Search result(s) - ádyò



A contr. of tarádyon-irascible, irritable, getting angry on the slightest provocation. (see pikón).



Ill-humoured, bad-tempered, hot-tempered, quick-tempered, irascible, choleric, testy, touchy, quarrelsome; a termagant, an irascible, angry, excited woman, an ill-humoured female, a great and troublesome chatterbox. (see búrà, buraán, pikón, kutóskutós, tarádyon, ádyò).



Very irascible, quarrelsome, bad-tempered, getting angry very soon and for a slight reason, void of consideration for others and for their views. Putóng siá sing buút. He is narrow-minded. (see pikón, tarádyon, ádyò, kutóskutós).



(B) Irascible, getting soon angry or excited, waxing hot at the slightest provocation, hot-tempered. (see pikón, ádyò, kutóskutós).

kádyos, kadyós


A kind of peas. See kadiós.



The form, shape or way of wearing the Filipino skirt called patádyong. Ang íya pamatádyong buyâ. She wears her patádyong slovenly, loose, not well tied, untidily. (see patádyong).



A kind of skirt worn by Philippine women. (see ámpis, tápis).



(Sp. radio) Radio.



(Sp. radiograma) Radiogram, a message transmitted by radio. (see hatúd-kawát).



To finish, take away or off (a loom or the like). Abána ang ákon háblon sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. Get my cloth off the loom as soon as possible. Ginában sang subâ ang ámon dútà. The river has washed away our land. Abánon mo na ang íya nga balayoón, kay nagtú-gon siá nga, kon maában na, ipadalá sa íya sa waláy lídan. Finish the cloth for making dresses, for she ordered it to be sent to her at once, when it was ready. Abáni akó sing duhá ka patádyong. Get me off the loom two native skirts, i. e. cloth sufficient for two such skirts called patádyong. Dílì makaában ang subâ siníng umá, kay may pángpang nga dínglì. The river cannot carry (wash) away this farm-land, for its bank is of hard sandstone. Naában na ang tátlo ka búlan sa napúlò nga inogbulúthù níya sa koléhyo. Three months have gone by already of the ten he has to study at college. Ginában níya ang dakû níya nga mánggad sa mga kalingáwlingáwan kag waláy pulús nga mga kahinguyángan. He spent his great wealth on diversions and useless extravagance. (see hingápus, hingapús, kúhà, búhin, áb-ab, etc.).



The waist; the place where a native skirt called "patádyong" is fastened or secured; the securing, fastening of a patádyong (by tucking in one end at the waist), (see ulubítan, ubít).



(B) A Philippine woman's skirt; to use or wear such a skirt. Nagaámpis siá sing pulá. She wears a red skirt. Ampisí siá. Put a skirt on her. Paampisí siá. Make somebody put a skirt on her or provide her with a skirt. Ampisón ko lang iníng hábul. I'll make a skirt of this blanket, I'll make this blanket serve as a skirt. Iámpis mo ang ámpis. Put on your skirt. Indì ka na magbistído, kóndì magámpis ka gid. Don't wear a short dress any more, but put on a skirt. (see patádyong, tápis).



Likeness, similarity, resemblance, similitude; like, similar, resembling; to be like or similar to, to compare with. Walâ sing ánggid sa íla nga duhá. There is no resemblance between the two. Anggid silá nga duhá-or-nagaánggid silá nga duhá. The two of them resemble each other-or-are like each other. Ang kápid nagaánggid gid. The twins are very much like each other-or-very much alike. Iánggid (but better "ipaánggid") iníng estampíta sa isá, kay tan-awón ko kon parého silá. Compare this picture with the one there, for I want to see, whether they are alike or resemble each other. Paanggidí ang patádyong ko, kon maghabúl ka sang ímò. Imitate or copy my skirt, when you weave one for yourself. (see agid-ágid).



(Sp. azul) Blue, azure, sky-blue; to colour or dye blue. Ginasúl níya ang báyò ko. He dyed my jacket blue. Dílì mo pagasulón ang patádyong. Don't dye the skirt blue. Ipaasúl ko iníng kolór nga pinúdpud sa ákon báyò. I will use this dye-powder to dye my jacket blue.



The wandering or crossing over mountains, hills, etc.; to cross, pass over heights. Ginbáklay níla ang matáas nga búkid. They crossed the high mountain. Baklayá ang bakólod. Cross the hill. Ibáklay akó siníng mga patádyong sa Hámtik. Kindly take these skirts along over the hills to Antique.



(H) To raise, or lift up a little, clothes such as the skirt, the cassock or the like. Balakínga ang patádyong mo, kay madálum ang subâ. Raise your skirt a little, for the river is deep. Magbaláking ka sang sotána mo, agúd índì mabasâ. Lift your cassock a little, lest it should get wet. (see kalókos, kolókos-to tuck up the trousers or the like; baráking).



(H) To bundle or wrap up, tuck in. Bantalá ang tinápay, ang mga búlak, ang kapáyas, etc. Tie up the bread, the flowers, the papayas, etc. in a bundle. Bantalá (ibántal) ang tinápay sa ímo patádyong. Wrap up the bread in your skirt. Bantalí ang ímo tampíon sing tinápay. Tuck some bread in your apron. (see bágtong, putús).



One subject to frequent fits of ill temper, irascible, choleric. (see kutóskutós, tarádyon, pikón).



To look at something held in the hand, to handle, examine, inspect. Nakabilid akó sang bág-o nga hénero nga kóko sa tiénda kag sa ákon bántà dílì maáyo nga kláse sang hénero yádto. I inspected the new white cloth in the shop and according to my opinion it is not a good kind of cloth. Bídla iní kon úyon mo. Look at this and see, whether you like it. Bídli akó sang mga patádyong nga ginabalígyà ko, kay básì may mauyónan ka. Examine the skirts I keep for sale, perhaps there are some to your liking. (see mútad, sulúng, mulálong, tán-aw, túluk).



To polish, make glossy, make shiny. Bulíha ang patádyong ko. Put a gloss on my skirt. Patádyong nga binúli. A kind of glossy skirt. A patádyong that has been starched and made glossy by beating. (see híning, silíng, sílì).

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