Search result(s) - salâ



To carry or take along with, push on, push into, involve, implicate. Gindáldal siá sang kusúg nga índì makítà. He was carried along by an unseen force. Indì mo siá pagdaldalón. Don't involve or implicate him. Nadáldal siá nga walâ sing salâ. He became implicated through no fault of his. (see úmid, daláhig).



To rave, talk nonsense, be delirious. (see dálat, lásang, dampúrat, sála, wákal, búrà).



(Sp. defecto) Defect, imperfection, blemish, fault. (see samád, kasamarán, kakulángan, sayúp, salâ, balatían, torák, kinaláin).



(Sp. examen) Examination, disquisition, inquisition, inquiry, search, investigation; to examine, search, inquire into, investigate, question. Pagaeksaménon pa ikáw ukón naeksámen ka na? Have you still to undergo an examination or have you been examined? Exaména siá sa ininglés. Examine him in English. Examénon mo sing maáyo ang ímo mga salâ sa walâ pa ang pagkonpesár mo. Make a good examination of conscience before going to confession. (see sanghíran, pangusísà).



(Sp. examen) Examination, disquisition, inquisition, inquiry, search, investigation; to examine, search, inquire into, investigate, question. Pagaeksaménon pa ikáw ukón naeksámen ka na? Have you still to undergo an examination or have you been examined? Exaména siá sa ininglés. Examine him in English. Examénon mo sing maáyo ang ímo mga salâ sa walâ pa ang pagkonpesár mo. Make a good examination of conscience before going to confession. (see sanghíran, pangusísà).



(Sp. estampa) Picture, print, painting, representation, icon. Also used as a verb. Paestampáhi ang ímo sála. Hang your reception room with pictures (see laráwan, dinuagán).



(Sp. estampa) Picture, print, painting, representation, icon. Also used as a verb. Paestampáhi ang ímo sála. Hang your reception room with pictures (see laráwan, dinuagán).



(Sp.) Fault, deficiency, defect, omission, default, want, lack, failure; to fail to, neglect, commit a fault, to default, not to fulfil one's promise, not to perform one's duty. Indì ka magfálta sa pagsímba sa mga Domíngo kag Fíesta. Don't miss going to Church on Sundays and Feast-days. Nagfálta siá sa pagtúman sang íya nga katungdánan. He neglected to fulfil his duties. (see sayóp, salâ, lápas, lípas).



To bait, badger, nag at, make a butt or laughing-stock of, pillory, hold up to ridicule or contempt, criticize malevolently, expose one to the contempt of bystanders so as to make him angry or in order to pick an open quarrel with him. Gingádgad níya ang kakulángan ni Fuláno túbtub nga nangákig siá. He spoke of N.N.'s shortcomings till he got angry. Indì mo paggadgarón (-adón) ang salâ sang ímo isigkatáo. Don't always harp upon your neighbour's fault. Indì ka maggádgad sang kasaypánan ni Hosé kay awát man lámang, kay siá íya mapainubúson kag índì magbátok ukón magákig. Don't constantly bring up Jose's failings against him, because it is of no use, for he on his part is humble and will not make opposition or get angry about it. (see gálgal).



(B) To suspect, lay the blame on, impute to, tax with, attribute or charge to, inculpate, incriminate, twit. Indì ka maghaón sing maláin sa íya. Don't suspect him of evil-doing. Ginahán-an (ginahaonán) siá nga siá amó ang nagkáwat. He is suspected of having stolen it. Indì mo paghán-an sing salâ ang ímo isigkatáo kon walâ mo masayóri sing matúod. Don't impute a fault to your neighbour, unless you are sure about it. Indì mo pagihaón sa íya ang kwárta mo nga nadúlà. Don't cast suspicion on him with regard to your money that was lost. (see bangúd, pabangúd, pahanungúd, hanâ, mókmok, sumálà).



To meddle, interfere, participate, take part in, put one's nose in. Indì ka maghilabút sináng mga butáng. Don't take part in such things. Don't meddle in those matters. Pahilábta siá sa siníng panublión nga dútà. Let him have a share in this hereditary land. Ang Mahál nga Bírhen walâ paghilábti sang salâ nga panublión. The Blessed Virgin had no part in original sin. (see lábut, pasilabút, pakit-arakáng).



To cover, shield, protect. Ang amó nga pahítò íla ginhinabón sa dakû níla nga salâ. Such means they made use of to cover their guilt. (see tábon).



To draw or come near, be about to arrive, to persecute, pursue, molest, harass, perplex, annoy, distress, be after; strive, seek to obtain. Ang mga matárung ginahingabút sing masamí sang mga maláut. The just are often persecuted by the wicked. Ginbutangbutángan níla siá sing salâ sa paghingabút sa íya. They slandered him in order to harass him. Indì ka maghingabút sa íya. Don't persecute him. Ang idô nagahingabút sang kánding. The dog is after the goat. (see abút).



To rue, repent of, be contrite, be penitent, be sorry for, to feel-compunction,-remorse, to regret. Maghinúlsul ka sang ímo mga salâ-or-Hinulsulán mo ang ímo mga salâ. Be sorry for-or-repent of your sins. Pahinulsulá siá ánay sang íya mga salá. Let him first make an act of contrition for his sins. Kon walâ sing paghinúlsul, walâ man sing patáwad. Without contrition there is no forgiveness. (see ngúsul, núlsul, sákit, subô).



Silence! Hist! Hush!; silent, dumb, mute, noiseless, mum, speechless, still, hushed; to be silent, keep quiet, hold one's tongue, be still. Hípus-or-maghípus ka. Be quiet. Hold your peace (tongue). Ginhípsan (ginhipúsan) níya ang íya nga salâ. He kept silent about his fault. Pahípsa (Pahipúsa) siá. Order him to be quiet. Make him keep silence. Hípsa (hipúsa) ang ímo bábà. Keep your mouth shut. Be silent. (see himúyong, linóng).



(H) Place where a thing is opened or untied, anything bound that should be untied or set free. Diín náyon ang hulubarán siníng bakág? Where is the opening of this carrier's basket (i.e. where do you start to untie the string with which this basket is fastened)? Gingápus níla iníng táo nga walâ sing salâ; hulubarán siá. They have bound this man who is innocent (has done nothing wrong); he should be set free. (see hubád).



Wariness, watchfulness, carefulness, guardedness, caution, alertness, suspicion. Kon may kadudláan na ang mga pumulúyò, salâ inâ sang mga punóan nga nagbúhat sing mga kalaínan sa bánwa. If the people are now cautious (or suspicious) the fault lies with those officials who did harm to the town (the state or commonwealth). (see dúdlà).



Sins, faults, errors, offences, transgressions, trespasses, wrong-doing, slips, mistakes, blunders. (see salâ, kasáypan).



(Sp. culpa) Guilt, sin, fault, culpability, blame, crime, wrong. (see salâ, sayúp).



To pass through, percolate, strain, filter through. Nagalahús ang kapé sa salaán. The coffee passes through the strainer. Palahusá ang tsá sa salaán. Filter the tea through the strainer. (see sálà, tahús).

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