Search result(s) - ulán



Growing rice-plant, rice-planting; to plant rice, take the rice-seedlings from the seedling plot and transplant them to the field. Nagatánum na silá. They are planting rice. Walâ pa kamí makatánum, kay kúlang pa ang ulán. We have not been able to plant rice yet, for there is too little rain. Itánum na lang iníng sábud, kay matáas na. Just transplant these rice-seedlings, for they are quite high now. Húo, ipatánum ko iní sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. Yes, I shall see to it that they be planted as soon as possible. (see tanúm).



See tingúlan. (see ulán).



To abandon, neglect, expose to the elements, to dangers, etc. Ang íla baláy natúb-as (nagkatúb-as) lang. Their house was abandoned. Natúb-as lang ang báka sa latagón. The cow was left out in the open exposed to the elements. Nagpalatúb-as silá sa ulán. They were out in the rain. Matúb-as gid lang ang baláy nga walâ pagapuy-i sang táo. An uninhabited house will collapse through neglect. A house where nobody lives will be at the mercy of the weather.



Sudden, unexpected, without preparation or previous warning. Tuháw nga ulán. A sudden downpour. An unexpected shower of rain. (see kuyús, hinálì).



To support, prop (up), as small young trees, vines, etc. Tukúra ang tanúm, kay nagtúnglì sa lakás nga ulán. Prop up the plant, for it is bowed down (bending low) on account of the heavy rain.



To wet, moisten, dampen, bedew, make moist or damp; to rain a little, rain just sufficient to make the soil a little wet or damp. Nagatulutulám-os gid lámang ang ulán. Very little rain is falling. Básì matulám-os ka sang (sa) ulán. You may get wet in the rain. Nagtulám-os ang íya mga matá. Her eyes were wet. She shed tears. (see lám-os, turám-os, talíthi, apókapók, dabódabó, paniríngan).



To drip, drop, flow in drops, trickle, distil, dribble; to leak, let escape in drops. Nagatúlò ang atóp, ang alhíbi, ang grípo sang baríl, etc. The roof, the water-tank, the tap of the barrel, etc. is leaking. Natulóan akó sing tátlo ka tulô. Three drops trickled down on me. Mahalín kitá dirí, kay ginatulóan sang ulán. Let us remove to another place, for here the rain is dripping on us. (see tólò id.; tubúd).



(B) See talám-os. Nagaturán-os (Nagaturuturán-os) ang urán. (Nagatampútámpu ang ulán). It is raining-at intervals,-in little showers.



(B) A passing shower of rain, a squall, a fit, jerk, start; at intervals, with interruptions, now and again, off and on, by fits and starts; to do with interruptions, by fits and starts. Urán nga turapók. (Ulán nga tulápok). A shower of rain. A squall of very short duration. Turapók nga pangabúdlay. Work done by fits and starts. Desultory, interrupted, not steady or continuous work. Riá nga táo turapók sa bisán anó nga orobráhon. (Inâ nga táo matalák-on sa bisán náno nga olobráhon. Ang olobráhon níya sinâ nga táo dugáydugáy níya ginabiyáan). Whatever this man does he does by fits and starts. This man-never works long at any job,-gets soon tired of any kind of work. (see tulápok).



Stoppage, discontinuation, discontinuance, interruption, end; to stop, end, give over, adjourn, bring to-an end,-a close, discontinue, interrupt, cease. Nagaúntat na ang ulán. The rain is stopping. It is giving over to rain. Untatí na lang ang ímo pagsulát, pangabúdlay, etc. Give over writing, working, etc. Untatá ang íya pagsugál. Put an end to his gambling. Naúntat na siá sa amó nga palangakoán. He has been removed from office. (see puút, langán, tápnà).



Stoppage, discontinuation, discontinuance, interruption, end; to stop, end, give over, adjourn, bring to-an end,-a close, discontinue, interrupt, cease. Nagaúntat na ang ulán. The rain is stopping. It is giving over to rain. Untatí na lang ang ímo pagsulát, pangabúdlay, etc. Give over writing, working, etc. Untatá ang íya pagsugál. Put an end to his gambling. Naúntat na siá sa amó nga palangakoán. He has been removed from office. (see puút, langán, tápnà).



(Sp. ambulancia) Ambulance, field hospital; a stretcher or vehicle to convey the wounded or sick to a hospital.



In-, by-, the month, monthly; monthly wages or salary. Pilá ang binúlan mo? What is your monthly salary? (see búlan, bulánbúlan).



Moon, month. Also verb. Nabulánan akó dídto. I was there a full month.



Monthly, every month: to do something regularly every month. Nagabulánbúlan siá magkonpesár. He goes to confession every month. (see binulánbúlan).



A kind of plant that causes a severe itch, when its spores are brought in contact with the skin; a kind of small fish. (see nípay, kalahós).



A cock-spur, the small knife fastened to the cock's natural spur in cock-fighting.



To participate in cock-fighting, to cock-fight, bet or wager on a cock-fight, cause a cock to fight in the cockpit. Diín si Fuláno?-Dídto sa bulangán, nagabúlang. Where is N.N?-He is there in the cock-pit, cock-fighting. Indì mo pagibúlang iníng manók, kay alángálang pa. Don't fight this cock in the cockpit, for its training is not complete yet, it is too young, etc. Indì náton pagbulángon ang áton manók. We will or must not let our cocks fight each other. Pasampoká pírme ang duhá ka manók, agúd mahánas, kay kon mahánas na ibúlang ta silá sa pándut sang bánwa. Get the two cocks to try their strength against each other constantly in order to make them expert, for if they are up to it we will fight them in the cockpit on the town-festival.



A cock-pit. Walâ na kamí sing bulangán sa ámon bánwa, kay tamà katáas sang buhís. We have no longer a cockpit in our town, for the license-tax is too high.



Pertaining or referring to the moon; moonlit, moon-blind, purblind, not seeing well, dim-sighted. Bulánon ang gáb-i sang pagabút námon dirí. It was a moon-lit night, when we arrived here. Iníng táo índì makabása, kay bulánon ang íya panúluk. This man cannot read, for his sight is dim.

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