Search result(s) - talámnan



(H) Field, plantation, tilth, arable soil, especially rice-land. (see tánum, tanúm).



(H) Anger, ire, wrath, rage, passion, choler, fury, indignation; to be or make angry, become angry, irate, wroth, wrathful, furious, indignant. Indì ka magákig or mangákig. Don't be angry. Tî, kon may salâ ang bátà mo akígi kag hanóta. Well, if your boy is at fault, show him your displeasure and give him a whipping. Indì mo siá pagakígan, kay dílì siá amó ang may salâ. Don't be angry with him, for he is not the one to blame. Indì ka ánay maghámbal sa íya, kay básì maákig siá. Don't talk to him now, for he may get angry. Inakígan níya gid ang ámon paglatás sa íya nga talámnan. He flew in a rage, because we had cut straight across his field.



The rice-harvest; to harvest rice by means of a small rice-cutter called a "kayóg". Magaáni kamí sa buás. We will harvest rice tomorrow. Ania or ánya ang humáy mo, kay gúlang na. Harvest your rice, for it is ripe. Iníng talámnan sang maís ginánian or ginányan ko sang duhá ka búlan. I got a crop of rice from this corn-field two months ago. Mangáni or manganíhan pa kamí. We are going to work at harvesting rice. Indì mo pagpaaníhon ang mga táo sa ádlaw nga Domíngo kon waláy kabangdánan nga dakû. Don't order-, permit-, the people to harvest rice on Sunday without grave reason. Ginpaáni ko sa íla ang tungâ sang ákon humáy kag ang tungâ ginpagálab ko sa íla. I let them harvest one half of my rice with the rice-cutter (kayóg), and one half I ordered them to cut with the sickle. Indì na nákon pag-ipaáni sa táo ang ákon talámnan, kóndì ipagálab ko lang, kay pagahimúslan ko man ang dagámi. I will no longer permit the harvesters to cut the rice on my field with the kayóg, but I will order them to cut it with the sickle, for then I shall get some profit out of the straw as well. (see alányon, alaníhon-rice to be harvested).



(Sp. arado) Plough; to plough. Aradóha ang talámnan. Plough the field. Buás aradóhi si Fuláno. Tomorrow you will plough N.N's. land. Iníng karabáw iarádo ko sa buás. I will use this buffalo for ploughing to-morrow. Ipaarádo ko iníng talámnan sa táo or paaradóhan ko iníng talámnan sa táo. I'll get somebody else to plough this field for me. (see súk-ay, dáro).



Sloping, slanting, downhill, falling, said of fields or parts of them, where water will flow off readily. Bakilí nga talámnan. A sloping rice-field. (see bánglid, bánhay).



To be wavy, corrugated, show wavy lines, be bent in the form of a wave. Nagabálud ang íya kamót, iníng talámnan, etc. His hand, this field, etc. has wavy lines on it.



To crack, form fissures (said of the soil). Nagbángag ang ámon talámnan. Our field has cracks in it. Nabangagán ang humáy sa talámnan, kay dúgay na nga walâ magulán. There are cracks in the ground under the rice in the field, because it has not rained for a long time. Patubigán mo dáyon ang talámnan, agúd nga índì magbángag. Keep the field constantly under water or water the field constantly, lest it should form cracks. (see litík, balanâ, hirás).



(Sp. batir) To beat, stir up, as an egg, milk, dough, land in harrowing, etc. Batihá ang tsokoláte. Beat up the chocolate. Batihón mo ang talámnan. Harrow the field. Sín-o sa ínyo ang maálam magbatí sing maáyo siníng sinámò (méskla) sa pagbúhat sing mamón? Which of you knows how to beat this mixture well for making a cake?



(Sp. bendición) Benediction, blessing; the blessing of a woman after childbirth; to bless. Magámpò kitá sa Diós agúd íya bendisyonán ang áton mga talámnan. Let us beseech God to bestow His blessing on our fields. Nagpabendisyón si Fulána kaína sang ága. N.N. went this morning to receive the blessing after childbirth. (see bendíta).



To flow over, overflow, flow-out,-off. Nagabugáhay ang túbig. The water overflows. Sang pagtokád ko sináng bakólod nagbugáhay gid lang ang ákon bálhas. When I ascended that hill, my perspiration flowed in streams. Ginpabugáhay níla ang túbig sa talámnan. They caused the water to flow over the field. Pabugaháya ang túbig. Let the water flow-or-cause the water to flow. Pabugaháyi ang humáy sing túbig. Flood the rice-field. (see sagáhay, áwas, ílig, balagáhay).



To open or break-a dam,-a bank,-a dyke,-a levee; to make a gap in a dyke. Sín-o ang nagbúlwang sang púnud? Who made the breach in the dyke? Ginbúlwang sang túbig ang pasákà. The water made a gap in the irrigation dam. Bulwangí ang kahón sa tungâtúngà sang talámnan. Make an opening in the dyke near the middle of the field. (see búhang, búlhang).



A fence of horizontal split bamboo fastened to posts about a yard apart; to make such a fence. Dagandaní ang sa idálum sang baláy, ang pamulákan, etc. Make a dagándan-fence around the lower part of the house, around the flower-garden, etc. Dagandaná iníng mga kawáyan. Prepare this bamboo for a dagándan-fence or make a dagándan-fence of it. Idagándan iníng mga kawayán. Use this bamboo for making a dagándan-fence. Diín si tátay mo?-Nagadagándan siá sang talámnan. Where is your father?-He is making a dagándan-fence round the field. (see síklat-a fence of vertical split bamboo).



To catch, snare, trap, capture, take, seize, get hold of, hook, nab, arrest, lay hands on. Dákpa ang makáwat. Catch the thief. Dákpi akó sing píspis. Snare a bird for me. Idakúp akó ánay sang ákon báboy nga nakabúhì sa tángkal. Kindly capture for me the pig that has got out of the sty. Ipadakúp ang kabáyo nga nagsulúd sa ákon talámnan. Get someone to seize the horse that has entered my field. Nadakúp na ang buyóng. The robber was arrested. Padákpa na lang siá sa ímo. Just let yourself be caught by him. (see húnong, kapút, kápyot-to catch hold of; ábut-to catch up with).



(B) To cut down, chop down, fell, lay low. Gupúda (-úra) ináng mga káhoy. Fell those trees. Gupúdi akó sing tátlo ka páyhod. Cut down for me three payhod-trees. Igúpud akó siníng páhò. Kindly cut down this mango-tree for me. Nagupúdan iníng talámnan sing tátlo ka dúldul. Three kapok-trees have been cut down in this field. Igúpud iníng wásay sa lubí. Use this axe for felling the coconut palm. (see pulúd, tapás, púkan).

habál, hábal


To be inflamed, become red and swollen; to ripen, redden, change colour. Naghabál ang kinádtan sang idô. The place bitten by the dog became inflamed. Nahabalán na ang maís ko sa talámnan. My corn in the field is ripening. Indì mo ánay paglungí-on ang maís, kóndì pahabalón mo gid. Don't pluck the corn yet, but let it first ripen fully. (see hábok).



To take hold of, grasp, seize, grab, clutch, usurp, annex, take possession of, encroach upon. Indì mo paghamhamón ang íya sang ibán. Don't lay your hands upon things belonging to others. Ginhamhamán níya ang talámnan ni Fuláno. He encroached on N.N.'s field. Ginpaísol níya ang kodál kag hinamhamán níya sing duhá ka bára ang ákon pamulákan. He moved the fence back and annexed two yards of my garden. (see sabán).



To bend low, incline, bow down, flatten. Ang humáy ginahápay sang hángin. The rice is being bent by the wind. Hapáya ang tígbaw, agúd maghapús ang áton paglígad. Bend down the tígbaw-reeds, that we may pass easily. Nahapáyan ang ákon talámnan sang humáy sa mamádlus nga hángin. The rice on my field is beaten down on account of the strong wind. Pahapáya ang bohók mo. Flatten down your hair. (see hiláy).



To plant the "hasók," set the rice-seedlings in the soil. Ihások ang sábud sa talámnan. Plant the rice-seedlings in the field.



To complete, finish, terminate, bring to a close, get through, make an end of, have done with (of planting, tilling, etc.). Makahíl-ob balá kamó sang ínyo tánum karón sa hápon? Shall you be able to finish your rice-planting this afternoon? Ginhíl-ob níla kaína ang íla talámnan. A short while ago they finished planting their fields. Mangabúdlay kamó sing mapísan, agúd mahíl-ob ang ákon talámnan sa karón nga ádlaw. Work hard, so that planting may come to an end on my field to-day. Híl-ob na ang tánum. Rice-planting is now finished and done with. (see tápus, hingápus).



To flow, run, stream. Ang túbig nagaílig. The water is flowing. Pailíga ang túbig dirâ sa kalóg. Make the water flow there through the ditch. Pailígi sang túbig ang talámnan ko. Let the water flow over my fields.

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