Search result(s) - bayó



To take hold of with the thumb and fore-or middle-finger, pinch, pluck. Ginbúknit gid lang níya ang bátà. He just took hold of the child with his thumb and finger (and pulled it along). Indì mo pagbuknitón ang ákon báyò. Don't finger my jacket. Buknití siá sa pakô sang íya báyò. Pluck the sleeve of his jacket. Ibúknit akó sa íya nga dulúnggan. Please pinch his ear. (see píknit).



To spread out, especially to dry in the sun. Buladá or bulará ang humáy, ang hábul, etc. Spread out the rice, the blanket, etc. Bularí ang amákan sing humáy. Spread some rice on the bamboo-mat. Ibulád akó sang ákon báyò, kay nabasâ. Please put out my jacket to dry (in the sun), for it is wet. (see ládlad, bílad, banílad).



To spot, speck, spatter, stain, soil, fleck with some adhesive matter. Nabulítan akó sang lúnang. I was covered with mud. Ang pintúra nagbúlit sang ákon delárgo. The paint spotted my trousers. Indì mo pagibúlit ang sabáw sa íya nga báyò. Don't spatter his jacket with sauce. (see bulíng, músing, hígkò).



Alternately, by shifts, by turns, turn and turn about, to do by turns, take turns, to alternate. Magsímba kamó sing bulúsbúlus. Go to church by turns. Nagbulúsbúlus silá magbayó-or-sa pagbayó. They took turns at pounding rice. Bulúsbulúsan ta ang pagdalá sang bakág. Let us carry the basket turn and turn about. Bulúsbulúson mo ang itúm kag putî sa pagsámay sang ákon báyò. Make black and white stripes alternate in the design for my jacket or dress.



To thrust-, dig-, stick-, jab-, lunge-, strike-, with the butt-end of a lance,-rifle,-stick, etc. Bundaká siá sang bastón. Thrust at him with the end of the stick. Ibúndak sa haló ang bagát. Jab the iguana with the pole. Ang ibulúndak sang bángkaw. The butt-end of the lance. (see búgsak, púdag, púsad, púsdak, pundákpúndak, bayó, totô, dúgkal, dúgdug, hárog).



To make a long arm, stretch out one's arm, to reach something hanging on a peg or the like. Dab-otá ang báyò sa lánsang. Reach down the jacket from the nail. Dab-otí akó siníng búlak sa káhoy. Reach up and pluck me this flower from the tree. Malúyag siá magkúhà sang estámpa sa díngding, ápang índì siá makadáb-ot. He would like to take down the picture from the wall, but he cannot reach it. Idáb-ot mo akó sa madalî sináng mga panápton nga hinaláy sa salabláyan, kay magaulán sa dílì madúgay. Please take in at once those clothes hanging on the line, for it is coming on to rain. (see lámbut, dángat).



Bright red, scarlet, etc. See dagáang id. Nagadagáang gid (nagadagángdang gid) ang íya báyò, bisán kon tan-awón sa malayô. Her dress is conspicuously red, even if seen from a great distance.



Desultory, careless, negligent; to perform carelessly, etc. Gindagóldagól mo lang ang pagplántsa sang ákon báyò. You ironed my jacket very carelessly. (see dakúldakúl).



Stain, blot, blotch, splash, smut, smudge, grime, spot, smear, daub, smirch, blemish; to stain, blot, mar, foul, etc. Ang dágtà sang salâ. The stain of sin. Nadagtaán siá sing lúnang, tínta, etc. He got stained with mud, with ink, etc. Idágtà mo sa íyang báyò iníng tínta. Stain his jacket with this ink. Ang kalág sang Mahál nga Birhen walâ madagtaí sang salâ nga panublión. The soul of the Blessed Virgin was not stained by original sin. Dinagtaán níya ang kadunggánan sang íya panimaláy. He besmirched the honour of his family. (see músing, bulíng, hígkò).



(H) Yellow, orange colour; to be or become yellow. Nagdalág ang íya nga báyò. His jacket turned yellow. (see darág).



A kind of Philippine orange tree with small fruit, whose sour juice is pressed out and made use of for cleaning the hair and scalp, for taking stains out of clothes, and the like. Butangán mo sing daláyap ang ímo báyò agúd magtínlò. Apply daláyap to your jacket to clean it.



See damílmil. Nagadamílot gid ang lúnang sa nawóng sang bátà. The mud on the child's face is quite thick. Indì ka magpadamílot sang ímo báyò. Don't let your jacket become covered with dirt.



Bright, conspicuous, visible from a far distance, gaudy, garish, showy, flaunting, glaring, flaring, vivid; to be bright, etc. Nagadángdang ang íya báyò, ang mga búlak siníng káhoy, ang duág sang íya baláy etc. His jacket is of a bright colour, the flowers of this tree are very showy, the colour of his house is visible from a great distance, etc. (see dagáang, dagángdang, dánggà).



Blot, grime, dirt, stain, blotch; to stain, etc. Nagdarapálang ang pínta sa delárgo mo, kay nagpúngkò ka sa isá ka síya nga bág-o pa lang napintahan. You have got some paint on your trousers, because you sat down on a newly painted chair. Nadarapalángan ang íya báyò sang dugô. His jacket was stained with blood. (see dágtà, mánsa, búlit, músing).



(H) Here; here is (was). Karí ka dirí. Come here. Ang báyò mo dirí or ári dirí. Your coat is here. (see doón, dínhi, rúgya).



Colour; form, figure, outline, appearance, shape; to colour. Ang íya báyò naduagán (dinuagán) sing mapulá. Her dress was coloured red. (see kolór, pinta, dágway, báyhon).



Blood, gore; to bleed, stain or mix with blood. Ang íya nga pilás nagdugô sing támà. His wound bled terribly. Nadugoán ang ákon báyò. My jacket was stained with blood. Gindugo-án sang kosinéro ang tinóktok nga báboy. The cook mixed the minced pork with blood, put some blood into the minced pork. Ari (dirí) ang isá ka botílya nga dugô sang báboy; idugô iní sa tinóla. Here is a bottle of pig's blood; mix it with the sauce or broth.



To stick, adhere to (as plaster, paste, glue, gum, or the like). Ang sílyo nagadukót sa sóbre. The stamp adheres firmly to the envelope. Nagdukót ang lúnang sa ákon báyò. The mud stuck to my coat. Sín-o ang nagpadukót siníng papél sa ganháan? Who pasted this paper on the door? Nadúktan ang ákon delárgo sang ápog. My trousers were plastered with lime. Padúkta sing má-áyo iníng abíso, kay nagakóbal. Paste this notice on well, for it is not smooth. Ipadukót sa díngding iníng estámpa. Paste this picture on the wall. (see pilít, dokót id.).



Unsuited, disagreeing, inharmonious, not fit, discordant, discrepant, unbefitting, unbecoming, at odds with, out of keeping with, disproportionate; to disagree, be out of harmony or proportion, be at variance with, etc. Ang íya báyò nagadulág sa íya delárgo. His coat or jacket does not go with his trousers. Indì mo pagdulagón (pagpadulagón) ang ímo digamohán sa baláy. Don't put up a kitchen-out of proportion to-,-not in harmony with-, the style of your house. (see libágon, sihág).



(Sp. encaje) Lace-making, lace, fine needle-work; embroidery; to make lace, do fine needle-work, embroider. Enkahéhi ang báyò ko. Put some lace on my frock. Ginenkahéhan níya ang ákon pakô. She has put some lace on my sleeve.

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