Search result(s) - dalan-dalan



(B) Edge, rim, border, margin side, corner, any place away from the centre or middle. Pabinít-to put or place on or go to the edge of, etc. Mapabinít lang kamó. Just place yourselves at the outer edge. Sa binít sang baláy, subâ, dálan, etc. At the side of the house, river, road, etc. Pabinití (pabínti) ang hénero sing tahî. Sew the cloth at the edge or selvedge. Pabínta (pabinitá) ang síya. Put the chair to the side of the room near the wall, away from the centre, etc. according to the context. (see bíbî, bígki, higád, hilít).



To crush, powder, grind, mash, pulverize, comminute, break, bruise, pound, reduce to fine particles. Bokboká ang bugás. Powder the hulled rice. Bokbokí akó sing diótay nga maís nga kinokót. Grind some corn for me. Binókbok nga balátong. Mashed beans. Ibókbok mo akó ánay siníng dalógdog nga ipamányos ko. Kindly crush this dalógdog-fruit for me, as I wish to rub myself with it. Figuratively: Natungâtúngà námon ang dálan nga mapailóngílong kag bokbokán kamí sang ulán. We had covered about half the distance on the road leading to Iloilo, when we were overtaken by a pelting shower of rain. (see sâsâ, tâtâ, mômô, lumâ, pusâ).



A little hilly, uneven, bumpy, up and down. Boklódbóklod iníng dálan, salúg, etc. This road, floor, etc. is uneven, is full of little bumps and hollows.



To stumble-, step-, fall-, into a hole, a mud-pool, etc. Mangalókos ka sang ímo sárwal, kay lunángon ang dálan, kag ándam ka, agúd índì ka makabuláug sa danáw. Tuck up your trousers, for the road is muddy, and be careful not to step into a puddle. (see tádag, túdag).



(B) To use recklessly, handle without regard or consideration, treat roughly. Gindádol gid lang níya ang bág-o nga mga sapátos sa mga kabatohán. He wears his new boots quite recklessly in places where there are rocks. Indì ka magdádol sang diótay mo nga bátà sa mabúdlay nga dálan. Don't take your small child along over difficult roads. Indì mo pagdadólon kón diín ka makádto ang bátà nga may hilánat, kóndì ibílin mo siá sa baláy. Don't take with you wherever you go the child with the cold, but leave it at home. Gindádol níya sa lúnang ang matahúm níya nga sinélas. He dragged his beautiful slippers (regardlessly) through the mud. (see gánoy, gúyud).



Road, street, way, course, route, track, pathway, causeway, highway, thoroughfare, path, passage. (see bánas, baginás, alágyan).



Line, row, tier. Isá ka dalán nga maís. One row of maize (on the cob). Pilá ka dalán ang isá ka kayán? How many rows of corn are there on a cob? Walâ siá magsulát sa ákon sing bisán isá ka dalán. He did not write me a line. (see dinalán).



Road, etc. See dálan. Indì ka mahádluk magkádto dídto, kay madámù ang mga táo nga nagalakát sa amó nga dalanón. Don't be afraid to go there, for there are many people walking on the same road.



To slip, slide, skate, skid. Nakadalín-as akó. I slipped. Padalin-asá siá. Make him slip. Ang kadánlug sang dálan nagpadalín-as sa ákon. The greasiness of the road caused me to slip. Pinadalín-as ang áwto sang ulán. The rain caused the automobile to skid. (see dúpyas).



Pool, puddle, piece of swampy soil, small collection of water in a hole or depression as seen after a heavy shower of rain; to form puddles or pools. Nagadanáw ang túbig sa dálan or ang dálan ginadanawán sang túbig or may mga danáw sa dálan. The water is making puddles on the road.



Slipperiness, greasiness; to be or become slippery, greasy. Nagdánlug ang dálan tungúd sang ulán. The road has become slippery on account of the rain. Padanlugá ang lapgósan, agúd mabúdlay ang pagsákà. Make the pole greasy, so that it may be hard to climb. Nadanlugán akó siníng dálan. This road is too slippery for me.



To invite, call to, request one's presence or company; to lead by the hand, guide, help along a road or the like. Dapíta siá. Invite him. Dapíti ang kalasálon sang isá ka bánda nga músika. Engage a band for the marriage-feast. Idápit akó ánay sa íya. Please invite him for me or in my name. Sa tanán nga mga dinápit diótay lámang ang mga nagtalámbong. Of all those that were invited only a few attended. Dinapítan níla ang íla pándut sing madámù nga mga Párì. They invited many priests to assist at their feast. Gindápit níya ang bátà. He led the baby or child by the hand. Dapíta iníng tigúlang nga táo sa íya paglakát sa dálan. Help this old man along the road. Guide-, lead-, support-him on his way along the road. (see ágda, kángay, hágad).



To form-, follow-, keep-, in line, stand-in a row,-in file,-in rank, walk in Indian file. Nagadáyday ang mga táo sa prosesyón. The people in the procession are keeping in line. Daydayá ang mga bátà. Draw up the children in line. Daydayí ang binít sang dálan sang mga eskwéla. Make the school-children stand in a row at the side of the road. Padaydayá ang mga bátà. Make the children form in line. (see ídas, andána, kóro).



A line, verse, etc. See dalán.



(B) Thorn, prick, prickle, barb, spike, spine, point; to prick, scatter-, strew with-, thorns, etc. Nadógi ang tiíl ko. My foot was pricked by a thorn. Sín-o ang nagdógi sang dálan? Who strewed the road with thorns? Who scattered thorns on the road? Gindogíhan (gindógian) níla ang kodál sang pamulákan. They put thorns in the garden-fence. Iníng kamúnsil idógi ko sa dálan sa binít sang ákon umá, agúd índì masúdlan sang mga háyup. These camunsel-branches with their prickles I will put on the road near the edge of my field, so that animals cannot enter. (see súyak, dalíngag, tunók).



(B) Thorny, prickly, spinous, barbed, bristling with thorns. Dogíhon nga kahóykahóy, dálan, bakólod, etc. A thorny shrub, a road strewn with thorns, a hill covered with thorns, etc. (see tunukón).



Addition, augmentation, increment, increase, accretion, accession, supplement, complement, codicil; to add, augment, increase, superadd, subjoin, accrue, superpose, superimpose, throw in or on (as an addition). Nagadúgang pa ang bahâ sang subâ. The flood of the river is still on the increase. Nagadúgang gid lámang ang íya mga kalisúd. His difficulties are becoming more numerous. Dugángi ang súd-an. Increase the quantity of the side-dishes. Gindugángan níla ang mga mamumugón, agúd madalî matápus ang dálan. They have added more workmen, in order that the road may be finished soon. Dugángi ang asín sa sópas. Put more salt in the soup. Idúgang mo lang iníng duhá ka nahót nga kawáyan sa ísa ka gatús nga binakál ko sa ímo. Just add these two pieces of bamboo to the hundred I bought from you. Dugángan pa sang kosinéro ang túbig sa kólon?-Hóo, padugánga siá, kon buút siá magdúgang sang túbig. Shall the cook put more water into the rice-kettle?-Yes, let him put in more, if he likes to increase the quantity of water. May dúgang pa? Is there still something to be added? Gindúgang pa gid níya ang pilá ka dinalán sa ákon sulát. He added a few lines-, a postscript-, to my letter. (see túbò, áman, támba, támban).



To walk with bent shoulders as old people, walk about with a stoop, to duck, stoop down, lower the head. Nagadúroy siá nga daw úmbok. He walks about like a quail. Dúroy ka, kay masíot ang dálan. Stoop low, for the road is overgrown. Duróya ang paglakát mo, kay nagabúyok ang mga sangâ sang káhoy. Bend down as you walk, for the branches of the tree are hanging down low. (see dúkoy, kuúb, dukô).



To sit or stand still, be motionless, stop, remain standing, cease to proceed, halt, station oneself, take one's stand. Indì ka magdúyò sa tungâ sang dálan. Don't remain standing in the middle of the road. Indì mo pagduyóan ang ganháan sang bodéga. Don't stand in the shop-door. Magdúyò ka dirí. Stand here. (see táy-od).



To clear a road through dense undergrowth, cut or hack one's way through, open a passage through a jungle. Gahíti akó sing dálan. Clear a road for me. Sín-o ang naggáhit sing alágyan dirí? Who was it that cleared a passage here? Igáhit ang binángon siníng masíot nga lugár. Use the bolo to cut a way through this jungle. Dakû ang íya pagbatás kag madámù nga kabudláyan ang íya nga ginágyan sa paggáhit sing dálan siníng bág-o nga palatikángan. He had to suffer much and go through much fatigue in opening the way for this new enterprise.

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