To flow, run, stream. Ang túbig nagaílig. The water is flowing. Pailíga ang túbig dirâ sa kalóg. Make the water flow there through the ditch. Pailígi sang túbig ang talámnan ko. Let the water flow over my fields.
To go or pass over frequently, repeatedly, as over a path, a book, a lesson, etc.; to harden by being gone over, as a road, etc. Naínas na ang dálan. The road is now trodden hard. Ginínas ko yanáng líbro. I had often gone through that book-or-I perused it many times-or-I studied it well. Inása iníng alágyan. Make this footpath hard by going frequently over it. Pagainásan ka gid sing bánas sa ímo nga talámnan, kon índì ka magpatíndog sing maáyo nga kodál. You will certainly have a footpath trodden through your field, unless you erect a strong fence. (see hánas).
To go or pass over frequently, repeatedly, as over a path, a book, a lesson, etc.; to harden by being gone over, as a road, etc. Naínas na ang dálan. The road is now trodden hard. Ginínas ko yanáng líbro. I had often gone through that book-or-I perused it many times-or-I studied it well. Inása iníng alágyan. Make this footpath hard by going frequently over it. Pagainásan ka gid sing bánas sa ímo nga talámnan, kon índì ka magpatíndog sing maáyo nga kodál. You will certainly have a footpath trodden through your field, unless you erect a strong fence. (see hánas).
(Sp. cajon) Box, trunk, case; dam, dyke, ditch, bank, particularly applied to banks that inclose rice-fields. Also verb: Kahoní ang ímo talámnan. Put a bank around your field. (see sulúdlan).
To flap the wings and splash or bathe as a bird in shallow water. Ang mungâ nagakóbo sa talámnan. The hen is flapping its wings and splashing in the rice-field.
To overstep, transgress, trespass, encroach, exceed, surpass, go beyond the limit. Maningúhà ka gid, agúd ang ímo nga kinitáan magláksam sang ímo nga hinguyáng. Do your best, and see that your income exceeds your expenses. Nagláksam siá sang ákon dútà. He encroached or trespassed on my land. He took part of my field. Indì mo paglaksamón (-án) ang talámnan sang ibán. Don't trespass on another's field. Don't appropriate fields belonging to another. (see sabán, hámham, lámlam, sakáb, sakám, sáklam).
Dim. and Freq. of lámà. Also: To harrow. Indì pa ánay paglamâlamáon ang talámnan, kóndì daróhon pa sing makaduhá. Don't harrow the field as yet, but go twice more over it with the plough.
Inundation, flood; to inundate, overflow, cover, flood. Ang subâ naglámbas sang ámon dútà. The river inundated our land. Linámbas sang túbig ang ámon talámnan. Our rice-field was flooded, (see lángbas).
Straight on without a hitch or break, continuous, without interruption, steady, unbroken; together, at the same time, in one go or push; to do something at a stretch, without interruption; to "kill two birds with one stone", combine, do at the same time. Ang mga halígi siníng baláy pulús mga lángkoy. The posts of this house are all of a piece from the ground to the roof i.e. without splices. Langkoyá ang trabáho. Work on steadily. Langkoyí lang sing alámbre ang kodál. Make the whole fence of wire. Ilángkoy mo lang ang kodál sa talámnan nga walâ sing lakarán. Enclose the whole field with a fence without a stile. Maghámbal, magsulát, etc. ka sing lángkoy. Speak, write, etc. in an orderly way, right on, without pauses or stops. Nagpamanílà siá sa pagdúaw sa íya nga bátà kag lángkoy man sa pagpamaláklon. He went to Manila to visit his son and at the same time to make some purchases. (see dáyon, dungán).
A kind of fence with upright posts filled in between with thorny branches of bamboo, sibúkaw, kamúnsel, etc.; to make such a fence. Anó ang láta nínyo sa talámnan? What kind of thorny branches do (did) you use in your fence around the rice-field? Latáhi ang pamulákan. Put a fence of thorns around the garden. (see síklat, dagándan, kodál).
To walk or wade in water, mud, slush, mire, etc. Ang mga bátà nagalátak sa tulúgban sang karabáw. The boys are walking about in the buffalo wallow. Linatákan níla ang talámnan nga tubígon. They waded through the irrigated field. (see lútak, etc.).
To walk straight over or through, pass through without road or pathway, make a short-cut, blaze a trail, make a bee-line. Naglatás lang kamí sa talámnan. We simply walked through the field. Latasá lang ang bakólod. Just walk straight over the hill. Latasí lang ang talámnan kay malayô ang dálan. Pass straight through the field, for the road is too far. Indì ka makalatás dirâ, kay támà kasíot. You cannot take a short-cut there, because the vegetation is too dense. (see láktud, rúmbo, lagtás id.).
A harrow; to harrow; to lacerate, grind, mill, crush, rub (as between two stones moving one of them to and fro or the like). Ligisá (lígsa) ang talámnan. Harrow the field. Ligisí (lígsi) akó sing duhá ka gántang nga kakáw. Crush two gantas of cocoa-seeds for me (by rubbing them between two stones). Kay walâ akó sing ibán nga ligís, iligis ko lang iníng mga kawáyan. As I have no other harrow, I'll just make this bamboo into a harrow. (see galíng-to mill, crush, grind between revolving stones).
Full of leeches. Subâ, talámnan nga lintaán. A river or field, etc., full of, or containing, many leeches. (see lintaón).
To patch, mend, fill up gaps. Lúmbi ang delárgo ko nga nagísì. Patch my torn trousers. Ilunúb iníng tápì sa salúg. Fill up the gap in the floor with this plank. Ginlúmban níla sa talámnan ang kinán-an sang mga malámalá. They filled up the gaps in the rice-field or replanted the places, where the malámalá-insects had devoured the young rice-plants. (see hálup).
(Sp. mapa) A map, plan, drawing, topographic outline; to map, map out, make a map. Mapáha iníng papél. Use this paper to draw a plan on. Mapáhi ang ákon dútà. Make a map of my lands. Mapáhi akó sang ákon talámnan. Make me a map of my fields. Buás ugáling pagasóklon kag pagamapáhan ko ang ímo nga dútà. Not just now, but to-morrow I will measure your grounds and draw a map of them.
The rice-flower; to flower (of rice). Ang humáy nagamarô na. The rice is now flowering or in bloom. Sa duhá ka simána magamarô ang humáy sa ákon talámnan. Within two weeks the rice on my field will be in flower. Namaroán na akó sang ákon humáy. My rice has flowered, blossomed.
To do something by degrees, step by step, gradually, piecemeal, in slow but sure stages, do slowly, deliberately. Nagamátmat sa pagdakû iníng tanúm. This plant is growing tall by slow degrees. Ginmátmat níya ang kúhà (ang pagkúhà) sang íya nga galamitón sa baláy ni Fuláno. He took away his furniture from N.N.'s house one by one or piece by piece. Matmatá sang arádo ang ímo umá. Plough your field leisurely or in easy stages. Ang kaámyon sang mga búlak nagamátmat guób (sa pagguób) sang mga talámnan. The fragrance of the flowers is slowly spreading over the fields. (see amát, amátamát).