Search result(s) - talámnan

sáuy, sá-uy


To walk straight through (water, mire, slush), take a short cut, wade through water or mud, take the bee-line. Magsáuy lang kamó sa talámnan. Saúyon lang nínyo ang talámnan. Walk straight through the rice-field. Saúya lang ang pagtabók sa subâ. Walk (wade) straight through the river. (see láktud, latás, óbog).



To finish, make an end of, complete, take up all small particles or leavings. Sigputá ang kán-on sa pínggan. Finish the rice on the plate. Eat up all the rice on the plate. Ginsígput níla ang salín (sálà) nga humáy sa talámnan. They collected all the rice left in the field.



(B) To call to see, call on for a moment, visit for a short time, pay a very short visit. Nagsumbiráw (Nagpasumbiráw) gid lang ikáw rúgya kanámon. (Nagtámwà (naggáwa) gid lang ikáw dirí sa ámon). You paid us a very short visit. Sumbirawá ang mga táo sa tarámnan. (Bisitáhi sing makadalî ang mga táo sa talámnan). Go and see the workmen in the field for a moment. (see sambiráw, dúaw, súr-aw, súy-aw, hápit, bisíta).



To buy land or fields. Tabáa ang íya dútà. Buy his land. Tinábà níya ang talámnan ni Fuláno. He bought N.N.'s rice-field. Magpatábà ka lang sing isá ka báhin sang ímo ulúmhan. Just sell part of your farm.



Soft, loose, not hard, good for farming (of soil); to be or become soft, etc. Tagúm-a iníng dútà. This soil is soft, is good for farming. Nagtagúm-a na ang ákon talámnan, kay nadáro sing makadámù. The soil of my rice-land is now quite soft, because it has been ploughed over many times. (see hómok, húmok, lúm-ok, yúm-ok, hábok).



(H) That is to be planted or sown (sowed), crops to be planted. (see talámnan).



(B) See talámnan.



A landslide, land-slip; to crack or break off and fall down, to crumble away, to undermine and wash away, be undermined and washed away. Nahúlug siá sa pángpang, kay natíbhag (nagkatíbhag) ang íya tinindogán. He fell down the river-bank, for the ground he stood on gave way under his feet. Tibhagá na lang iníng litík nga dútà. Break down this ground that is cracked (and ready to fall). Ang íya talámnan gináb-ab sang subâ, kag natibhagán sing kapín sa duhá ka dupá nga kalaparón. His field was undermined by the river and a part of more than four yards in width was washed away. (see tímpa, típhag, hunâ, dálhay).



To separate from the ears, cause to fall out, spoil (said of cereals). Natúbas (Nagkatúbas) ang humáy sa uháy, kay nalapákan sang kabáyo. The rice was spoilt, because it was trampled by horses. Ang bágyo nagtúbas (nagpatúbas) sang humáy. The hurricane spoilt the rice-crop (by shaking (separating) the ripe grain from the ear). Natúbas ang humáy siníng talámnan, kay walâ pagánya sang tagíya. (Natúbas ang páray sa tarámnan nga diá, hay warâ nagánya kang tagíya). The rice was spoiled (spoilt) in this field, because the owner did not harvest it in time.



Water, watery liquid; to be or become watery, to melt, dissolve, liquefy (of salt, sugar, ice, etc.); to water, irrigate, mix with-, add-, put in-, water. Túbig nga ilímnon. Drinking water. Nagtúbig na ang tanán nga yélo. All the ice-is gone,-has melted. Amligí gid ang asín, agúd índì magtúbig sa tingúlan. Take good care of the salt or it will dissolve (liquefy) during) the rainy season. Tubígi ang kólon. Put some water in the rice-kettle. Pamulákan nga tinubigan. An irrigated garden. Pinatubígan ang íya talámnan. He irrigated his rice land. Gintubígan ko ang sópas, kay támà kaínit. I added some water to the soup, because it was so hot. (see tinubígan, tinubigán, tubígtúbig, búnyag, túnaw).



To take a short cut through fields, over grass, etc.; to pass, go over or enter without ceremony, interview, call to account, tax with, burst upon, "go for". Ginturások lang námon ang talámnan, tunúk (dúgi), etc. We simply cut across the field, tramped over the thorny shrubs, etc. Indì mo pagturasókon ang pagsulúd sa ákon kwárto, kóndì manóktok ka gid ánay. Don't enter my room unceremoniously, but knock first. Sang pagkabatî níya siní dáyon gid lang íya ginturások si Fuláno. As soon as he heard this, he at once "went for" (had an interview with, expostulated or remonstrated with) N.N. (see túrag, tásak, ládag, láktud, kurágmang).

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