Search result(s) - gilayón



(H) Without delay or interposition, at once, forthwith, immediately, instantly, suddenly, straight-away, directly, off hand, on the spur of the moment, out of hand, on the spot, promptly, with dispatch, without an interval of rest. Sang pagabút níya dirí nagsákà siá gilayón sa ámon baláy. When he arrived here he at once came to our home. Sa tápus ang prosesyón gilayón magasúgud ang Mísa Máyor. After the procession High Mass will begin at once. Magdalágan ka dídto, kuháon mo ang ákon koríyo sa madalî, kag gilayón dálhon mo dirí. Run over there, get my mail quickly and immediately bring it here. Magpahúay ka ánay, índì ka maglakát sa gilayón. Take a rest first, don't go on immediately. (see dáyon, lági, lagílági).



To marvel, wonder, be amazed, be struck with wonder, be surprised or astonished. Nagabalábalá gid akó sang kadásig sang ímo kabáyo, sang kadúgay sang ímo óbra, etc. I am surprised at the swiftness of your horse, at the length of time you are at your work, etc. Indì ka magbalábalá kon índì kamí magabút sa gilayón, kay mabúdlay man ang dálan. Don't be astonished, if we do not come at once, for the road is difficult. Daw nabalábalá akó sang íya nga pangáon. I marvelled at the way he attacked the food. He surprised me with the amount he ate.



To maintain-, keep-, stay-, long, protract, prolong, put off. Indì mo paghutoón ang mga panápton nga bulingón, kóndì bunákan mo gilayón. Don't keep the dirty clothes (lying about) for a long time, but wash them at once.



(B) Quick, at once, immediately, without delay, with great despatch; surely, precisely, without questioning; always, constantly. Kádto ka dídto lági. Go there at once. Búl-a lági ang pinutús ko dirâ sa ságwà. Be quick and fetch my parcel from the drawing room. Akó lági ang ímo ginahán-an kon anó ang mahanabô. You always blame me for everything. (see gilayón, dalî).



To enter deep, penetrate, permeate, sink into, soak in, be absorbed. Naglátum na ang íya balatían, kay walâ níya pagbúlnga sa gilayón. His sickness has now taken firm hold, for he did not apply remedies at once. Nagalátum sa ákon tagiposóon ang íya matám-is nga láygay. His sweet counsels are penetrating or touching my heart. Nalatúman (nalátman) akó siníng mga kalisúd. These troubles have touched me to the quick, have entered deep into my soul. Ang dálit sang mán-og naglátum na sa íya kaugatán. The snake poison has now permeated his veins. (see tudúk, turúk, salúpsup, kágit, etc.).



To repress, restrain, check, prevent, curb, hold-, keep-, back (in check), to hinder, impede, control, withhold. Púnggi ang kaákig mo. Curb your anger. Pinúnggan níya siá sa pagkáon sing kárne. He prevented him from eating meat. Daw sa dílì na mapúnggan ang dakû níya nga dumút. His great hatred can scarcely be repressed now. It looks as if his intense hatred has got beyond his control. Walâ níya mapúnggi sa gilayón ang nagadalágan nga áwto kag ang makalolóoy nga táo nadalasâ. He could not stop at once the racing automobile and the poor man was run over. (see puút, sagáng, tápnà).



To go to or visit a place (by chance, unexpectedly, for the first time); to flit through, pass, enter, waft, be wafted (of a thought, wind, or the like). Natingála akó nga nakasáy-o ka dirí sa ámon. I am surprised to see you here. I am astonished that you have come to pay us this (first) visit. Isíkway mo sa gilayón ang panumdúman sa mga buyúng kon magsáy-o sa ímo hunâhúnà, kay nagapahádluk sa ímo. Forget (Dismiss from your mind the thought of) the robbers, because you are frightened when you think (are reminded) of them. Kon maghuyúp sing mabáskug ang hángin nagasáy-o dirí ang kahumút sang mga búlak gíkan sinâ nga pamulákan. When the wind blows strongly, the fragrance of the flowers is wafted over here from that garden.



(Sp. seguida) Succession; continuation. En segída-at once, fortwith, immediately, without delay. (see dáyon, gilayón, lági).



To sever at a single stroke, cut-, slice-, through, cut off at one swing with a sharp-edged instrument; to kill outright; to die-forthwith,-at once,-on the spot. Gintígbak níya ang ságing. He cut down the banana at a stroke. Tigbaká ang ághò. Cut or slice through the ághò-tree. Ginlúthang níya ang buyóng nga natígbak sa gilayón. He shot the brigand that (was hit and) died on the spot. Naglabô siá sa íya sa pagtígbak sa íya. He smote him with the intention of killing him on the spot. (see tígbas).



A pursuing squad, a troop of men or soldiers going in pursuit of brigands, etc.; band, body, batch, troop; to go in pursuit of, to pursue, chase, round up; to go to-, gather at-, a scene of action. Tugpahí silá. Pursue them. Go after them and round them up. Gintugpahán námon ang mga buyóng kag ginbáwì námon sa íla kamót ang mga biníhag níla. We pursued the robbers and rescued their prisoners. Sang pagkabatî níla nga may súnug sa dálan X. tumúgpa silá dídto sa gilayón. When they heard that there was a fire in X-street, they went there at once. (see lagás, dúgok, dúbok).



Pure, undefiled, unadulterated, uncontaminated, unalloyed, unmixed; sincere, honest, coming from the heart; perfect, complete, unconditional. Túnay nga gúgma. Pure, honest, sincere love or affection. Túnay nga kaluásan kag gilayón, dílì pakuláhaw kag saliagúm. Complete and immediate independence, not a sham or indefinite (independence). (see lúnsay, lubús, lúgus, búg-os).



After, subsequently, having finished, immediately afterwards (after). This "ubús" is usually preceded by "sa" or "sang" and followed by potential verbal forms ma-, maka-, etc. e.g. Sang ubús na matápus ang íya hámbal--. After his speech--. Having had his say--. Sang ubús na siá makasulát tumíndog siá gilayón. Having finished his writing he stood up at once. Sa ubús mo makúhà ang koríyo kadtoí si Fuláno. First fetch the mail and then go over to N.N. Sa ubús ka mamáhaw magság-ub ka. After breakfast you shall fetch some water. (see tápus).



After, subsequently, having finished, immediately afterwards (after). This "ubús" is usually preceded by "sa" or "sang" and followed by potential verbal forms ma-, maka-, etc. e.g. Sang ubús na matápus ang íya hámbal--. After his speech--. Having had his say--. Sang ubús na siá makasulát tumíndog siá gilayón. Having finished his writing he stood up at once. Sa ubús mo makúhà ang koríyo kadtoí si Fuláno. First fetch the mail and then go over to N.N. Sa ubús ka mamáhaw magság-ub ka. After breakfast you shall fetch some water. (see tápus).



-um-, This syllable goes to form the following tenses: the Active Imperative, the Conditional Future, the Past. When the verb begins with a vowel, um-is put before the vowel, e.g. abút-to come, becomes umabút. When the verb begins with a consonant, um-is put after the consonant, e.g. halín-to depart, becomes humalín.

1) Active Imperative. Bumúhat ka sinâ. Do it. Make it. Uminúm ka na kag pumadáyon sang ímo paglakát. Take a drink and continue your journey. (búhat, inúm, padáyon).

2) Conditional Future. Kon lumígad na ang tátlo ka ádlaw bayáran mo akó sing (sa) waláy balíbad. After three days you must pay me without shift. Kon dumángat ka sinâ--. When (If) you obtain that--. (lígad, dángat).

3) The Past. In vivid narrative equivalent to what is called the Historical Present. Sang pagkabatî níya siní sa gilayón umílis siá kag lumakát. On hearing this he at once changes his clothes and sets out. Tumalikód lang siá kag humípus. All he does is to turn his back saying nothing. "Si Hesús nalóoy sa íya kag sumilíng:"--. Jesus had mercy on her and said:"--. Tumíndog na man si Nikolás, "Hóo, may katarúngan siá", sumalígbat siá sang íla halambalánon. Nicolas too stands up, and interrupting their conversation, blurts out: "Yes he is right". (ílis, lakát, talikód, hípus, silíng, tíndog, salígbat).

N.B. If, further, "l" is put after the first vowel of the verb, we get the forms umal-, umil-, umol-, umul-, which denote the agent of what the root signifies, e.g. umalági-a passer-by (ági); pumililî-an elector, voter (pílì); tumolóo-a believer (tóo); bumulúthò-one who goes to school, a student, pupil, alumnus (búthò); bumulúlig, bumululíg-helper, assistant (búlig); bumalákal-buyer, customer (bakál); tumalánum-planter, farmer (tanúm); sumilílhig-sweeper (sílhig); dumalalá-manager, conductor, leader, etc. etc. (see inm-, mag-, nag-, manug-, tig-, tag-).



-um-, This syllable goes to form the following tenses: the Active Imperative, the Conditional Future, the Past. When the verb begins with a vowel, um-is put before the vowel, e.g. abút-to come, becomes umabút. When the verb begins with a consonant, um-is put after the consonant, e.g. halín-to depart, becomes humalín.

1) Active Imperative. Bumúhat ka sinâ. Do it. Make it. Uminúm ka na kag pumadáyon sang ímo paglakát. Take a drink and continue your journey. (búhat, inúm, padáyon).

2) Conditional Future. Kon lumígad na ang tátlo ka ádlaw bayáran mo akó sing (sa) waláy balíbad. After three days you must pay me without shift. Kon dumángat ka sinâ--. When (If) you obtain that--. (lígad, dángat).

3) The Past. In vivid narrative equivalent to what is called the Historical Present. Sang pagkabatî níya siní sa gilayón umílis siá kag lumakát. On hearing this he at once changes his clothes and sets out. Tumalikód lang siá kag humípus. All he does is to turn his back saying nothing. "Si Hesús nalóoy sa íya kag sumilíng:"--. Jesus had mercy on her and said:"--. Tumíndog na man si Nikolás, "Hóo, may katarúngan siá", sumalígbat siá sang íla halambalánon. Nicolas too stands up, and interrupting their conversation, blurts out: "Yes he is right". (ílis, lakát, talikód, hípus, silíng, tíndog, salígbat).

N.B. If, further, "l" is put after the first vowel of the verb, we get the forms umal-, umil-, umol-, umul-, which denote the agent of what the root signifies, e.g. umalági-a passer-by (ági); pumililî-an elector, voter (pílì); tumolóo-a believer (tóo); bumulúthò-one who goes to school, a student, pupil, alumnus (búthò); bumulúlig, bumululíg-helper, assistant (búlig); bumalákal-buyer, customer (bakál); tumalánum-planter, farmer (tanúm); sumilílhig-sweeper (sílhig); dumalalá-manager, conductor, leader, etc. etc. (see inm-, mag-, nag-, manug-, tig-, tag-).