Search result(s) - páha



To neglect, pay no attention to, become estranged from, disregard, abandon, take no account of. Ginabínbin níya ang íya mga manák. She neglects her stepchildren. Indì mo pagbinbinón ang ímo mga pariénte. Don't become estranged from your relatives. (see pálhi, síkway, pahámak, ahígahíg, pabáyà).



To drive or scare away. Bugáwa ang manók, píspis, kánding, etc. Drive away the chickens, birds, goats, etc. Bugáwi ang ugá sang manók. Scare the chickens off the dry rice. Ipabúgaw sa bátà ang mga kánding sa hardín. Let the boy drive the goats out of the garden. Binugáwan níla ang humáy sang mga máya. They scared the maya-birds off the rice-field. Ibúgaw akó ánay siníng mga manók. Please, drive off these chickens. (see tábug, íway, pahalín).



Dim. of búlkat. Bulkátbulkáta siá kon matúod ang íya nga ginpaháyag. Put him some perplexing questions to see whether what he declared is true. (see pat-áwpát-aw, luthôlúthò).



To tell others, make public, let out-, betray-, secrets, divulge. Indì mo pagibútiag ang mga sekréto. Do not divulge secrets. Ibútiag sa íla ang íya nga ginhámbal. Tell them what he said. Ginbútiag níya ang íla kasugtánan nga tinágò. He announced their secret agreement. (see bantálà, pahibaló, paháyag, pabántud, pabalahúbà).



To neglect, postpone, put off, procrastinate, disregard, pay no attention to. Dílì mo pagbuyánbuyánan ang ímo mga tulumánon. Don't neglect the performance of your duties. (N.B. This term is mostly used with the prefix pa-. Nagpabuyánbúyan siá sa pagkompesár. He neglected-, put off-, going to confession. Pinabuyánbuyánan níya ang pagtúman sang íya mga katungdánan. He shirked doing his duty. (see patumbáyà, pahámak, palántang, pasalipótpot).



To use as a pretext, to pretend, put forth as an ostensible reason; to impute. (see malí, pasúni, pahanungúd, pabangúd).



A dark cloud, shadow; phantom, anything the presence of which intimidates or inspires fear; to pursue, follow or be present at (ready to take sides or interfere), dispirit, discourage, daunt, check. Walâ silá makamáy-om nga sa malayô nagapaháyag na ang maitúm nga dámpug sang kalisúd. They could not guess that in the distance a dark cloud of impending trouble was appearing. Nagdámpug siá sa íla nga pagsúay, pakigáway, etc. He was present (and acted as a check) on their quarrelling, fighting, etc. Dampugí silá. Go after them. Pursue them. Be present at their meeting (in order to daunt them, interfere if necessary, etc.). (see gál-um, pangánod, túgpa, támbong, lagás, páhug).



(B) To join, unite, associate with, to lay-, put-, lump,-hang-, clap-, together. Idápon mo ang ákon báka sa ímo nga karabáw sa pagpahálab. Take my cow along with your buffalo to the pasture. Dápni (dapóni) ang íya bugás sang ímo, kay íya tig-angón sa panyága. Put your rice with his, for he is going to boil it for dinner. Dinapónan kitá níla sa áton kalípay. They joined us in our merriment. Indì mo pagpadapónan ang ímo bátà sing kaupdánan nga maláut. Don't permit your child to associate with bad companions. (see ímpon, símpon, tingúb, dápò).


A negative prefix similar to the English in-and un-, e.g. dîhímpit- not perfect, imperfect; dî mahinulsúlon-not contrite, impenitent; dîmadampígon-not helping or supporting, impartial; dîtúgut-not allowed, not permissible, illicit, forbidden; dîsonô-not according to, irrelevant; dîmapahaylóhon-not easily won over, unshaken, unyielding; dîmahímò-impossible; dîmabása-illegible; dîmamalátyon-not mortal, immortal; dîmadinulúnton-not subject to decay, imperishable, indestructible; dîmapinadaláhon-not easily carried along or swayed, unswayed, unswerving; dîmainandámon-not careful, unconcerned; dîmaúgdang-immodest; dîmatínlò-unclean; dîmabatás-intolerable, etc. etc.

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