Search result(s) - talámnan



Genitive of kitá-we (the person addressed being included). Of us, ours; by, through, etc. us. Ang talámnan náton. Ang áton talámnan. Our field. Ginbúhat náton inâ. Aton ginbúhat inâ. That was done by us. We did that (it). (see ákon).



To let harvest, order to harvest rice (with the rice-cutter called kayóg). Ipaáni, sa íla iníng talámnan. Let them harvest this field. Paánya silá. Order them to harvest rice. (pa, áni).



Caus. of dáro-to plough. Padaróha siá siníng talámnan. Order him to plough this field.



A dish made of rice-flour mixed with sugar and shreds of coconut. Also used as a verb. Kon makahíl-ob kamó sang ákon talámnan pagapaduyáan ko kamó. When you finish planting rice in my fields I will treat you to a dish of padúyà. Nakakáon kamí sing padúyà sa baláy ni Fuláno. We ate some padúyà at N.N.'s house.



(H) To let graze, feed, browse, crop the grass, to pasture, etc. Pahalába ang mga karnéro. Drive the sheep to pasture. Pasture the sheep. Ipahálab iníng hilamón sa mga kánding. Let the goats feed on this grass. Pahálbi iníng talámnan sang mga báka. Let the cattle graze in this field.



To harrow, the harrow. Pakarasí ang talámnan. Harrow the field. Papakarasá si Fuláno sang ákon umá. Get N.N. to harrow my field. Ipapakarás ko sa ímo ang ákon talámnan. I will let you harrow my field. (pa, karás) N.B. karás alone without pa-is scarcely, if ever, used.



(H) To let or order to go, etc. Palákta siá sa umá. Order him to go to the field. Ginpalakát níya ang íya sologoón sa Manílà. He ordered his servant to go to Manila. Paláktan mo lang sa íla ang ímo talámnan. Let them walk over your field, (pa, lakát). Also: in wickerweaving: The leaving out of several cross-layers near the top or end, in order to secure an even rim. May palakát sa pagrára, agúd maglíg-on kag magsaláma ang higád (binít). "Leaving-out" is practised in the making of wicker-work, in order that the rim may be firm and even.



Freq. of pánggas-to set seeds by making a small hole in the soil with a dibble, putting in the seeds and covering them with earth. Sa tápus ang áni pamanggasán mo ang talámnan sing maís. After the rice-harvest you will plant corn in the field. Nagapamánggas silá. They are setting seeds (by hand). (see sábud-to sow, strew, scatter, broadcast).



To plant, sow, especially to plant seeds by hand in holes made by a stick, etc. Ipánggas ang maís. Plant the corn. Panggasí sing maís ang talámnan nga naányan na. Plant corn in the field from which the rice has been harvested. Ang mga ginikánan dápat magpánggas sang bínhì sang maáyo nga pamatásan sa lanúbò nga tagiposóon sang íla mga bátà. Parents should sow the seed of good conduct (manners) in the young hearts of their children. Walâ kamí sing humáy nga pinánggas, kóndì tinánum lang. We have no rice grown directly from the seeds, but only rice from transplanted seedlings. Ang pamánggas ángay sa mga bánglid, ápang ang panánum sa saláma nga wayáng. Seed-planting is suitable on slopes, but seedling-planting on level plains.



Causative of sákà. To ascend, go-, come-, up, etc. Also: Irrigation. May pasákà ang ímo talámnan? Have you irrigation on your land? Pasakáan mo sing túbig ang ímong umá. Get an irrigation system for your fields. Irrigate your lands.



To hire a workman, engage or employ a labourer. Mapatáo kitá sing limá sa buás. Tomorrow we shall employ-, give employment to-, give work to-, five men. Pataóhan ko ang ákon talámnan sing napúlò, agúd madalî mahíl-ob. I shall hire ten workmen for my farm in order to finish the work quickly. Pataóhi ánay ang ímo baláy, kon buút ka magupúd sa ámon. Get someone to look after your house, if you wish to come with us. (see táo).



Deposit, earnest, handsel, earnest-money, earnest-penny; to advance money on a contract, pay something beforehand, give a deposit or handsel (hansel). Patingáhi ang pánday. Pay the carpenter some money in advance. Pilá ang patínga nga ginapangáyò mo sa talámnan nga ímo ibalígyà? What deposit do you want in advance for the field you are going to sell? Ipatínga sa íya dútà iníng katloán ka mángmang. Pay him in advance these thirty pesos for his land. Pinatingáhan ko ang manugtábas sing tátlo ka mángmang. I advanced the tailor three pesos. Batóna iníng patínga sa pagpalíg-on sang áton ginkasugtánan. Accept this earnest-money as a token (Accept this money as earnest) that our agreement is binding.



Spread out, not close or dense, sparse, thin (with many gaps). Pilágpilág dirí ang maís sa talámnan. Here the corn is growing sparsely over the field (with many empty spaces). (see lakâ, malakâ).



Fallow, untilled, uncultivated, uncropped; to be or lie fallow. Póo nga dútà. Fallow ground. Nagpóo iníng talámnan, kay walâ dirí ang tagíya. This land lies fallow (is untilled), for the owner is not here.



(Sp. prenda) Mortgage, pledge, security, pawn, token; to pawn, mortgage, pledge, give-security,-a token. Iprénda lang sa íya ang ímo talámnan. Mortgage your field to him. Ginprendahán níya si Fuláno sang íya kalubihán. He made over (He gave) his coconut grove as security to N.N. (see pasálig, kaligonán, patínga).



A rice-measure of twenty-five gantas to the bushel. Ipaágsa ka sa ímo ang ákon talámnan kon sugút ikáw sa pagbáyad sa ákon sa tuígtúig sing duhá ka púlò ka pásong nga humáy sa réyna (nga solókban, pasongán). I'll let you have my land on lease, if you agree to pay me a yearly rental of twenty bushels of rice. Old people use to say: Ang duhá ka pásong sa probínsya, kon sókbon sa réyna, mahímò nga tátlo ka pásong. Two bushels of the "sa probínsya" standard are equal to three bushels, if measured by the "sa réyna" standard.



To flow or boil over, overflow, inundate. Ang túbig nagasagáhay sa kólon. The pot is boiling over. Ang túbig nagasagáhay sa dálan, umá, etc. The water is overflowing the road, the field, etc. Ang ákon talámnan ginasagaháyan sang túbig tungúd sang madámol nga ulán. My field is under water owing to the heavy rains.



To glean, pick out, select, gather, cut the best ears with the rice cutter, collect the best or passable ears from a bad crop or from a crop spoilt by the action of birds, insects, etc. and leave the rest alone. Saghawá ang humáy. Gather the best rice-ears (and leave the rest in the field). Kúl-aw gid ang ámon pinatubás sa karón nga túig; sinaghawán lang námon ang ámon talámnan. This year we had a bad harvest; we just (picked out and) gathered the better ears from our rice-land (and left the rest as pasture for the cattle, etc.). Saghawá ang nabilín nga alányon. Gather what is left of the rice-crop. (see ág-ag, panálà, panagílò).



To take care of, rear or bring up, train, guard, watch over, look after with concern or care. Sagurá sing maáyo (Sagudá ti mayád) ang bátà, báboy, talámnan (tarámnan), etc. Take good care of the baby, the pig, the rice-field, etc. Isagúd akó siníng (kadiáng) mga kánding. Look after these goats of mine. Pasagurá akó sang ímo báka. Let me attend to your cow (for a share in her calves). Sín-o ang magasagúd sang mga bátà, kay napatáy ang íla ilóy? Who will take care of the children, now that their mother is dead? (see batití, sapópo, tátap, sagúp).



After-growth, after-math, rice growing from the roots of a first crop and yielding a second crop; to have or yield a second crop. Nagasalápi ang ákon humáy. My rice is yielding a second crop. Pasalapíha iníng humáy, kay tubígon ang talámnan. Let this rice produce a second crop, for the field is soaked with water.

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