Bikratá lang ang kóko. Simply tear the white cloth asunder. Bikratí akó sing duhá ka bára siníng hénero. Tear off for me two yards of this cloth. Ginkáptan níya akó sa likód kag biníkrat níya ang ákon báyò. He grasped me by the back and tore my coat. (see píkrat, gísì, páhak, bábha).



Whole, entire, complete, integral, full, all together, no part missing; solid, not hollow; to make or form a whole, etc. Láwas kag kalág amó ang nagabilóg sa táo. Body and soul form the whole man. Ginkabilogán sang mga pumulúyò ang íla nga pándut. The inhabitants were all united for the celebration of their feast. Bilogón mo ang tsokoláte, dílì mo pagtabliyahón. Make the chocolate up in roundish lumps, not in tablets or slabs. Ibilóg akó ánay siníng sensílyo ko nga salapî. Kindly give me a "salapî" for these fifty centavos. Ginkabilogán níla ang amó nga sulát. They wrote that letter in common-or-they all agreed to despatch that letter. Nagbilóg ang duhá níla ka tagiposóon. Their two hearts were as one. Ginhatágan níya akó sing isá ka páhò nga bilóg. He gave me a whole mango. (i.e. not only part of it).



See bibíngka, bibínka id.



Edge, rim, border, bank. (see bígki, gíding, bínka, binít).



(H) To swell, become-swollen,-bloated,-inflated, to puff up, blow up. Ang balókhan sang báboy kon húypan (huyupán) sing kagíngking magabukálong. A pig's bladder, if blown up by means of a bamboo tube, will become a balloon. Ginkagát siá sang kamaláyo sa písngi kag nagbukálong. He was stung in the cheek by a kamaláyo-wasp and it swelled up. (see hábok, úkad).



Thickness; to thicken, become thick, said of flat substances like boards, sheets, clothes, etc. Dakmolá ang paghímò sing bibínka. Make the bibinca-cakes thick. Indì mo pagdakmolón ang pagtápa sang kárne, kóndì nipisón mo lang. Don't cut thick slices of meat, but carve thin ones. Utdon mo ang tápì sa nadakmolán. Cut the board at its thick part. (see dámol).



Disturbance, row, riot, trouble, disorder, tumult, fracas, affray, melee, uproar, squabble, brawl, commotion; to cause a disturbance, etc., throw into confusion, take away peace or tranquillity. May gamú silá sa íla baláy. There is some disorder or commotion in their home. Indì kamó maggamú or magginamú dirí sa ámon. Don't disturb us here. Don't interrupt our peace or tranquillity. Ginámwan níya ang bánwa. He caused a commotion in town. Iníng duhá ka táo may dakû nga gamú. These two men are at loggerheads, are having a serious fight or quarrel between themselves. Pagámwa (pagamuhá) lang silá, kay walâ man sing pulús kon ímo silá husáyon, kay índì silá mamátì. Just let them fight it out, for it is of no use to try to mediate, as they won't listen to you. Anó ang nanginkabangdánan siníng gamú? What is the origin or cause of this riot? (see garók, gáhud, galúng, gúbat).



Edge, rim, border, cant, an external or salient angle. (see bibíg, binít, bínka).



(H) Beginning, start, commencement, inception. (see súgud, ginkamunóan, gingikánan).

(Sp. golpeadura) Blow, beating, percussion, knock, stroke; all at once, in one go, etc. See gólpe. Ginkáon níya ang isá ka kám-aw nga linúgaw sing (sa) isá gid lang ka golpeáda. He ate a large bowlful of rice-porridge in one go. (see ándo).



Speech, say, talk, locution, parlance, utterance; language, expression, oral communication, discourse; to say, speak, talk, utter. Anó ang hámbal níya? What did he say? Naghámbal siá nahanungúd sa pagpangúma. He spoke about farming. Indì ka maghámbal sing súbung sinâ. Don't talk like that. Hambalán mo siá sang áton nga ginkasugtánan. Talk over with him our agreement. Anó ang ihámbal ko sa íya? What shall I say to him? Hambalá siá tungúd sináng mga butáng, agúd mahibaloán mo ang íya lúyag. Speak to him about those things, that you may know what he wants. Hambalón mo siá sing maáyo gid. Speak to him in a very friendly way, very-civilly,-politely,-courteously,-amiably,-affably,-genially,-gently. (see púlong, silíng, koón, dágil, hambárò, súgid).



(Sp. eme-the name of the letter "M") To squat with the legs bent in the form of the letter "M". Nagaími siá sa salúg. He is squatting on the floor. Imi ang paglíngkod níya. He sits with legs drawn up. Ginimíhan níya ang salúg. He squatted down one floor. (see lupágì, lupán-ak, katínkátin, kúung, kúmung, singkayóng).



(Sp. eme-the name of the letter "M") To squat with the legs bent in the form of the letter "M". Nagaími siá sa salúg. He is squatting on the floor. Imi ang paglíngkod níya. He sits with legs drawn up. Ginimíhan níya ang salúg. He squatted down one floor. (see lupágì, lupán-ak, katínkátin, kúung, kúmung, singkayóng).

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