Search result(s) - kamí

káging, kagíng


To be, make or become dry, hard through heat, etc. Nagkagíng ang tinápay sa ínit sang ádlaw. The bread has become very dry (hard) through the heat of the sun. Indì mo pagpakagingón ang maís kon bóg-on mo. Don't allow the corn to become too hard when you roast it. Kagingá ang pagbóog sang kárne, ísdà, maís, etc. Roast the meat, fish, corn, etc., till it becomes quite dry. Kinagingán kamí níla sing maís nga binóog. They made some very crisp roast corn for us.



Dim. of kamí. (see kamihánon).



We among ourselves. (see kamí).



(Sp. cantar) To sing, troll, chant, warble. Kantahí kamí sing isá ka matahúm nga kalantáhon. Sing us a nice song. Kantahá iní. Sing this. (see kansyón).



Dim. and Freq. of kápan. Also: To be about equal, be a draw, be quits, square, neither winning nor losing; to settle in peace, make mutual concessions, square or settle accounts, smooth differences. Kinapánkápan lang kamí. We were about equal, (none of us won or lost). (see pátas).



(B) To scold loudly, abuse in strong language, shout at, rail at. Karái siá. Give him a good scolding. Ginkaráan níya kamí. He shouted and railed at us. Dílì ka magságad pangárà. Don't be always scolding so loudly. (see ákig, pamúsa, pamúrag, pamulúgso).



To marry, bless or solemnize a marriage. Sín-o ang nagkasál sa ínyo? Who married you? Who solemnized your marriage? Sín-o ang nagpakasál kaína sang ága? Who was married this morning? Sín-o ang ginkasál sang Párì kahápon? Who was married by the Priest yesterday? Mapakasál kamí buás. We are going to be married to-morrow. Nakasál-or-nagpakasál na kamó ukón walâ pa? Have you been married yet or not? Indì mo pagipakasál ang ímo anák sa kasamiénto sibíl. Don't permit your son (daughter) to contract a civil marriage. Ang mga Kristiánhon nga nagapakasál sa sibíl nagapakasalâ sing dakû sa atubángan sang Diós. Christians that contract a civil marriage sin grievously in the sight of God.



To see, behold, discern, perceive, descry, sight, make out, discover, distinguish, spy, espy, set one's eyes upon; to meet, find. Nakakítà ka na sa íya? Did you see or meet him? Hóo, nakakitaáy na kamí. Yes, we met or saw each other. Ang alipokpokán sang búkid índì makítà kay natabúnan sang gál-um. The top of the mountain cannot be seen, because it is covered by the cloud. Nakítà-or-nakít-an ko siá dídto. I saw him there. Dílì na siá makakítà sa pagbása. He can no longer see to read. Ang íya nga balatían daw sa índì na makitáan sing bulúng. It will be almost impossible to find a remedy for his disease-or-his sickness is, I think, past cure. Diín mo inâ makíta?-Kinítà ko inâ sa dálan. Where did you see or find it?-I found it there on the road. Ang nagapangítà makakítà. He who seeks shall find. Sa yanáng bakólod kitáon mo túbtub ang simbáhan sa Ogtón. From that hill yonder you can even see the church of Oton. (see tán-aw, túluk-to see, inspect, look at).

kulábus, kulabús


Insufficient, inadequate, deficient, wanting, skimpy, scant, stinted, not enough, lacking, short, too little or too small; to be insufficient, to not suffice, to come short of, etc. Kinulábus kamí sing kwárta. We were short of money. Nagkulábus ang súd-an. The side-dishes were too few or insufficient. Kulábus gid ang íya ikasaráng sa amó nga palangakóan. He has far too little ability for such an office. Kon kulabúson siá sang pálad--. If fate is against him--. If he is unlucky--. (see kabús, kúlang).



(Sp. cura) Parish-Priest; care of souls; to take care of souls or to be or become Parish-Priest. Sín-o ang nagakúra sa ínyo? Who is your Parish-Priest? Ginakuráhan kamí ni Fuláno. Our Parish-Priest is N.N. Nagkúra siá ánay kag ugáling nagobíspo. He was Parish-Priest at first and then he became Bishop.

Dim. and Freq. of labáy. Also: to pass to and fro, shake from side to side, brandish, flourish, wave. Nagalabáylábay siá sang íya bastón. He is waving his stick (as a signal). Ginlabáylabáyan níya kamí sing binángon. He brandished (shook, flourished) a bolo at us (as a threat). Ang bátà nagalabáylábay sa ámon luyó, kay buút nga hatágan sang ámon kalanónon. The boy is circling around us, because he would like to be given some of our eatables. (see balábad, barumbáda).



To travel, go for a walk, take a constitutional, go on a walking tour, make a trip, wander abroad, roam about, ramble, take a stroll, spend a holiday. Kahápon naglagúyaw kamí sa búkid. Yesterday we made a trip to the mountain. Anó ang ginalagúyaw mo? What are you travelling about for? Laguyáwi lang nínyo ang ákon palangúmhan. Just take a stroll to my farm. (see lágaw, lugáyaw, panglaguyáwan, etc.).



A piece of wet, moist, well-watered ground; moist, wet, well-watered. May lanág kamí sa ámon palangúmhan. We have a piece of well-watered ground in our farm. (see longasóg, hagubhúban).



Shade, shadow; to give or provide shade, be shady. Nalandongán kamí dídto sang madábung nga páhò. We were there in the shade of the dense foliage of the mango-tree. Landongí ang bátà sang páyong. Shade the baby with the umbrella. Ilándong sa bátà ang páyong. Use the umbrella to shade the baby. Mapasílong kitá sa lándong sang káhoy, kay támà kaínit sang ádlaw dirí. Let us take shelter in the shade of the tree, for the heat of the sun here is excessive. (see hándong, lámbung, háron).



Joke, jest, fun, wit, drollery, pleasantry, humour, smart saying, flash of merriment; to tell jokes, make fun, etc. Nagalangás (nagalinangás) siá. He is joking. Linangasán níya akó. He told me some funny things or ridiculous stories. Langasí kamí sang ímo mga hurubáton. Let us hear some of your jokes (witty sayings). (see lahúg, hámpang, linangás).



To roam, loaf, wander, walk about aimlessly and finally "hit", "strike" or "land" somewhere. Túbtub karón walâ kamí sing binatîbátì kag walâ námon mahibál-i, kon sa diín siá maglásog. Up till now we have not heard of him and do not know where he has gone or where he is. (see patúpling).



To walk straight over or through, pass through without road or pathway, make a short-cut, blaze a trail, make a bee-line. Naglatás lang kamí sa talámnan. We simply walked through the field. Latasá lang ang bakólod. Just walk straight over the hill. Latasí lang ang talámnan kay malayô ang dálan. Pass straight through the field, for the road is too far. Indì ka makalatás dirâ, kay támà kasíot. You cannot take a short-cut there, because the vegetation is too dense. (see láktud, rúmbo, lagtás id.).



To announce, publish, make known or public. Lawága ang mga ngálan sang mga nakadalaúg sa paindísíndis. Announce the names of the victors in the competition. Ginlawágan níya kamí sang mga umalamót sa bulúlngan. He made known to us the contributors towards the hospital. Iláwag mo akó siníng pagbulút-an sa nakawáan sang bánwa. Please publish this law or ordinance in the town-square. (see abíso, pabalítà, paháyag, táwag).



To be or become dry, exsiccated, to fade, wither, dry up, shrivel. Ang búlak nga naípò kahápon naláyà (nagkaláyà) na. The flower that was plucked yesterday is dry and shrivelled already. Naláyà na iníng gatóng. This firewood is dry now. Palayáa ang kawáyan ánay kag ugáling guyúron mo. Let the bamboo get dry first and then haul it. Nalayáan kamí sing madámù nga tanúm tungúd sang lakás nga ínit. Many of our plants withered away on account of the excessive heat. (see malá, ugá, layóng, layâ).



To ask a favour, request, pray, beg. Si Fuláno naglíhog sa ákon nga kuháon ko ang íya nga maléta dídto sa baláy níya. N.N. requested me to fetch his hand-bag there from his house. Lihóga siá nga íya kamí lihóan sing manók. Ask him to get some chickens for us. Liníhog ko siá nga magkúhà sang ákon koríyo-or-sang ákon mga sulát sa koríyo. I asked him to fetch my mail-or-my letters from the post-office. Ipalihóg mo akó sa--. Palihóga akó sa ímo sa--. Please do me the favour of--.

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