Search result(s) - mangô



(H) A gift, present, donation, boon, presentation; to give, make a gift of, present with, confer upon, bestow, assign, grant, award. Ihátag mo inâ sa ákon. Give that to me. Hatági iníng makilímos sing limá ka dakû. Give this beggar five centavos. Ginhatágan níya kamí sing tagisá ka páhò. He presented us with one mango each. Madámù nga mga kaayóhan ang saráng mahátag sa bánwa sang amó nga pagbulút-an. Such a law could confer many benefits upon the commonwealth. Indì akó makahátag sinâ sa ímo, kay dílì ákon inâ. I cannot give you that, because it does not belong to me. Hatágan mo akó sang ákon ginpangáyò. Grant me my request. (see taó, túgrò, tágà, bugáy, dúlut, regálo).



Shadow, shade; overshadowed, in the shade, shaded; to overshadow, keep in the shade. Nahawongán sang páhò iníng mga tanúm kag nagarikotóy. These plants were overshadowed by the mango-tree and were stunted in their growth. Yárà siá dirâ sa hawóng. He is over there in the shadow (shade). (see hulúng, hándong, lándong, háron).



(H) To wish or strive to obtain, seek to attain, contend for, try hard to, endeavour, make efforts to gain an object. Nagahimúlat siá sa pagtoón túbtub nga magálam gid. He is striving to study till he becomes very learned. Ginhimulátan níya sing dakû ang pagkádto sa Amérika. He made great efforts to go to America. Himuláti ang pagkúhà sináng búnga sa sináng matáas nga sangá sang páhò. Try to get hold of that fruit on that high branch of the mango-tree. Ihimúlat akó sa pagkúhà sináng púgad sang píspis sa balisbísan sang atóp. Please get me that bird's nest from the eaves of the roof. Maghimúlat ka sa pagsunúd sa gihápon sa dálan sang katarúngan. Do your best to walk always on the road of righteousness. (see tingúhà, paninguhâ, himúg-ot, himúd-os, etc.).



Shadow, shade; growing or situated in the shade; to overshadow, give shade, throw a shadow upon. Magpúngkò kitá sa hulúng sang páhò. Let us sit down in the shade of the mango-tree. Hulúng nga tanúm. A plant overshadowed by other plants or growing in the shade. Ginahulungán ang ámon kalán-an sang madábung nga mga sangá sang páhò. Our dining room is shaded by the leafy branches of the mango-tree. Ang mga tanúm índì magdakû sing maáyo kon hulungán sang mga káhoy. Plants do not grow well when they are overshadowed by trees. (see hándong, lándong, háron).



Shoot, stolon, layer; a plant developed from the seed in a seedling-pot to be transferred later on, together with the seedling-pot, to some suitable ground; to rear or grow plants in that manner. Húnul ka sing páhò. Grow a seedling from the mango (in a seedling pot). Itanúm ang húnul. Plant the seedling, pot and all. Hunúli ang páhò. Layer the mango-tree (by bending down one of its branches to the ground and covering it partly with earth. Roots will develop in due time and the layer is then detached from the parent tree).



(B) To like to have, to like, desire, wish for, long for, covet, want, hanker after. Nagaíma siá siníng mga sapátos, bísti, dólse, etc. She would like to have these boots, clothes, sweets, etc. Ginimáhan níya ang ákon páhò. He longed for my mango. Kon magkáon ka sing mga manámit nga kalan-ónon, ang mga bátà magaíma. When you eat nice side-dishes, the children want to join in. (see lúyag, íbug, ílà, hingamó, híngyo, hándum).



(B) To like to have, to like, desire, wish for, long for, covet, want, hanker after. Nagaíma siá siníng mga sapátos, bísti, dólse, etc. She would like to have these boots, clothes, sweets, etc. Ginimáhan níya ang ákon páhò. He longed for my mango. Kon magkáon ka sing mga manámit nga kalan-ónon, ang mga bátà magaíma. When you eat nice side-dishes, the children want to join in. (see lúyag, íbug, ílà, hingamó, híngyo, hándum).



To droop, hang down, be full of-, covered with-, laden with-, weighed down with-, fruit, be enshrouded as with a mantle. Nagakápà ang mga sangá siníng káhoy. The branches of this tree are weighed down, (being covered with fruit as with a mantle). Nagakápà gid lang sang búnga iníng páhò. This mango-tree is covered with and bending under the weight of its fruit. (see gápà).



To lie on one's back, to lie supine, lie face upward. Nagakayâ silá sa lándong sang páhò. They are lying on their backs in the shade of the mango-tree. Pakáy-a (pakayaá) ang pínggan. Put the plate face upwards. Pakáy-i akó siníng pínggan. Turn this plate face upwards for me. (see kayáng).



To taste, try the taste of. Nagakínam siá sing páhò, ginakínam níya ang páhò. He is trying the taste of a mango. See kinámkínam which is more in use.



To girdle-, ringbark-, a tree. Labáya ang páhò, agúd maglúmpaw. Ringbark the mango tree so that it may wither.



To push, toss, shove, thrust. Ginlaís siá sang karabáw sa púnò sang páhò. The buffalo tossed him against the trunk of the mango tree.



Shadow, shade; to give shade to, etc. Nalambungán siá sang madábung nga páhò. He was in the shadow of the dense foliage of the mango-tree. Walâ magalámbung sa íla painóíno ang kasubô. No sorrow beclouds their thoughts. (see hándong, háron).



Shade, shadow; to give or provide shade, be shady. Nalandongán kamí dídto sang madábung nga páhò. We were there in the shade of the dense foliage of the mango-tree. Landongí ang bátà sang páyong. Shade the baby with the umbrella. Ilándong sa bátà ang páyong. Use the umbrella to shade the baby. Mapasílong kitá sa lándong sang káhoy, kay támà kaínit sang ádlaw dirí. Let us take shelter in the shade of the tree, for the heat of the sun here is excessive. (see hándong, lámbung, háron).



To like, get, eat, take willingly, wish to have, be partial to or fond of food, sweets, etc. Nagpaistíísti ka sang pagtányag ko sa ímo sang páhò, ugái naglásti ka man. You would not take the mango I offered you, but all the time you wanted it very much. (see úyon, lúyag, ílà).



A kind of parasitic plant growing on mango trees, etc.



A new shoot, sprout, twig; to bud, sprout, shoot, put forth, burgeon, bourgeon, said of a plant or tree. Nagalúmbay ang mga páhò. The mango trees are putting forth new leaves. Nalumbayán na ang akásya. The acacia is now sprouting.



(Sp. mango) The mango-tree and its fruit. (see páhò).



(Sp. mango) Penholder, handle, helve, haft (of tools, etc.). (see ápal, kaláptan, pólo, uluyatán).



(H) To be set on edge, have one's teeth set on edge. Nagngílo ang ákon ngípon siníng maáslum nga búnga sang sámbag. My teeth were set on edge by this sour tamarind. This sour tamarind has set my teeth on edge. Nangilóhan akó sináng línghud nga páhò. My teeth were set on edge by that green (unripe) mango. Ang búnga nga maáslum nagapangílo sang ngípon. Sour fruit sets the teeth on edge. (see nílo).

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