To loosen up earth, etc., cause to expand or swell; to hill (a plant). Pahabóka ang dútà. Loosen up the earth. Pahabóka ang talóng. Pahabóki ang talóng sing dútà. Loosen up the soil around the eggplants. Ipahábok akó sang balókhan sang báboy. Blow up the pig's bladder for me. Be kind enough to inflate the pig's bladder for me. Ginpahábok níya sa ákon iníng dútà. He ordered me to loosen up this ground. (pa, hábok).
To frighten, scare, intimidate, horrify, overawe, make afraid, alarm, dismay, affright, terrify, terrorize, cow, daunt, raise apprehensions, inspire or excite fear, put in fear. Pahadluká ang bátà. Make the child afraid. Ipahádluk sa íya ang idô, ang inpiérno, etc. Frighten him with the dog, with hell, etc. Ginpahádluk níya ang bátà, agúd maghípus. He intimidated the child to make it quiet. (pa, hádluk).
To tear, rend, sunder, rip, split, burst, rive, crack. Napáhak ang ákon delárgo. My trousers were torn. Ginpáhak níya ang íya patádyong. She tore her skirt. Paháka lang iníng dáan nga tabungós, kay bularán ko sing humáy. Rip open this old tabungós-basket, for I will use it to spread and dry rice upon.
To send off (away), dismiss discharge, expel, eject, turn out, evict, oust, sack, give the sack to, to fire, remove, order to go away. Pahaliná silá. Send them off, turn them out, make them go away, order them to leave. Ginpahalín níya ang matámad nga sologoón. He sent away (sacked, fired) the lazy servant. Pahaliní siá sang íya mga maláut nga kaupdánan. Remove from him bad companions. Ang kuymibánwa nga nagpalítug sing isá ka gatús ka mángmang pinahalín na sa íya palángakoán. The Municipal Treasurer that had embezzled the sum of one hundred pesos was dismissed from office. (see halín, pahilayô, paíway, pagwâ).
To slight, belittle, ignore, think but little about, care little for, disregard, take no notice of, not to heed. Indì mo pagpahamákan ang ímo dungúg, ang mga sógò sang Dios, etc. Don't be careless of (ignore or neglect) your reputation, the commandments of God, etc. Ginpahamákan gid níya ang maáyo nga mga láygay sang íya ginikánan. He disregarded (spurned) the good advice of his parent. (pa, hámak).
Caus. of hangúp-to understand, comprehend, etc. Buút níya ipahangúp sa ákon nga (ang)--. He wants me to believe, to understand, to take it that--.
Causative of háway. To show, etc. Pahawáyi akó sang prémyo nga ímo nabáton-or-ipaháway sa ákon ang prémyo nga ímo nabáton. Show me the prize you received. Ginpaháway níya ang matahúm nga mga pínggan kag báso sang ádlaw nga piésta. He brought forth his beautiful plates and glasses on the feast-day. Nagapaháway na ang bátà. The baby is showing off, holding forth, i.e. is making its first essays (at standing, walking, etc.).
To intimidate, inculcate fear, inspire with fear, menace, scare, threaten, alarm, startle, strike fear in, put in fear, frighten. Pahúga siá. Intimidate (menace) him. Ipáhug sa íya ang bastón. Threaten him with the stick. Ginpáhug níya ang mga bátà sa pagsilíng sa íla nga hanóton silá kon índì silá magpahimóyong. He made the children afraid by telling them that they would get a whipping, if they did not keep quiet. (see pahádluk).
To disperse, scatter, cause to run or scamper off, stampede, to speed, cause to run swiftly, drive with great velocity. Pahuyába ang mga bátà. Drive the boys away. Ginpahúyab níya ang mga kabáyo. He stampeded the horses. Pahuyába ang butí sa ímo bátà sa pagpakáon sa íya sing linágà nga mónggo nga walâ sing asín. Try to cure your child's smallpox by feeding it on boiled monggo with salt. Kumulúb ang trak, kay ginpahúyab sing lakás sang tsóper. The truck turned turtle, because the chauffeur drove it too fast. (pa, húyab).
To fit, join or adapt well, to suit; conform, make agreeable to. Paigóa ang isá ka tápì sa isá. Join the boards well, one to the other. Ginpaígò níya ang íya pangabúhì sa mga batásan dídto sádto nga lugár. He conformed his manner of living to the customs of that place. (pa, ígò).
To bear patiently or humbly, to brook, suffer, stand, undergo, endure. Pailúba ang mga kalisúd, ang ímo balatían, etc. Bear difficulties, your illness, etc., patiently. Ginpaílub níya ang tanán sa dakû nga pagkamapainubúson. He bore everything very humbly. He bore it all with great humility. Pailúbi siá. Have patience with him. Bear with him. (see ílub, batás, ántus, íro).
To separate, isolate, keep apart, take-, set-, aside (on one side), segregate, select, put or set apart. Paínon mo ang mga kabatáan sa mga pamatán-on. Separate the children from the grown-ups. Ginpáin níya ang bínhì sa humáy nga baláyhon. He separated the seed-grain from the rice that is to be pounded. Paíni akó sing napúlò ka bílog nga maáyo nga páhò. Set me apart ten nice mangoes. Ang mga punoán dápat magpapáin sang mga laláki kag babáye sa mga buluthóan. The authorities should order that boys and girls are kept apart in the schools. (see bulág, bulahín).
To talk, act or display ostentatiously, show off, parade, flourish, make a bad impression on bystanders by overbearing manners, etc. Nagapairás siá. He is talking or acting in an overbearing manner. Ginpairás níya ang íya diótay nga tinón-an. He showed off his little learning. Ginpairasán níya kamí sang íya bág-o nga bísti. She proudly displayed before us her new dress. Indì ka magpairás sa ámon sang ímo tinagalóg nga hámbal. Don't make a display before us of your Tagalog way of talking. (pa, írás).
To make brave, encourage, embolden, animate, inspirit, cheer, hearten, rally, put upon one's mettle, inspire valour, excite to bravery or exertions of strength. Paisúga siá. Urge (Cheer) him on. Encourage him. Ginpaísug sang íla mga punoán ang mga mangangawáy sa pagtámpad sing matútum sa íla mga kaáway. The soldiers were stimulated by their officers to meet the enemy unflinchingly. Ipaísug sa íla ang mga dulumdúmon nga binúhat sang íla katigulángan. Inspire them with bravery by telling them of the memorable deeds of their ancestors. Ang maláin nga pagbílang sa íya sang íya agálon kag ang tanán nga binatás níya nagpaísug sa íya sa olíhi sa pagpalágyo sing tágò. The bad treatment he received from his master and all he had suffered nerved him at last to run away in secret. (pa, ísug).
Abrasion, excoriation, laceration, slight injury; to gall, abrade, chafe, fret, rub or scrape the skin off, tear off a small piece. Pak-itá ang papél. Tear off a small piece (bit, scrap) of paper. Pak-ití ang búnga, kay tan-awón ko kon mapulá ukón maputî ang íya sinâ nga unúd. Scrape the fruit a little that I may see whether-its pulp is red or white,-it is red or white inside. Ginpák-it níya ang pánit sang káhoy. He stripped a little bark off the tree. Napák-it (Nagkapák-it) ang pánit sang ákon kamót. The skin of my hand got a little chafed. (see pák-ad).
Caus. of kádlaw-to laugh. To excite laughter, set one laughing, raise a laugh, have one laughing. Ginpakádlaw níya akó. He made me laugh. Pakadlawá ang bátà. Make the baby laugh. Ipakádlaw sa íya iníng bág-o nga lahóg. Make him laugh by telling him this new joke.
To stab, stick, pierce, to aim at or hit an object with some sharp or edged tool, especially applied to a sport or pastime, often indulged in by rice-harvesters. It consists in trying to hit the handle of one rice-cutter (kayóg) with the edge of another. Nagapakaláy silá. They are trying to hit each other's rice-cutters. Ginpákal níya ang ákon kayóg. He hit (struck at) my rice-cutter with the edge of his. (see bunô).
To feed, give food to, regale, refresh, give a meal to, nourish, dine (transitive), let-, give to-, eat. Pakán-a silá sing páhò. Give them some mangoes to eat. Pakán-a silá sa pínggan. Let them eat from plates. Ipakáon mo sa íla iníng bindonggáda. Give them this tripe to eat. Manámit ang ginpakáon níya sa ámon dídto. The food he gave us there was delicious. Pakán-i sa íla ang kárne. Let them eat (make a meal off) some of the meat. (pa, káon).
To ask for an explanation, to request information. Kon buút ka mahibaló sinâ makisáyod (magpakisáyod) ka sa kay Fuláno. If you wish to know that, ask N.N. Ginpakisáyran (ginpakigsáyran) níya akó kon matúod balá ang sinúgid ni Pédro. He asked me if it was true what Peter had said. (see paki-, sáyod).
To show, let see, exhibit; to appear. Ginpakítà níya sa ákon ang bág-o níya nga áwto. He showed me his new automobile. Ipakítà sa ákon ang (pakitái akó sang) ímo binakál. (Show me) Let me see what you bought. Ang Diós nagpakítà kay Moisés. God appeared to Moses. (see kítà).