Rice mixed with gatâ (the juice of coconut meat) and stewed in coconut-leaves in the form of rolls; to make a dish of íbus. Ibúsa iníng kalanáy. Make "ibus" of this kalanáy-rice. Iíbus akó ánay siníng pilít. Kindly prepare a dish of "ibus" for me from this pilít-rice. (see ilibusón).
Rice mixed with gatâ (the juice of coconut meat) and stewed in coconut-leaves in the form of rolls; to make a dish of íbus. Ibúsa iníng kalanáy. Make "ibus" of this kalanáy-rice. Iíbus akó ánay siníng pilít. Kindly prepare a dish of "ibus" for me from this pilít-rice. (see ilibusón).
Hulled rice; pimple; to hull or be hulled (of rice). Nagbugás na ang humáy sa lusóng. The rice in the mortar has been hulled. Ang duhá ka pásong ginbugás ko sa pándut. I had two bushels of rice hulled for the feast. Bugasá iníng isá ka gántang. Pound or hull this ganta of rice. Bugasí akó sing napúlò ka gántang sa mga dumulúaw. Hull me ten gantas of rice for the visitors. Ginabugasán akó ni Fuláno. I am supplied with hulled rice by N.N. Binugás mo na ang pilít nga sulumanón kag ilibusón? Have you hulled glutinous rice for making súman (cooked rice mixed with sugar and the juice of coconut-meat) and íbus (rice mixed with the juice of coconut-meat, wrapped up in coconut-leaves and boiled)? May tátlo ka bugás siá sa guyá níya. He has three pimples on his face. (see humáy, pálay-unhulled rice: kán-on-cooked rice).
(B) To take charge of, tackle, handle, perform, execute, work with one's own hands, put one's hand to, accomplish with actual personal labour. Sín-o ang naggálhò sang pagíhaw sang báboy? Who killed the pig? Who actually performed all the work in connection with the killing of the pig? Galhoá lang ang mga hilikotón sa simbáhan sa pándut. Take charge personally of all the preparations in the Church for the feast. Igálhò akó siníng ísdà sa paglútò. Kindly cook this fish for me yourself (in person). Gingálhò ni Fuláno ang ilibusón. N.N. personally got ready all the requisites for making a dish of "íbus". Kon maló-oy ka, galhoón mo lang ang tanán nga mahígkò sang masakít. For mercy's sake, undertake all the work of cleaning the sick person. (see agám, ágap, gamól, gakám, gakóm, gámlò, hámlò).
(H) To get into the habit or knack of, accustom to, inure, exercise, habituate, train, allure, entice, tempt. Galíta siá sa paginúm sing diótay nga tubâ. Accustom him to drink a little toddy. Gingálit niya ang manók sa pagsámpok. He trained the cock to fight. Nagálit na siá sa pagkáon sing íbus. He is now accustomed to eating "íbus". Indì mo siá paggalíton sa paghámpang sang baráha. Don't induce, entice, allure, tempt him to play cards. Don't get him into the habit of playing cards. (see ánad, hánas, bánggad, pabuyó, palúyag).
(H) Materials for making a dish of "íbus".
(H) Materials for making a dish of "íbus".
Made into pilípig. Pinilípig nga pilít. Pilít-rice made into a dish of pilípig or ibus, which see.
(B) See maribúok. (ribusól).
(B) See ribúok, but with the difference that ribusól supposes a greater compactness or hardness than ribóok; ribusól is more used for fat, stout arms and legs and ribóok for plump cheeks and a thick fleshy neck.
The calf (of the leg). (see batíis, busúgbusugán, pusúpusuán).
Tax, duty, tribute, toll, license; impost; to pay a tax, etc. Nakabuhís ikáw sang sédula, contribusyón teritoryál, etc.? Have you paid your cedula-tax, land-tax, etc.? Húo, bág-o pa lang akó magbuhís sinâ. Yes, I paid it only a short while ago. Ginbuhisán níla ang idô. They paid their dog-license. Iníng kwárta ibuhís ko sa ákon gantángan. I'll use this money to pay the tax on my ganta-measure. Ginbuhís ko na ang ápat ka mángmang sa ákon sédula, kay nagparekárgo silá sa ákon (or naparekargohán akó níla) tungúd sang ákon pagkamoróso. I have paid the four pesos for my cedula, for they charged me double on account of my being behindhand,-in arrear,-my not providing myself with a cedula in due time.
To throw-, thrust-, fling-, down missiles from above. Buslogí siá sang hál-o. Hurl the rice-pestle down at him. Ibúslog yanáng kawáyan sa idô. Throw that piece of bamboo down at the dog. Binuslogán níya akó sang íya bastón. He flung his stick down at me.
(Sp. coche) Coach, carriage, omnibus, tramcar, autobus, motor bus.
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