Hard, stiff, dry; shrunk, cold, chilled; to be or become hard, chilled, etc. Iníng maís mabúdlay podporón, kay kusúg. It is difficult (or tiresome) to crush this corn, for it is very hard. Pasilónga ang báka, agúd índì magkusúg sa ulán. Put the cow under shelter, lest it should get chilled in the rain.
To roast corn on the cob over live coals. Lahoná or lánha ang maís. Roast the corn on the cob. Maís nga linahón. Corn roasted in the husks. Linahonán níya akó sing maís, kay nasáyran níya nga ginapasulabí ko ang maís nga linahón sa binóog kag tinanók. She roasted some corn on the cob for me, because she knew that I prefer it prepared in this way to the ordinary roasted or boiled corn. (see bóog, íhaw-to roast shucked corn; tanók-to boil in water corn, bananas, etc.).
Spaced wide asunder, with plenty of space between, thin; to be or become wide apart. Ang maís naglakâ, kay madámù ang napatáy. The corn grew sparsely, for much of it died. Lakaón ukón garotón námon ang pagpánggas sang kadiós? Shall we plant the cadios-peas wide apart or near together?
Mixture, mingling; to mix, mingle, intersperse, put in. Iníng maís may lakót nga humáy-or-iníng maís naláktan sang humáy. This corn is mixed with rice. Ginláktan níya ang sabáw sing áhos. He mixed the sauce with garlic. Ginlakót níya ang áhos sa sabáw. He put garlic into the sauce. Indì mo pagláktan ang ímo hunâhúnà sing babáe, agúd índì madupág ang ímo pagtoón. Don't occupy your thoughts with women, lest your studies should be interfered with. Ilakót iníng kalámay sa bíno tínto, agúd magtám-is. Put this sugar into the red table-wine to sweeten it. (see sámò, lákay, símbug, sákot).
Mixture, addition, ingredient; to mix with, add to. May lamód nga maís ang ínyo kán-on? Has your rice an admixture of corn? Iníng tsokoláte may lamód nga maní. This chocolate is mixed with peanuts. Lamodí (-orí) ang bugás sing maís. Mix the rice with corn. Ilamód iníng balúnggay sa tinóla. Put these balúnggay-leaves into the sauce. Lamodá (-orá) ang mónggo kag kadyós. Mix monggo-and cadios-peas together. (see lakót, sámò, símbug, lángkay, lákay, símpon, etc.).
Very ripe and full (of rice, corn, etc.); old, mature; to be very ripe, etc. Lángking na ang maís, humáy, etc. The corn, rice, etc. is quite ripe. Nalangkingán akó siníng tuíg sang ákon maís kag humáy. My corn and rice were this year very good, very ripe and full. Kulihút na ang pagpánggas sing maís, kay malapít na ang tingúlan kag dílì na maglángking. It is now too late to plant corn, for the rainy season is near and it will not become ripe and full. Metaphorically; Lángking nga táo. A clever, experienced, wise man. (see gúlang, tigúlang, láyo, sampáton, tínggas, etc.).
Half-empty, showing many gaps, not full (of corn-cobs with only a few grains on it, etc.). Latóláto gid lang ang maís nga pinatubás ko karón. The corn I have harvested this time is mostly half-empty cobs.
A trail or trace of something spilt or dropped; to leave a trail or trace on the ground, floor, etc. Nagaláwit sa dálan ang maís nga nahúlug sa sáko. The corn that fell out of the sack has left a trail on the road. (see ráwit).
(B) To fade, wither, die out, parch, burn. Nagalayók ang tinanúm ko nga mga búlak. The flowers I planted have withered. Nalayokán akó sa karón nga túig sing madámù nga maís. This year a great deal of my corn was parched. Kon magdáyon ang ínit nga walâ sing ulán madámù nga tanúm ang magalayók. If the heat continues without rain, many plants will die. (see láyà, lúmpaw, layóng).
To shell corn or the like. Lidgirá (-idá) ang maís. Shell the corn. Lidgirí akó sing napúlò ka bílog nga maís. Shell me ten corn-cobs.
To borrow, get on credit, raise money, run into debt. Maglíngit ka lang ánay sing tátlo ka gántang nga bugás sa kay Fuláno. Just borrow for the present three gantas of hulled rice from N.N. Língta (lingíta) ang íya kwárta. Borrow his money. Palingíta (palíngta) akó sing isá ka sáko nga maís. Lend me a sack of corn. Walâ akó makalíngit sang íya salákyan, kay ginhinakáyan ni Fuláno. I could not borrow his car or vehicle, for it had been hired by N.N. Pinalíngit man níya akó kuntánì sing kwárta, ápang sa karón balasúbas siá. He would have granted me a loan of money, but at present he is out of cash. (see hulám, útang).
(B) To dry artificially immature rice or corn and pound it, in order to make "límbok". Lubuká-or-lúbka ang maís, humáy. Pound the immature corn, rice. Lúbki akó sing humáy nga isá ka gántang. Pound a ganta of immature rice for me. Ilubúk akó ánay siníng hinúlas nga humáy. Please pound this heat-dried rice for me.
A gratuitous addition in buying and selling large quantities, a baker's dozen, over and above, thrown in, into the bargain, to the good, for good measure, for luck, extra; to grant such an addition or discount. Obóngan mo akó sing isá sa káda napúlò (sa tagnapúlò) ka bílog nga maís. Grant me into the bargain one maize cob in every ten. Nakabakál akó sa íya sing isá ka gatús ka pásong nga humáy kag ginobóngan níya akó sing tagisá ka gántang. I bought from him one hundred bushels of rice and he allowed me one ganta extra for every bushel. Kamí nagabalígyà sa napát-ud gid nga bilí nga walâ sing ayô kag walâ man sing óbong. We sell only at fixed prices without any haggling and without anything thrown in. (see túbung, áman, támba, támban).
A gratuitous addition in buying and selling large quantities, a baker's dozen, over and above, thrown in, into the bargain, to the good, for good measure, for luck, extra; to grant such an addition or discount. Obóngan mo akó sing isá sa káda napúlò (sa tagnapúlò) ka bílog nga maís. Grant me into the bargain one maize cob in every ten. Nakabakál akó sa íya sing isá ka gatús ka pásong nga humáy kag ginobóngan níya akó sing tagisá ka gántang. I bought from him one hundred bushels of rice and he allowed me one ganta extra for every bushel. Kamí nagabalígyà sa napát-ud gid nga bilí nga walâ sing ayô kag walâ man sing óbong. We sell only at fixed prices without any haggling and without anything thrown in. (see túbung, áman, támba, támban).
To rise to the surface, appear, stand forth, emerge, issue, push up, show, come up, sprout, become visible. Nagólbo na ang túbò sang lubí. The first sprout or shoot has now pushed up from the coconut. Walâ pa magólbo ang túbò sang maís nga ginpánggas ko sang may tátlo na ka ádlaw. The corn I planted three days ago has not yet sprouted. Paolbohá ang pabílo sang kínke. Turn up the lamp-wick. Tan-awá ang haló, nga nagaólbo dirá sa bató. Look at the iguana peeping out from among the stones there. Ginapaólbo níya sing diótay ang íya tiíl sa idálum sang hábul. He lets his foot stick out a little (peep out, show, be seen) from underneath the blanket. (see gitíb, gimáw).
To rise to the surface, appear, stand forth, emerge, issue, push up, show, come up, sprout, become visible. Nagólbo na ang túbò sang lubí. The first sprout or shoot has now pushed up from the coconut. Walâ pa magólbo ang túbò sang maís nga ginpánggas ko sang may tátlo na ka ádlaw. The corn I planted three days ago has not yet sprouted. Paolbohá ang pabílo sang kínke. Turn up the lamp-wick. Tan-awá ang haló, nga nagaólbo dirá sa bató. Look at the iguana peeping out from among the stones there. Ginapaólbo níya sing diótay ang íya tiíl sa idálum sang hábul. He lets his foot stick out a little (peep out, show, be seen) from underneath the blanket. (see gitíb, gimáw).
To warm, warm up, heat, make warm. Paaring-ingí ang maís. Heat (warm) the maize by placing it near, but not on, the fire. (see arínging).