Search result(s) - balay%c3%b3n



Deed, work, performance, act, action; to do, make, perform, accomplish, execute, fashion, turn out. Buháti akó sing delárgo, baúl, binangón, etc. Make me a pair of trousers, a trunk, a bolo, etc. Ibúhat mo akó sing kálò. Kindly make a hat for me. Iníng lugár, konó, pagabuhátan níla sing isá ka dakû nga baláy. In this spot, it is said, they are going to build a large house. Sín-o ang nagbúhat sinâ?-Akó amó ang nagbúhat.-Ngáa man nga ginbúhat mo? Who did that?-I did it.-Why did you do it? Usisáon mo sing maáyo ang mga binuhátan sináng táo. Inquire well into the doings of that man. Iníng mga káhoy ibúhat ko sa ákon baláy. These trees I'll make use of to build myself a house. Indì ka magbúhat sinâ. Don't do that. (see hímò, túga). Figuratively: Búhat na kon ginapaúlan ka sang ságad língkod. Stand up and move about, if you are getting cramped from sitting long.



Hole, aperture, orifice, depression, cavity, hollow, opening; to make a hole, etc. Buhói iníng tápì, láta, kahón, dútà, etc. Make a hole in this plank, tin, box, ground, etc. Binuhóan na níla ang bulugsókan sang baláy. They have already made the holes in the ground on which the house-posts are to be set up. Ibúhò akó ánay sing isá ka láta nga gátas, kay ilakót ko sa kapé. Will you, please, open a tin of milk for me, because I wish to mix it with the coffee. Pagwaá ang haló sa íya búhò. Get the iguana out of its hole.



To help, assist, aid, lend a hand, give a helping hand, do or work jointly with another. Bulígi akó. Help me. Binulígan níya siá sa pagarádo. He helped him to plough. Nagabuligáy, nagabuligánay or nagabinuligáy silá. They are co-operating, helping each other. Ipabúlig ko sa ímo ang ákon sologo-ón. I'll let my servant assist you. Kon índì siá nínyo pagbulígan índì siá makatápus sang íya nga olobráhon. He cannot finish his work, unless you come to his assistance. Kay ginbulígan mo akó sa pagpatíndog sang ákon baláy pagabulígan ko man ikáw sa pagpatíndog sang ímo. Because you assisted me in building my house I will also help you in erecting yours. (see tábang).



To demolish, destroy, dismantle, pull down, take down. Bungkagá ang baláy. Pull down the house. Dílì mo pagbungkagón ang káro nga napunihán, kay may kinahánglan pa akó sinâ. Don't dismantle the decorated car, for I need it again. Bungkagí akó sing isá ka síya nga dáan, kay himóon ko nga balayán sang isá ka kwádro. Take to pieces an old chair for me, because I am going to make a picture-frame of it. Ibúngkag mo akó ánay sang entabládo. Please take down the stage. (see gubâ, láglag).



Will, intention, mind, reason, understanding, intelligence; to will, want, desire, wish, intend, direct, do as one pleases, set one's heart upon. Anó ang buút mo? What is your will, intention? What do you want? Iníng bátà walâ pa sing buút. This child has not yet come to the use of reason. Maáyo siá sing buút. He has good intentions, has a kind heart. Ang buút ko nga magmaáyo ang ákon anák. It is my wish that my child should become good. Ginabút-an níya ang tanán nga kadapátan sa sulúd sang baláy. Everything in the house is subject to his will or direction. Bút-a na lang siá. Now, just accept him (as your bridegroom). Ginbút-an níya ang pagpuní sang simbáhan. He directed-, looked after-, superintended-, the decorating of the church. Nagágaw siá sang ákon dútà, kay ginbuút níya. He took possession of my land, because he had set his heart on it. Bátok inâ sa ákon buút. That is (was) against my wishes (see kabubút-on).



Cursing, swearing, foul-, strong-, bad-, vituperative-, language, malediction, malison, imprecation, vituperation, scurrility; to abuse in strong language, curse, swear, imprecate, scold severely in opprobrious terms. Nagabuyáyaw siá sa íya nga bátà. She is giving her child a good scolding. Ginbuyáyaw níya akó. He cursed and swore at me. Indì mo siá pagbuyayáwon. Don't abuse him in scurrilous language. Daláyon gid lang silá nagapamuyáyaw dirâ sináng baláy. In that house over there they are always scolding. (see panóloy, panolóy, pangárà, pamúlag, pamúsa, pamulúgso, púyas).



Old, ancient, antiquated, used, worn, out of date or fashion, behind the times, primitive, archaic. Dáan na iníng baláy. This is an old house. Ginhámbal ko iní sa ímo nga dáan. I told you this before or long ago. Mga dáan na kitá sa kalibútan. We are a long time in the world, are getting old. Ang Dáan nga Katípan. The Old Law or Testament. Sa walâ pa nga dáan --. Beforehand, before it happened or came about --. Walâ silá magpahibaló sinâ sa ákon nga dáan, kóndì karón lang. They did not tell me that before, but only now. Sang dáan nga mga tinúig dáan man ang mga batásan. In ancient time there were also ancient customs. Ang dáan ko nga panápton. My old or worn out clothes. (see dumáan, mál-am, tigúlang, sádto, ánay, kinarágto, sinádto, minál-am).



(H) Fire, flame; burning, blazing, afire, on fire. May dabók sa idálum sang baláy. There is a fire under the house. Ang dabók sang kaláyo. The flame of fire. (see daíg).



(B) To use recklessly, handle without regard or consideration, treat roughly. Gindádol gid lang níya ang bág-o nga mga sapátos sa mga kabatohán. He wears his new boots quite recklessly in places where there are rocks. Indì ka magdádol sang diótay mo nga bátà sa mabúdlay nga dálan. Don't take your small child along over difficult roads. Indì mo pagdadólon kón diín ka makádto ang bátà nga may hilánat, kóndì ibílin mo siá sa baláy. Don't take with you wherever you go the child with the cold, but leave it at home. Gindádol níya sa lúnang ang matahúm níya nga sinélas. He dragged his beautiful slippers (regardlessly) through the mud. (see gánoy, gúyud).



Peace, friendliness, amity, concord, harmony, amicableness, good social relations; to be at peace with, have good social relations, be on good terms with, etc. Kon magdaétay kamó masádya kamó. If you live together in peace you will be happy. Walâ sing dáet sa siní nga baláy, daláyon gid lang silá nagasulúay. There is no peace in this family, they are always quarrelling. Daéti si Fuláno. Be friendly towards N.N. Make peace with N.N. Dî mo pagdaétan ang mga maláut sing pamatásan. Don't enter into friendly relations with men of bad habits. (see hidáit).



A fence of horizontal split bamboo fastened to posts about a yard apart; to make such a fence. Dagandaní ang sa idálum sang baláy, ang pamulákan, etc. Make a dagándan-fence around the lower part of the house, around the flower-garden, etc. Dagandaná iníng mga kawáyan. Prepare this bamboo for a dagándan-fence or make a dagándan-fence of it. Idagándan iníng mga kawayán. Use this bamboo for making a dagándan-fence. Diín si tátay mo?-Nagadagándan siá sang talámnan. Where is your father?-He is making a dagándan-fence round the field. (see síklat-a fence of vertical split bamboo).



To work-, help in work-without wages,-for nothing,-without pay,-voluntarily,-gratuitously. Nagadágiaw silá sa pagpatíndog sang ermíta. They are working without wages at putting up the chapel. Gindagiawán níla ang baláy sang kalasálon. They worked without pay at building the house for the marriage couple. Dagiawí akó sing duhá ka ádlaw sa pagóbra sa simbáhan. Help me by working at the church two days without pay.



(H) Large, great, big, important, vast, massive, ample, voluminous, huge, bulky; to be or become large, etc. Dakû nga táo. A great man. Dakû nga butáng. An important thing. Nagdakû na ang bátà. The child has grown big. Dakuá ang ákon báhin sang tinápay. Increase my share of the bread. Gindakû níla ang baláy nga sádto ánay diótay. They enlarged the house that formerly was so small. Padakuí akó sing isá ka bílog nga báboy, kay kon dakû na pagabáklon ko sa ímo. Raise a pig for me, for when it is of a good size, I will buy it from you. Ang láswa amó ang íya nadák-an (nadakuán). He was reared or brought up on vegetables. (see hánggud, dalágkù).



To act rashly, impulsively, do light-heartedly, perform thoughtlessly. Indì ka magdalámhà sa pagsákà sa baláy ni Fuláno, kay básì kágton ka sang íya idô. Don't light-heartedly enter the house of N.N., for his dog may bite you. (see dalás, tabinás, patarásak).



Lingering, tarrying, stopping; delaying, staying on, protracting one's stay, remaining at peace, having one's mind at rest. Indì akó dalamúnon dirí, kay may bisíta akó sa baláy. I cannot tarry here, for I have visitors at home. (see daramúnon, darámnon, ogkánan).



(H) Pl. form of dáyon. Nagdaláyon silá sa ákon baláy. They stayed at my home. Also adjective: Continuous, constant, persevering; always. Daláyon gid lang nagagáhud iníng mga bátà. These children are always so noisy. (dáyon).



To be quick, prompt, fast, swift, speedy, rapid; to hasten, hurry, skurry, make haste, quicken, speed up, accelerate. Tungúd sa anó nga nagadalî ikáw? Why are you in such a hurry? Nagdalî siá sa pagpaúlì, kay masakít si nánay níya. He hurried home, because his mother is sick. Daliá! Be quick! Hasten! Make haste! Gindalî níya ang pagsulát sa kay Fuláno. He wrote N.N. without delay. Dinalián níla ang baláy sang trabáho. They set to work on the house with despatch, without delay. Padaliá ang íya paglakát. Tell him to walk fast.



Strong in every sense. Dalísay nga bíno, baláy, táo, káhoy, bató, balatiágon, gúgma, etc. A strong wine, house, man, tree, stone, feeling, love, etc. Nagadalísay ang íya kabubút-on. His resolution strengthened. (see mabáskug, maísug, mapúrus, hámrus, matíg-a, mapág-on, mabákud, malíg-on, makúsug, etc.).



Frequented, much resorted to, haunt of many, visited by many; to frequent, haunt, resort to, visit often. Dílì gid damít sang táo iníng lugár. This place is but seldom visited by human beings. Nagadamít siá sa ámon baláy. He is a frequent visitor at our house. He often calls on us. (see daní, gamít).



Bright, conspicuous, visible from a far distance, gaudy, garish, showy, flaunting, glaring, flaring, vivid; to be bright, etc. Nagadángdang ang íya báyò, ang mga búlak siníng káhoy, ang duág sang íya baláy etc. His jacket is of a bright colour, the flowers of this tree are very showy, the colour of his house is visible from a great distance, etc. (see dagáang, dagángdang, dánggà).

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